Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 508 8 Turns into Immortals

Chapter 508
Time flies, and another 20 days have passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, Wentian, who was soaked in the pool transformed by three drops of Tianyi Shenshui, suddenly opened his eyes, which were radiant and extremely frightening.

I saw him here, with a faint mysterious aura glowing all over his body, his body shone like metal, and there was a strong aura emanating from him.

He was full of energy, and at this moment he opened his mouth and took a deep breath, and immediately, he clenched his fists vigorously with both hands, and the blood in his body completely boiled at this moment.

Boom boom boom! !

A monstrous force of Qi and blood rose from his body, making his skin red, as if being burned by thousands of flames, exuding an astonishing warmth.

At the same time, his eyebrows were beaming, and his black hair was flying wildly, revealing his rebelliousness.

In that instant, the ancient spirit scriptures were running in his body with all his strength, his body was full of golden light, and his momentum was monstrous.

The body of truth and falsehood, the ancient mountain, and the earth-suppressing tower are all condensed behind his back, making him look like the reappearance of an ancient fairy god, extremely domineering.

"Peak of rank eight, break it for me!"

Suddenly, his eyes were like lightning, and he roared loudly.

Boom boom boom! !Immediately, his aura was like a rainbow, and the aura on his body continued to climb upwards, as if he wanted to compare himself with the sky and the earth, as if he wanted to blast through the cave and pierce the sky.

One breath passed, two breaths passed... His aura was still increasing sharply, as if it would never end.

Seeing that he was about to reach the peak of Vientiane again, that is, the peak of rank eight, he felt excited for a while.

But at this moment, he seemed to feel an inexplicable barrier that rebounded his breath.

In an instant, his expression changed drastically.

"Pfft..." A mouthful of blood spurted out, and his complexion instantly turned pale.

"Damn, how could this be?"

"Could it be that if I don't break through this barrier in a day, I won't be able to break through to the peak of rank eight?" Thinking of this, Wentian felt unwilling.

At this moment, he finally understood why in the end of ancient times, countless arrogances embarked on the road to becoming a god at rank nine, but very few people reached the peak of rank eight.

But he was not discouraged.

His eyes flashed, and a large handful of elixirs appeared in his hand. These were all Xuan-level elixirs, which he refined himself.

After swallowing a large amount of elixir, his eyes showed firmness again, and immediately his hands frantically formed seals, and the aura on his body rose again.

Boom boom boom!
"I don't believe that I can't break you." He shouted angrily, his body was like a rainbow, and he rushed straight to the eighth turn.

"Hum!" Suddenly, he trembled all over, as if he had been under some tremendous pressure, his face turned pale.

"Puff puff..." The next moment, his expression changed drastically again, and he spurted three mouthfuls of blood in a row.

His eyes were wide open, his expression extremely astonished, and there was a trace of blood red in his eyes, which was a strong unwillingness and a touch of crazy persistence.

He flashed fiercely, and then swallowed the pill again, one hundred, two hundred...

Hiss... If someone saw him being so crazy, they would definitely take a breath of air.

Although this is only a mysterious pill, but swallowing it like this, not to mention the Shenyuan realm, even a true god would not dare to swallow it.

After swallowing a total of [-] mysterious pills, he recovered again, his gaze was like a blade, and there was an unyielding will.

Immediately afterwards, he actually made a crazy move.

I saw him suddenly open his mouth, and then he produced a suction force, swallowing the pool water into his body frantically.

This is three drops of heaven and one god water.

Although this has been explained many times, it is still a fetish and possesses divinity, but I did not expect that someone would be so bold as to swallow them into the body.

With this swallow, Wentian devoured one-third of the water in the pool. With a ferocious look on his face, with that touch of madness, he roared again: "Break it!"


His aura rose again, and it became even more violent than before. His eyes were blood red, and his body was mixed with blood and golden light, like a blood dragon and a golden dragon intertwined.

It was about to reach the peak of rank eight, but at this moment, that strange enchantment reappeared, it seemed to be the realm of heaven, and mortals were not allowed to step in, and people who rebelled against the way were not allowed to be born.

Even though he charged with all his strength, the barrier was still impenetrable, and the stronger the rebounding force, Ren Wentian's face became extremely ferocious, traces of blood ooze from the corners of his mouth, and even his body cracked.

"Damn it, I'm not reconciled!" He roared crazily, his eyes were bloodshot like spider webs.

"Roar..." Maybe sensing his unwillingness, the Dragon Emperor's ancient veins in his body roared.

A golden light burst out, and then a majestic and domineering golden dragon with two wings and five claws appeared.

Refining the inner alchemy of the four-headed python, its breath became stronger and its body became more and more solid.

However, at this moment, it opened its dragon mouth and sprayed out a stream of dragon's breath on Wentian.

Immediately, a golden light burst out between Wentian's eyebrows, and the imprint of the dragon pattern was extremely bright, several times more dazzling than before.

Boom, his aura exploded again at this moment, crazily hitting the strange barrier.

"Crack!" Suddenly, Wentian heard a small cracking sound in his head.

As soon as the voice came out, he looked ecstatic.

But the next moment, he roared unwillingly: "No..."

His voice was full of hatred, full of grief and indignation, because the crack that had just appeared in the enchantment recovered instantly.

Not only that, but that strange enchantment has become even stronger than before, as if every time it shatters, it has to become stronger.

This is simply like the realm of heaven, a realm that cannot be touched by mortal power.

At the same time, a strange feeling appeared in his mind, as if in the dark, there was a pair of ruthless pupils watching his every move.

He was even more faintly aware of the other party's condescension and disdain for him.

Not to mention him, even the Dragon Emperor's ancient veins circling around him felt a burst of intense anger.

"Roar..." It opened its mouth and roared wildly, and the roar was boundless, conveying an unyielding meaning.

"Om!" Suddenly, a mysterious glow came from its mouth, and a monstrous aura leaked out.

As soon as this qi came out, Wentian's expression changed drastically, because this was celestial qi, the celestial qi that surpassed demons, demons, Buddhas, ghosts, and gods.

From the mouth of the Dragon Emperor's ancient veins, a stream of immortal energy entwined with immortal light slowly flew out. This stream of immortal energy was exactly the immortal energy that Wentian got from the ancient demon in the lower realm.

This immortal energy has never come out since it was swallowed by the Dragon Emperor's ancient veins, nor has it been refined, but it was unexpected that it would fly out automatically at this moment.

Maybe it sensed the unwillingness in Wentian's heart, or the contempt of Heavenly Dao, which made it buzz.

With a buzzing sound, it turned into countless strands of immortal energy, and began to merge into Wentian's flesh and blood body.

As these immortal qi melted into his body, Wentian actually had immortal qi.

That's right, it's fairy air.

Here he is like an ancient immortal waking up, with immortal lights in his eyes and immortal spirit in his soul.

Fairy is unyielding!Try to be taller than the sky!
boom! !

The aura on his body erupted like a volcano, erupting endlessly, and the true and false body, the ancient mountain, and the sky-suppressing tower behind him all trembled crazily as if stimulated at this moment.

A strange scene appeared!

I saw that the real and fake body continued to solidify, and finally turned into his appearance, but his face was a little more majestic, as if he was a figure who ruled the world.

However, at this moment, with his left hand holding the ancient mountain and his right hand holding the Heaven-Suppressing Pagoda, he was like an ancient immortal emperor, with absolute domineering power.

"Peak of rank eight! Break!"

At the same time, the main body Wentian and the true and false body Wentian both looked domineering and shouted loudly.

Boom! !Even at this moment, the body of true and false lifted up the ancient mountain and the sky-suppressing tower, and ruthlessly smashed into Wentian's body.


Immediately after Wentian heard a loud bang in his head, that strange barrier was finally completely shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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