Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 511 Love at first sight

Chapter 511 Love at First Sight (Part [-])
"Huh?" Some female disciples who were cultivating late at night suddenly changed their expressions, as if they sensed some trouble, and immediately became vigilant.

"Strange? Why is there no one? Could it be that I was thinking too much?" But soon they looked puzzled, then shook their heads slightly, and fell into cultivation again.

These female disciples are actually powerful true gods.

Not long after, a gust of wind blew through the void, followed by Wentian's figure.

"According to what senior brother said, this should be the mountain where that autumn leaf lives." Looking at a mountain in front of him, Wentian thought to himself.

Then his eyes flashed, and with a gust of wind, he disappeared from the original place in an instant.

However, all direct disciples among the nine main peaks have their own peaks, and Qiu Ye, who has a nine-star talent, is of course no exception.

She is originally a person with amazing talent, coupled with her good looks, she is the goddess in the minds of many male disciples.

Originally, she is also a proud and arrogant person, she thinks she has extraordinary talent, and often does not take some ordinary cultivation in her eyes.

But in the past few days, she has been terrified almost every day, and she always faintly feels that someone is spying on her from the dark, which makes her extremely uneasy.

It was also because of this that during the day, she was almost with other senior sisters, and only at night did she return to her own peak.

During this time, although she had already taken a seat and fell asleep, she slept very restlessly and kept waking up from dreams.

Especially in her dream, she dreamed of a man full of evil spirits who repaired her as a seal, but carried her out of the Magic Water Peak and out of the Thunder Cloud Sect just like that swaggeringly.

She yelled desperately, but found that she couldn't make a sound at all, and could only watch herself being robbed by the other party.

Immediately, she felt hopeless, and tears welled up from the corners of her eyes.

But soon, she suddenly felt that there seemed to be something extra in her palm, and there was a cold feeling.

In an instant, she woke up from the dream, and before she knew it, her whole body was dripping with sweat.

It seems that she has been restless recently, causing her to have nightmares all the time.

"Shen Hu, you pervert, one day I will make you regret it."

"My Qiuye is not only the direct disciple of Huan Shuifeng, but also the jewel in the palm of the Qiu family. How dare you have wrong thoughts about me, it's like a toad wanting to eat swan meat."

After waking up, she gritted her teeth and said harshly.

Although she has never personally seen the true face of the person who was spying on her, but she knows that it is definitely the fifth son of the Immortal Peak, Shen Hu.

After all, all the disciples of Leiyunzong knew that this son was obscene and shameless, he was hated by many female disciples, and he was a thorn in the side of their female disciples.

Because there have always been rumors that this Shen Hu was secretly stealing the underwear of the disciples of Huan Shui Peak and Zixia Peak, but no one got the stolen goods at the same time.

Thinking about it in her heart, her face was full of anger.

"Huh?" But very quickly, she seemed to have noticed something, and there was a slight humming sound.

"Ah...this is my lost jade pendant, how could it be..." She exclaimed in surprise.

In the next moment, his consciousness spread out and he began to sense it.

"No one?" She was puzzled.

Just a moment later, she still happily put away the jade pendant.

She did not expect that the jade pendant that was inexplicably lost before would appear again strangely, which made her feel incredible, as if she was dreaming.

It's just that she didn't notice that a ghostly figure quietly sprang out of her room and melted into the darkness in the blink of an eye.

Not long after, Wentian appeared, standing on a tree trunk, but he didn't seem to want to leave.

His eyes flashed suddenly, and he rushed towards some kind of mountain peak.

He still couldn't understand why he had such a strange feeling for the woman named Linglong, as if the two had known each other for hundreds or thousands of years.

But he didn't have the slightest memory of this woman in his mind, which made him extremely puzzled, and he faintly realized that maybe he had forgotten any memories he had.

Now that he has dived into Huan Shuifeng, he doesn't intend to leave here, at least he wants to witness the other side's true face, maybe it will remind him of something.

He was taken away hastily by Shen Hu before, and he didn't even see the other person's face clearly, and he was faintly unwilling to do so.

"As long as I can meet him once, maybe I will solve the doubts in my heart." Thinking of this, his eyes flashed with determination.


Among the magic water peaks, there is a Linglong peak, and this Linglong peak is the residence peak of the ice-cold goddess in Shen Hu's mouth.

Although Wentian had never been here, after the information given by Shen Hu, a map probably appeared in his mind.

It can be seen from this that it is not a matter of a day and a half for Shen Hu to spy on Huan Shuifeng secretly.

During this time, he restrained all his breath, because Linglong Peak is the third elite disciple.

According to the news from Shen Hu, this girl's talent is extremely astonishing. Some people once suspected that it was the ten-star talent that existed against the sky, but it was not confirmed.

Not only that, her cultivation base is even more unfathomable, she has already broken through the True One Realm, and she is probably at the late stage of the True One Realm, or perhaps the peak of the True One Realm.

Before, when Shen Hu was peeping at Qiu Ye, she had discovered her and chased him down dozens of mountains. Fortunately, he escaped quickly, otherwise, he might have been decapitated already.

Therefore, every time the name Linglong was mentioned, Shen Hu felt palpitations in his heart, and his face turned pale involuntarily.

Not long after, he came to a mountain peak, but soon his eyes narrowed, because he found that the exquisite peak in front of him was covered with enchantments.

But he was not willing to retreat like this.

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes flashed, and he gritted his teeth fiercely. The next moment, a strange glow appeared on his body, and a wisp of breath came out automatically.

It's just that this is not his own aura, but imitating the first-floor aura of that autumn leaf with the power of authenticity.

Immediately, without stopping for a moment, he froze and merged into the darkness again.

And just as he exhaled his breath, in the Linglong Peak covered with barriers, a woman with an astonishing appearance suddenly opened her eyes.

"Strange? How could there be the aura of Junior Sister Qiuye?" She murmured to herself, with puzzlement in her words.

The next moment, she was still in a flash, and rushed out from Linglong Peak.

At the same time, Wentian hid in the dark, and as the woman flew out, he finally saw her appearance clearly.

This woman has a face like a fairy above the nine heavens, her alluring figure is a masterpiece, three thousand black hairs are floating, and there is a soft light, especially the other party's body, there is a fragrance of virginity.

Immediately, his eyes widened, showing shock, fluttering, and the heart in his body was beating even more rapidly.

It was obviously the first time they met, but for some reason, when he saw the other party for the first time, his heart seemed to be captured, and he lost the ability to think.

A strange feeling hit his heart, his body couldn't move, his mind was blank for a while, but he knew that with just one glance, he seemed to be in love with the other party.

That seems to have been preordained in fate!
It sounds ridiculous to say it, but it really happened to him, especially here, he felt like he couldn't breathe, he couldn't control his breath.


Suddenly, a cold voice came out.

In an instant, his mind was agitated, and he came back to his senses in an instant, and even cursed secretly: "Not good!"

(End of this chapter)

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