Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 513 Danger in the Ancient Domain

Chapter 513 The Danger of the Ancient Domain (Third)
Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

During these two days, Wentian's mind was almost full of that Linglong's shadow, and for some reason, he always had a strange feeling that the two had met somewhere.

This may be the so-called love at first sight!

Shen Hu has long since disappeared, and it is not known whether he is looking for information or doing those "glorious" things by himself.

He didn't come back until three days later.

"Lao Qi is not well, something serious is going to happen." Before entering the room, Wentian heard Shen Hu's voice from afar.

Fortunately, in the Immortal Peak, his senior brother is a strange type, he didn't find a handyman disciple to take care of the peak, and no disciple of the Immortal Peak came to see him.

Otherwise, when he yelled, the matter of Wen Tian's Immortal Peak would probably be exposed.

But hearing Shen Hu's words, Wentian was startled, with a vague premonition, his heart beat even faster.

With a "bang", a dusty figure broke in, followed by gasping for air.

I saw Shen Hu's complexion was pale, and there was a touch of panic in his eyes, as if he had encountered some panic.

"Could it be that something happened in the lower realm?"

Wentian's heart skipped a beat, and he asked urgently, "What happened, brother? Is there any news from the lower realm?"

Here, Shen Hu seemed to be breathing, and he said hastily: "The lower realm has been fighting a lot recently, and just yesterday, your ancient domain was attacked by Chiyue, and now it is almost falling."

"What? How could this be?"

"With the strength of my ancient domain and my third uncle in the formation, even if Chi Yue makes a big attack, I'm afraid it won't take much advantage. How could it fall so easily?" Wentian exclaimed, his eyes filled with disbelief .

"Junior Brother, you don't know that the national battle in the lower realm has already escalated."

"Not long ago, the Yitianzong, Jijia, Xuanyuanjia and other Vientiane monks rushed into the lower realm to participate in the battle. Now your ancient domain is helpless, with heavy casualties."

"It is said that your third uncle Lin Yefeng was also seriously injured and is in critical condition." Shen Hu said.

boom!Immediately, a thunderbolt burst in Wentian's mind, and then he had a ferocious face, exuding an astonishing murderous intent all over his body.

"What a Chiyue, what a Ji Zhuoyang, I want you to pay the price." His eyes were cruel, and his voice was cold.

Now that his parents, grandfather and others are missing, it can be said that his third uncle Lin Yefeng is his only relative, but he did not expect that he is in danger now.

Thinking of this, he roared in his heart, and rushed out of the room with a bang.

He wants to go back to the lower realm, back to the ancient domain. He is the king of the ancient domain. Now that the ancient domain is in trouble, even if it is a desperate fight, he will never back down.

"Junior brother, wait! If you go out like this, you may be caught or killed before you reach the lower realm." Shen Hu shouted loudly, and pulled Wentian even harder.

"If you can't use the teleportation array, then I'll go back through the space crack. This time, I will completely kill the Ji family's royal family." Wentian roared, his eyes flashed with mad hatred.

"Junior Brother, have you forgotten? How did I rescue you from under the noses of those ancient realm powerhouses?"

"Give Senior Brother some time, I will definitely send you back." Shen Hu's voice exploded in Wentian's mind like thunder.

Um?Immediately, Wentian was taken aback.



"Your ancient king was a person who rebelled against the saints, and you are even more rebels against the people. Today, the ancient region has flowed blood into rivers and completely disappeared in the Tianyuan Continent." A huge holy shadow appeared in the void of the ancient region.

This huge holy shadow is exactly Chi Yue's last Ji Zhuoyang.

Unexpectedly, after three years, he would also break through to the Shenyuan realm, and that powerful aura could almost cover the entire ancient domain.

"Kill kill kill!!"

"The mere mortals in the lower realm also want to get rid of the control of our Tianyunhaiji family, and they really don't know how to live or die."

"Stupid untouchables, give us hell."

Arrogant voices came from outside the ancient domain, and I saw the countless army rushing in turbulent waves, and the ones rushing in front were more than 1000 Vientiane Realm monks.

But the one who commanded the army to attack was a strong man in the Shenyuan realm, and judging by his aura, he had reached the peak of Shenyuan.


Unexpectedly, only three years later, the Tianyuan Continent's national battle would evolve into this kind of situation. If it was changed in the past, it would never have happened.

Of course, today's Tianyuan Continent is also different from the past. The great changes in the world have caused many cultivators in the Spirit Transformation Realm to break through to the Vientiane Realm one after another, and it seems that a prosperous age is about to usher in.

It's just that in front of the Ji family's Vientiane army, the soldiers of the ancient domain are still retreating steadily.

Just last night, General Lei and others led many soldiers to fight the Chiyue army, but they were still defeated in the end, blood stained the ground outside the ancient domain, the wreckage was everywhere, and the sound of wailing was continuous.

General Lei was seriously injured, and General Zhao Gang even lost an arm. If it hadn't been for Wang Lin Yefeng's attack at the last moment, the two of them would have died tragically outside the ancient domain.

Following Lin Yefeng's attack, Chi Yue's Saint Ji Zhuoyang also attacked, and the two finally fought.

However, Lin Yefeng, who only possessed the peak cultivation base of Vientiane, was still no match for Ji Zhuoyang, even though he tried his best, which caused his internal organs to be injured, and now only half of his life remained.

If he hadn't been able to borrow the power of luck and merit from the ancient domain, he might have fallen already.

Today's people in the ancient region are panic-stricken. At the same time, their hearts are full of hatred. Many people are calling for their ancient king, hoping that Wentian can perform miracles again and save many people in the ancient region.

"Where are you, ancient king?"

"Come back! Save your people and avenge those dead heroic souls."

"The ancient king..."

The ancient domain was full of loud shouts, and many mortals knelt on the ground and kowtowed, even though their heads were bleeding, they still did not stop.

Because their son died outside the territory because of this cruel war, and now his bones are incomplete, so let them send the white-headed man to the black-headed man.

Ningqing Taoist Temple, Jingyin Temple Master shouted: "Go! Once the ancient domain is broken, I, Ningqing Taoist Temple, will not be able to survive. I can only fight to the death."

The little nun Miaoyin and Miaochan were also in the crowd, and as the Master Jingyin flew out, they also gritted their teeth and followed.

But not long after they left, a figure flew out from the Taoist temple again.

Princess Muli.

"I won't run away anymore. Even if I die, I will die in Brother Lin's arms." There was a firm light in her eyes, and she flew out quickly.

"Kill it! It's best to let the blood of the entire ancient region flow into rivers. In this way, my ancient demon will reappear in the world and dominate the Tianyuan Continent."

Not long after everyone left, there was a burst of cold laughter from the void.

(End of this chapter)

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