Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 515 Blood-stained land

Chapter 515 Blood Stains the Earth (Part [-])

Roaring, roaring, and killing shouts, all of a sudden resounded, and Gu Yu and Chi Yue fought, turning into a bloody hell.

People kept coughing up blood, and people kept falling. In the blink of an eye, the ground was stained with blood, wreckage was everywhere, and even the sky became extremely gloomy.

"Your opponent is me!" Suddenly, a powerful aura descended from the sky, but it was Chi Yue's general, a member of the Ji family's peak divine origin.

His breath quickly locked onto Yetian, because this was a battle between generals and generals.

Although he is at the peak of Shenyuan, and the man in front of him has not broken through to the late stage of Shenyuan, the two have fought against each other several times. What makes him feel extremely humiliated is that with his cultivation at the peak of Shenyuan, he was unable to kill the opponent .

It is conceivable that he is so angry in his heart, and if this continues, he will never be able to gain a foothold in front of other Ji family disciples.

You know, this time the Ji family not only sent him down to the realm alone, it was only because of the rules set by the defenders that he was allowed to command the Chiyue army alone.

At the same time, in the high sky, there were dozens of figures standing there. The breath of these people was extremely terrifying, and they all reached the peak of divine origin.

They are the inner disciples of Ji's family and Yitianzong.

Looking at the battle below, their expressions were full of contempt, as if they were contemptuous of some ants.

After all, with their identities and strengths, how could a mere ancient domain be taken seriously by them.

If it weren't for the rules of the boundary guards, they would definitely be able to destroy the ancient domain easily with their strength.

Of course, the main purpose of the people above sending them to the lower realm was to prevent Lin Wentian, the rebellious disciple, from appearing.

Once the other party appeared, they would immediately notify Yitianzong and Ji's family through the secret method, and then send out the army of Shenyuan Realm to completely surround the ancient domain.

Although it is said that in the battle of the national domain, the generals can only be in the Shenyuan realm, but don't forget that in addition to being the king of the domain, Wentian is also a disciple of the Thunder Cloud Sect and even the Blade Sect.

In other words, once he shows up, they can kill him.

And at that time, the great forces of Tianyunhai blocked the space cracks and those teleportation arrays, Lin Wentian will become a caged bird, unable to fly.

Many big forces are already ready to move, and everything is ready, and now they are waiting for him to appear.

Ye Tian had already noticed the terrifying aura above the sky, but he had no way out, his eyes flashed fiercely, he picked up the seal, and sacrificed a vase to kill it.

Boom boom boom! !Soon, he was fighting fiercely with the strong man at the peak of Shenyuan.

kill kill!

Although General Zhao only had one arm left, at this moment, he also looked furious and rushed out crazily.

Because there are his family and friends behind him, he cannot take half a step back.

Many ancient soldiers were so envious and crazy that they seemed to have forgotten the pain, and all they had in their minds was the monstrous hatred.

They hated the sage of Chiyue, they hated members of the Ji family, even the disciples of Yitianzong, they hated them to the bone.

Maybe they are as humble as ants in strength, but it doesn't mean they will give in, it doesn't mean they will bow to fate, because their blood is boiling and their souls are burning.

"Fight! Fight to the end even at all costs." Countless people from the ancient domain shouted.

Even if their eyes are pierced blind, even if their body is pierced by a sword, they still have to bite the flesh of the enemy fiercely.

They fell in a pool of blood, but in the next moment, they stood up unyielding again like immortal war gods, because they knew that once they fell, their children and parents would be killed by the other party.

"No! I can't die yet!" A soldier yelled, covered in blood, as if crawling out of hell, but he still gritted his teeth and shot at the enemy with a blood gun in his hand.

"Kill the old man Shangguan Muhua first." General Lei roared up to the sky, and then, the golden spear in his hand blasted, bursting with blood.

"Hey!" A bloody eagle soul rushed out, sending out a violent breath.

That's right!The spear in his hand was Wentian's eagle soul golden spear back then, but when Wentian left, he gave it to him as a gift.

"Kill kill!!"

The eagle soul roared, and rushed towards the arrogant Shangguan Muhua with a bloody force.

At the same time, General Zhao and some members of the Lin family rushed to Shangguan Muhua with the murderous intent in their hearts.

"Jie Jie! You and other people who are at the end of the road want to kill the old man, and you are simply beyond your control."

"I'll kill them for this old man." Shangguan Muhua laughed ferociously.

The twenty Vientiane peak cultivators beside him looked at each other, their eyes flashed murderously, and they frantically rushed towards General Lei and the others.

Boom boom boom!All of a sudden, the storm surged, and the aftermath that erupted seemed like the end of the world was coming.

"Not good!" Suddenly someone shouted out loud, followed by a loud bang, which immediately resounded through the sky.

As soon as the barrier of the ancient domain was broken, the city walls collapsed immediately, and some Chiyue soldiers started slaughtering frantically like wolves rushing towards the flock.

Fortunately, Lin Yefeng had the foresight to transfer some ordinary people to the ancient city in the center of the ancient domain, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

But despite this, many houses collapsed, flames shot up into the sky, thunder and lightning roared, roars, grief and indignation were everywhere, blood stained the ground for a while, and an extremely strong smell of blood permeated the air.

"Kill! The unholy pariah deserves death."

"From now on, there will be no more ancient domains in Tianyuan Continent."

Chi Yuezhixiu and the disciples of the Ji family, with ferocious faces like beasts, followed the crumbling city all the way to kill, as if they wanted to hit Huanglong straight to the center of the ancient domain, the ancient city.

Because the main hall of the ancient domain is there, they want to destroy the golden dragon statue and the sea of ​​merit in the ancient domain. Only in this way can the ancient domain disappear completely.

As for the holy Shang Ji Zhuoyang, the reason why he came here in person was to kill the one-word side-by-side Wang Lin Yefeng, and then annex the luck and merit power of the ancient domain, so as to strengthen him Chiyue.

Seeing the enemy entering the ancient domain, Lin Yefeng's eyes were bloodshot and bloodshot, he roared wildly, as if he wanted to vent the anger and hatred in his heart.


It's just that even though he was full of hatred, he was still not Ji Zhuoyang's opponent, and was blasted to the ground, causing the earth to shatter instantly.

"Puff, puff, puff!!" He spouted three mouthfuls of fresh food because of this, his complexion was extremely pale, as if he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

"Haha! You were no match for me in your heyday, not to mention this crippled body now." Ji Zhuoyang laughed wildly.

"Death!" Then, his fists were dazzled by golden light, and he squeezed his fists, and hit Lin Yefeng who was covered in blood on the ground.

"Golden Luck Dragon, Charm Dragon, please use my strength to defeat the enemy!" Lin Yefeng roared, with a look of madness on his face.



From the ancient city, the center of the ancient domain, two dragon roars came out, followed by a golden light and a colorful light, which instantly merged into Lin Yefeng's body.

"Kill!!" The next moment, he roared and rushed out again.

(End of this chapter)

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