Chapter 517
This giant ape beast is actually a little spirit who is a great vajra giant ape.

I didn't expect it to grow to such a degree in just three years. Although its aura still hasn't broken through to the god level, its huge body is simply shocking.

boom!Suddenly, it leaped forward from a distance, and that huge body seemed to be able to cover the sky and block out the sun, making the whole sky dark.

Under everyone's shocked and unbelievable eyes, a monstrous beast's palm suddenly reached out, enveloping the big man who rushed towards Miaoyin in an instant.


With just a slight pinch of the giant palm, blood splashed immediately, and the last pile of meat fell to the ground.

It was extremely arrogant before, beheading many big men at the Spirit Transformation Realm and the Vientiane Realm, but they were so easily crushed to death. At this moment, everyone in the audience gasped.

And Miao Yin, who was about to blew himself up, was stunned here, as if he hadn't recovered yet.

"Ah! That's the ancient king's spiritual pet. It's here."

"It is an ancient remnant of the Vajra Giant Ape. It appeared when the ancient king rebelled against the saint and made a big disturbance in the Chiyue Palace."

"Look, there's someone on top of it."

"It's them! The younger sisters recognized by the ancient king! They are also the sons and daughters of General Yetian, and the little beast in her arms is said to be a strange spirit beast, stronger than King Kong Giant Ape."

The appearance of Xiao Ling and others immediately caused an uproar in the people in the ancient city, even the cultivators of the ancient domain who were desperately fighting outside the ancient city could sense it.

Immediately, everyone looked extremely excited.

Some old people in the Lin family who knew the existence of Xiaoling and Xiaoqiu were even more demoralized, and they looked up to the sky and shouted: "Kill! Kill these Jiguang dogs."

"It's just an ancient remnant of the Vientiane Realm, and dare to interfere with the affairs of my Ji family, courting death!"

"Let's say it's an ancient relic, even a purebred ferocious beast is just a beast in front of me, Yitianzong."

The disciples of the Ji family, as well as the cultivator of the Yitian sect, instantly turned hideous.

Boom!Ten people, hundreds of people, in the blink of an eye, millions of elephant cultivators, thousands of spiritual cultivators, launched a violent thunderous attack, blasting at the little spirit.

"Xiao Ling! Let me trample them to death, let them know how powerful we are." Ye Feng lifted Xiao Ling's fur, stood on top of its head and shouted domineeringly.

Even Ye Xue stared at the intruders with anger on her face.

Only the furball beast in her arms, that is, the little ball, opened its eyes wide and wide, as if it faintly sensed something, it leaned, leaned, waving its short paws towards the sky.

"Bad guys, how dare you come here to make trouble while my big brother is away, look how powerful Xiaoling is." Xiaoling roared, but his voice was still childish.

Boom!It slammed its fists on its chest frantically, and there were bursts of loud bangs, especially the aura on it, which was extremely violent.

With a simple swing of a fist, the void suddenly roared, and a raging storm blew up. That astonishing power, not to mention the Vientiane Realm, even the Shenyuan Realm was shocked.

"What?" The members of Ji's family and Yitianzong were shocked.

bang bang bang! !Immediately, their bodies flew upside down rapidly, and many of them coughed up blood, their eyes horrified to the extreme.

"A mere demon of everything, how is this possible?"

However, before they could regain their composure, Xiao Ling swung that huge fist again.

Boom, the golden light suddenly shone brightly, emitting an invincible aura.

Vajra Fist!
As the little spirit of the vajra giant ape, the power of the vajra fist cast by it is probably unmatched.

The cultivation of millions of elephants and the cultivation of thousands of transformed spirits were like being hit by stars, smashing down in all directions, and blood stained the earth for a while.


Under this blow, many people's bodies exploded, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Hiss... The power of one blow killed nearly a hundred Vientiane monks and a thousand Hualing monks. Such a monstrous power is comparable to that of the Divine Origin Realm.

The people in the ancient city watched this scene, feeling ecstatic, and many people shouted and cheered: "Kill them all, and avenge our dead."

The group of young girls from the Lin Mansion were alright, they had long known Xiao Ling's strength, but here, the monks of Ningqing Taoist Temple had their eyes wide open, their expressions full of disbelief.

Such a powerful monster might be able to defeat half of the Chiyue Vientiane army with just one beast.

Seeing this, many people who were already feeling hopeless in their hearts suddenly brightened their eyes and rushed out again.

Because they saw killing hope, that is the hope of victory.

Ye Feng stood on Xiaoling's head, looking at the terrified expression of the enemy, he raised his proud head with a look of great satisfaction.

"Hmph~ Little Ling can easily crush you without me, Ye Feng." He said proudly.

The appearance of the little spirit immediately reversed the situation, igniting the fighting spirit of the cultivator of the ancient domain, bursting out his previously unused potential.

People often can only burst out their true strength when facing death.

"What about the people from the upper realm?"

"What about the Ji family of the five major families?"

"What about Yitian Sect, the head of the seven sects?"

"If you dare to destroy my ancient domain, unless you step on our corpses, you will die forever." Countless people roared.

Boom!In an instant, the killing intent was overwhelming, and the cultivator of the ancient domain fought with the cultivator of Chiyue again.

Under Xiaoling's monstrous power, Chiyue's army began to show signs of defeat, which made the cultivators of the ancient realm even more crazy.

Miaoyin wiped away a trace of blood from the corner of her mouth, she gritted her teeth fiercely, gave up the idea of ​​self-destruction, and killed it again.

Miaochan's sword energy was full and horizontal, and that part of the sword intent was fully displayed by her. Every time the sword fell, it could easily take the life of a cultivator who transformed spirits.

The situation turned around in an instant.

At the same time, above the sky, the dozen or so cultivators at the peak of divine essence watched the reversal of the battle below, and their expressions changed drastically in an instant.

"What a vajra giant ape. It's just a mortal realm, but it has such strength. It seems that this lower realm is really not to be underestimated." Someone said in a deep voice.

"Hmph~ It's just an ancient remnant, I can destroy it with a flick of a finger." One of them said with a look of disdain.

"After all, the monster is a member of the monster clan. It shouldn't interfere in our human race's national battle. Since it dares to attack, then we dare to kill it."

"That's right! The Yaozu dared to massacre my Ji family's repairs so arrogantly. Even if I waited to take action on this matter, the rumored defenders would probably not interfere."

Let's talk.

"Jie Jie, I still lack a mount, so leave this big guy to me." Among the dozen or so people, one person laughed evilly.

Before anyone else could reply, his figure flashed and he rushed down.

At the same time, Ye Tian, ​​who was fighting fiercely, might have noticed that his expression suddenly changed.

"Arrogance! How dare you be distracted while fighting with me!" At the moment of his avatar, a loud shout exploded in his heart.

boom!A berserk lightning strike hit him with extreme speed.

Suddenly, his expression changed drastically again.

(Two updates today, next one in the afternoon, and tomorrow I will switch to the night shift to rest, try to come to the fourth or fifth update)
(End of this chapter)

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