Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 532 The Punishment of Words

Chapter 532 The Crucifixion
After the tragic battle before, the land outside the ancient domain is simply horrible. Not only is the ground stained with blood, but bones and remains are everywhere.

Not only that, there is also a faint cold wind blowing here, as if there are countless invisible remnant souls wandering around, giving people a gloomy feeling, and one cannot help feeling creepy.

Because this land is dyed with the blood of tens of thousands of people, and this is not an ordinary person, but the blood of a monk who has reached the spirit transformation state and the myriad phenomenon state.

If this was changed in the past, it would definitely turn into a dead area, making people afraid to take half a step.

A gust of wind suddenly blew up in the void, followed by the sky seemed to be dark, and a cross that was hundreds of feet in size suddenly descended from the sky.

Boom!Immediately, the ground shook violently, and the hundred-foot cross was thrust into the ground violently, making a terrifying rumbling sound.

In an instant, many ancient soldiers were alarmed, and their expressions changed suddenly.

The previous battle had already destroyed the walls of the ancient domain, even some houses collapsed one after another, and the whole place was in a mess. Therefore, many soldiers from the ancient domain were cleaning up here.

But the sudden change made them startled, and their eyes shone with shock.

However, when they saw the slender figure standing in the air, they were stunned and puzzled.

"Ah! That's the ancient king!"

"Such a large cross, could it be that the ancient king cut off a certain mountain? But what is the use of this hundred-foot cross?"

The soldiers were in an uproar, and they were even more puzzled.

"Swoosh!!" At the same time, some frightened monks and soldiers rushed over one after another, staring dumbfounded at the giant cross in front of them.

For the uproar and bewilderment of the crowd, Wentian didn't pay any attention to it, at this moment his eyes flashed coldly, and he immediately shouted: "Come here!"


Just as he finished drinking, a burst of light suddenly burst out in the void somewhere in the ancient domain, and then with a chirping sound, a twenty-foot-long blood-colored object flew towards it rapidly.

Pseudo-dragon tendons!

The flying bloody object was the pseudo-dragon tendon that was stained red with the blood of the gods. Not only that, there were still 30 people running through it.

Twenty-eight disciples from the Yitian Sect, the Ji Family, and the Xuanyuan Family's Divine Realm, and the remaining two are Shangguan Muhua and Zhou Wentong.

Looking at these people in front of him, especially Shangguan Muhua and Zhou Wentong, Wentian's eyes showed a cold light, and his whole body exuded an astonishing murderous aura.

He hates it!He hated Shangguan Muhua and Zhou Wentong!Because if it weren't for them, his eldest brother Lin Yeyan might not have died tragically and ended up with no bones left.

If it weren't for them, his third uncle would not have been ambushed back then, nor would he have been poisoned and sat in a wheelchair for ten years.

If it weren't for them, the hundreds of thousands of Chiyue's army would not have died tragically, and their blood and soul were refined by the method of blood refining.

And for the disciples of these powerful forces, he hated them even more. Without them, his ancient domain would not be full of blood and wrecks everywhere.

Especially under his yin and yang eyes, he could still see countless remnants roaring.

They are angry, they are unwilling, just like those dead soldiers, their remnant souls cannot be freed, and they will be trapped in blood feud forever and ever.

"I said that I will not let you die easily. I will make your life worse than death. I will let you spend your whole life apologizing to those who died. I will let you live forever and be spurned and cursed by the people of my ancient region. "

His words were filled with strong hatred.

This is the hatred that even if he kills these people in front of him, he can't weaken it by half.

His expression was cold, and in the eyes of Shangguan Muhua and others who were extremely frightened, he held the blood-red pseudo-dragon tendon in his hand and slammed it vigorously.

"Puff puff!!"

Under his flick, Shangguan Muhua and others flew out from the pseudo-dragon tendons immediately.

"Huh~" He snorted coldly, and immediately, a golden light gushed out in front of him, and thirty long spears were quickly condensed.

When these long spears came out, he waved vigorously.

"Swoosh!!" The next moment, the spear shot out, piercing through the bodies of Shangguan Muhua and the others in an instant, nailing the huge cross hard.

All the things happened only at that moment, and at this moment, the audience was dumbfounded, and at this moment, they finally knew what Wentian wanted to do.

The body was nailed to a hundred-foot cross by a long spear, Shangguan Muhua, Zhou Wentong, and the disciples of those powerful forces all had terrified eyes, and a thunderbolt burst in their minds.

Especially for those disciples of great influence, this is definitely a disgrace among disgraces to them, it is simply more cruel than killing them.

They are the disciples of the top forces in Tianyunhai, when have they been bullied like this, not to mention, this is just a wild place that they have always looked down upon, this almost collapsed their minds.



"Give back my son's life."

People reacted and began to insult and curse, and some even picked up some blood-stained stones on the ground and threw them hard.

"Kill these bastards!"

bang bang!Immediately, countless stones were thrown, and some people even took out eggs, rotten vegetables and other things to throw.

In just the blink of an eye, the people who were nailed to the cross by spears were covered in scars all over their bodies, making it unbearable to look at.

At this moment, the hearts of those powerful disciples not only felt extremely humiliated, but also felt extremely angry.

But at the same time, deep in their hearts, there was a boundless fear.

"Does he really intend to torture and bully me like this for the rest of his life?" Thinking of this, their eyes widened and their minds went blank.

"Lin Wentian, one day you will regret it." Someone roared frantically in his heart.

Suddenly, Wen Tian frowned, and with the snap of his fingers, dozens of beams shot out, instantly entering Shangguan Muhua and the others.

Their expressions changed, but the next moment, they found that they could speak.

"Lin Wentian, you will die badly."

"I, Yitianzong, will definitely tear your corpse into thousands of pieces."

"Kill us if you have the ability, or one day, your blood will stain the sky in the ancient region."

All of a sudden, there were roars from those powerful disciples, their eyes were cruel, and their voices were full of viciousness.

During this time, their hatred for Wentian reached an astonishing level.

The only one who didn't roar was Zhou Wentong, his face was ashen, and there was no color in his eyes.

Shangguan Muhua roared ferociously: "Bastard! My grandson is the Daoist of the three holy places in the upper realm. One day he will crush your bones and ashes, and let you be buried with the whole ancient region."

"Shangguan old thief, you are courting death!"

"Let you, flesh and blood, taste my flames." A monk roared.

His body flew up into the air, and with a wave of his hand, a wave of flames rushed out, scorching, and immediately burned on Shangguan Muhua's body, making him let out a heart-piercing scream.

His shrill cry made people feel chilling, even those disciples of great influence had frightened eyes and trembled all over.

(End of this chapter)

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