Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 535 3 Beasts and 1 Egg

Chapter 535 Three Beasts and One Egg (Part One)
The appearance of this five-color divine light was so sudden, there was no warning at all, and there was a feeling that it was impossible to guard against.

It took only half a breath, and it shot in front of the haughty turtle demon with a chirping sound.

In the meantime, the turtle demon still looked disdainful, and even more so with strong anger, as if he hadn't noticed the attack of the five-color divine light.

It didn't make a fuss until it arrived, and immediately in the blink of an eye, it stretched out a claw, and squeezed vigorously at the five-color divine light.

"Pfft!" A few drops of blood spilled into the void, and at this moment the turtle monster roared loudly.

"Bastard! Where the hell is the kid sneaking up on Baye? Get out if you have the ability." The turtle monster roared like thunder, and under its roar, even fake fans were blasted away.

There was a blood hole in its outstretched claws, and fresh blood flowed out of it, and it, which has always been extremely arrogant, was actually injured.

And it doesn't know who it was wounded by, so it can be imagined that it is so angry.

Looking at the blood-oozing hole in the palm of the turtle demon, Wentian was short of breath, and his heart was struck by a thunderbolt.

Others may not know it, but he does know that the five-color divine light before was definitely shot out by the divine python egg.

"That guy has such strength before he broke out of his shell?" His eyes were full of disbelief, and he felt a faint premonition in his heart.

Because from a certain point of view, he is its enemy. If it finds out in the future and points the gun at him, even if he is not afraid at that time, he will probably be in a terrible state.

Thinking of this, murderous intent flashed across his eyes again.

For a moment, the little spirit looked as if he was facing a formidable enemy, but when the little ball saw the furious turtle demon, it rolled its eyes and smiled maliciously.

Ye Feng and Ye Xue were already dumbfounded, looking stunned.

"Om!" I don't know if he sensed Wentian's killing intent, the black and white cauldron suddenly shook, and then the colorful lights shone, and when the colorful light subsided, a five-colored beast egg appeared.

"Wow! Wow! That's not my fault, it was the first to bully my sister." When the five-color beast eggs appeared, they kept circling around Wentian, and there was a sound of grievance.

"Wow... what kind of egg is this? The colors on it are so beautiful, just like the rainbow after the rain." Ye Xue screamed, and countless stars burst out of her eyes.

She was even more excited, and immediately hugged the five-color beast egg in her arms, and began to caress it desperately.

"Xue'er, let me see!" Ye Feng also yelled loudly, and even beat the five-color beast eggs with his hands, as if he wanted to see what was hidden inside.

The two became excited, and the way they were dancing made Wentian frowned, and the murderous intent on his body gradually subsided.

"Brother, what kind of egg is this? Could it be an egg?" Thinking of something, Ye Xue's eyes suddenly brightened.

Wentian heard that three black lines appeared on his forehead.

He still remembered that when he brought the turtle monster back to the valley, Ye Xue said that he first brought back a little ball beast and a little monkey, and then brought back a wonderful turtle.

Ye Xue once asked him if he would bring another hen when he came back again.

I thought that what happened back then was just a casual talk from her, but I didn't expect that the other party really took it seriously. Could it be that he really thought that the purpose of his trip to Tianyunhai this time was to find a hen?
Thinking about it, he couldn't help feeling bitter.

Looking at the five-colored beast eggs in front of him, the tortoise monster's eyes kept shrinking, and some fragmentary memory fragments flashed in its mind.

I don't know what it thought of, and suddenly it was full of embarrassment.

"Are you still alive?" It screamed inexplicably, followed by a whoosh, and fled in an instant.

"I have a lot of people, I don't care about you today, let's take a look next time." Its cruel words sounded from the void, but it has long since disappeared without a trace.

Looking at this scene, Wentian looked astonished, and he didn't seem to react, because in his memory, the turtle monster in front of him had never been so afraid of other people except his former master Dan Daozi.

No~ this is not a human being, it's just a beast egg.

"A five-headed divine python egg, how can it be so fearful?" He was suddenly puzzled.

"Stupid Xue'er! How could this be an egg? Have you ever seen an egg so big? In my opinion, this is definitely a tiger egg." Ye Feng said.

But when Ye Xue heard about it, she pouted and said, "Brother is the idiot, Shenhu gives birth to cubs, how can he give birth to tiger eggs?"

"No~ this is definitely a tiger egg."

"It's a hen's egg."

Immediately, Ye Feng and Ye Xue started arguing, causing Wen Tian, ​​who was at the side, to have bitterness on his face.

"Big brother, are you going to cook this strange egg? Or bake it?" But at this moment, Xiao Ling scratched his head and asked with a puzzled expression.

As soon as it said this, Xiaoqiu's eyes brightened, excitedly, Yiacne called.

"Om!" The five-color beast egg buzzed violently, as if furious, it whizzed and disappeared into Ye Xue's arms instantly.

With a sound of "bang", it rushed to Xiao Ling in an instant, and slammed on Xiao Ling's head with its eggshell body.

"Ah..." The sudden attack made Xiaoling scream in pain, and even jumped up from Wentian's shoulder in an instant. While it was angry, it was also full of fear.

One must know that this strange beast egg in front of him can injure even a turtle monster, and in an instant, it looks like a formidable enemy is approaching.

"Yi ai, Yi ai!" Xiaoqiu shouted, its claws grabbed hard, and a blade of space buzzed, slashing towards the five-color egg.

In its eyes, Xiao Ling has always been its little brother, and now that Xiao Ling is being bullied, of course it can't sit idly by.

The speed of the space blade was extremely fast, but the five-color beast egg reacted even faster. The color of its body flashed, and with a whoosh, it rushed towards the valley, and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

Obviously, it also sensed the sharpness of the space blade, and didn't want to collide head-on.

"Yi ai, Yi ai!" Xiaoqiu's face was furious, he yelled, and chased after him in an instant.

Xiao Ling's eyes flashed with golden light, and he rushed out instantly.

In the blink of an eye, the two beasts and one egg disappeared in front of Wentian and the others.

Brother and sister Ye Xue and Ye Feng had been stunned for a long time, and they didn't come back to their senses until Xiao Ling and the others disappeared completely.

"Little Ling and Xiaoqiu are so shameless, they actually bullied the other egg." The two said fiercely.

Wentian's expression changed for a while, because in his heart, he always felt that the five-color beast eggs were a hidden danger.

But very quickly, his eyelids twitched.

"Lin Tian, ​​you must give me an explanation today, otherwise this lady will never end with you." An angry shout came.

Seeing Lian Yu here, her face was full of anger, and she stared at him fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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