Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 539 Dragon Nail Whip

Chapter 539 Dragon Nail Whip

The sound of Wentian's drinking resounded against Xingyun, and instantly spread through the entire capital city, and the entire Chiyue.

With his current cultivation base, he could easily destroy Chi Yue if he wanted to, making it completely disappear in the world.

It's just that his purpose is not to destroy Chi Yue, but to slaughter Ji Zhuoyang and the entire Ji family. He wants the other party to die in boundless fear.

In the capital city, as the army of the ancient domain pressed down, the eyes of the few Chiyue soldiers were full of fear. They held spears and sharp swords, but they could not help but step back.

This is the invisible power of the ancient army, without taking action, just the killing intent emanating from them can make the enemy instinctively fear.

"Thief Lin Wentian, you dare to be a minister for a day and a minister for the rest of your life. You are so rebellious and unreasonable." Suddenly, someone from the capital shouted sharply.

The person who spoke was a middle-aged man, who possessed late stage Vientiane cultivation. He had two huge scars on his face, and he was clearly not a good person at a glance.

Hearing this person's words, all the soldiers in the ancient domain showed cold eyes, but Wentian looked normal instead.

He didn't have the slightest impression of the person in front of him, but he could vaguely guess that the other party was not Chi Yue's original general, but the leader of some gang, who had only recently joined the court.

"Noisy!" He snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and moved forward slightly.

This finger didn't have any strength to rush out, just like a bland finger.

However, the strange thing is that just under his finger, the middle-aged man who had previously roared at Wentian with an arrogant expression, his complexion changed drastically, his pupils dilated, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing.

"Bang!" Flesh flew all over the place, and the person exploded to death instantly.

"Hiss..." Such a strange scene made those Chiyue soldiers who wanted to struggle tenaciously suddenly show panic and uneasiness, and their eyes were extremely horrified.

"I don't know how to live or die. Today I want to see how many people dare to stand up." Wen Tian said coldly.

With his current strength, a mere Vientiane Realm doesn't need him to take action at all, and he can easily kill him with a single thought.

"Wow! The power of a true god! This is definitely a power beyond the realm of gods."

"With such power, as long as he is in this world, he is invincible." Chi Yue's soldier cried out, his eyes full of panic.

As for the soldiers in the ancient domain, they were not too surprised, because they had already seen Wentian's astonishing method, so what was a mere Vientiane cultivator?

"Lin Wentian, you are presumptuous! Get back quickly, this king!"

"Don't forget that your grandfather Lin Zhentian was Chiyue's Grand Marshal. Once he finds out what you have done today, he will never forgive you."

Suddenly, a domineering voice sounded from the capital again, and soon, thousands of soldiers flew out of the capital.

Those who can fly mean that the strength of these soldiers is above the Spirit Transformation Realm, and among them there are 300 soldiers in the Vientiane Realm.

The leader was a burly man, wearing a tiger robe, with a domineering expression, revealing a trace of the arrogance of a king while walking.

Not only that, but beside him there were actually two strong men in the divine realm, and they were also at the peak of divine essence.

It's just that these two strong men at the peak of Shenyuan are looking at Wentian with solemn expressions.

"Two at the peak of the God Realm, three hundred at the Vientiane Realm, and three thousand at the Spirit Transformation Realm?" Sensing each other's cultivation, Ye Tian, ​​Lin Yefeng and the others suddenly changed their expressions slightly, and a flash of light flashed in their eyes.

However, Wentian's expression was still calm, because long ago, his strong spiritual consciousness had enveloped the entire capital.

He was no stranger to the burly man in front of him, because he was Chi Yue's second prince.

This person's name is Ji Zhuoqing, and he is the biological brother of Chiyue Emperor Ji Zhuoyang.

When he was competing for the throne, he had shown great ambitions, but he was still suppressed by Ji Zhuoyang in the end.

Ever since he asked Tian Nisheng and became a king himself, Ji Zhuoyang has been defeated everywhere, which has seriously damaged the face of the Ji family. It is said that the top management of the Ji family in Tianyunhai has already intended to become the emperor.

And the second prince of Chiyue in front of them is the object they want to support.

This person is indeed courageous, facing the pressure of the ancient army and the overwhelming strength of Wentian, he dared to stand up.

On the contrary, today's Chi Yuesheng lasted Ji Zhuoyang, but he was hiding in the depths of the palace.

In fact, the second prince, Ji Zhuoqing, had already panicked in his heart.

Not to mention the high morale soldiers from the ancient domain in front, just the ancient king Lin Wentian in front of him could easily take his life, but he had to show up.

Because according to his understanding, once the man in front of him enters the capital, at that time, as a disciple of the Ji family, he will also die.

Rather than being killed like this, he might as well come out on his own initiative, maybe the Ji family and Yitianzong's army will descend from the sky in the next moment.

At that time, with his current performance, it would be logical to replace his younger brother Ji Zhuoyang, so as to sit on the throne and control this world.

Others may not know it, but as Chi Yue's second prince, he naturally knows their Tianyunhai Ji family's powerful strength that can crush the world.

"Chenghuang, as long as I can persist in coming from the upper realm, I, Ji Zhuoqing, will become emperor. From then on, I will be Chiyue's sage and Chiyue's son of heaven."

"My dear brother, you took my throne back then, and even wanted to kill me after you became emperor, do you really think I don't know?"

"As long as I can become an emperor, I can trample you under my feet and let you know that I, Ji Zhuoqing, is the elder brother. You can only look up to me and surrender to me forever."

Roaring in his heart, he couldn't help clenching his fists vigorously, and his expression became more ferocious.

At the same time, in the depths of the palace, Ji Zhuoyang's eyes flashed viciously: "It's so stupid that you want to seize my throne?"


It was good that the other party didn't mention his grandfather, but when he mentioned it, Wentian's eyes turned blood red.

Because if it wasn't for Ji Zhuoyang's decree, his grandfather would not have gone to the Dragon Valley, one of the three most dangerous places, and would not have disappeared. Until now, there has been no news.

His originally indifferent expression suddenly showed a hint of cruelty: "Kill!"

He roared, just like this roar, wanting to completely vent the anger in his heart.

"Kill kill!"


With his "kill", the army of the ancient domain suddenly became murderous, roared wildly, and rushed out like a beast.

Sensing everyone's murderous intent, Ji Zhuoqing's expression changed drastically in an instant.

It never occurred to him that what he said before, not only did not have a deterrent effect, but instead aroused hatred and murderous intent in Wentian's heart.

"Om!" Suddenly a burst of blood gushed out, and a bloody long whip appeared in Wentian's hand.

This whip is not an ordinary whip, because it is blood-colored all over, and a strange black nail is fused into the front end of the whip, which looks very strange.

"Dragon nail whip!" This is the name Wentian gave it.

That's right, this is the Dragon Nail Whip that Wentian spent two days refining from the blood-stained dragon's tendons, the black nail he took from Xiaoyao's body, and some metals. .

Of course, he was only refining weapons for the first time, and there was no spirit carving in this whip. It was only based on his powerful cultivation base, and borrowed the power of Lan Yanzhitao, to forcibly fuse them together with the black and white cauldron.

But its power should not be underestimated, especially the black nail at the front end, which can pierce Li Xiaoyao's divine body and seal him.

"Death!" He roared angrily, throwing out the dragon nail whip in his hand.

With a whoosh, the dragon nail whip, which was originally only one foot long, instantly extended infinitely, roaring out like a dragon.

"Pfft!" The dragon nail whip was as fast as lightning, piercing through a person's body in an instant, and the bright red blood dripped continuously along the whip.

Especially the black nail was so weird that even though it penetrated through flesh and blood, it didn't touch even a drop of blood.

"What? The second prince is dead?"

"Ah! Dead! The second prince was killed!" There was a burst of panic in the field.

I saw the second prince Ji Zhuoqing who had a domineering look before, but now his eyes were wide open, as if he couldn't believe that he was killed so easily.

Suddenly, a wave of unwillingness and regret quickly attacked his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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