Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 546 You are not it!

Chapter 546 You are not it!

Lin Yefeng and others who had exited the capital watched this scene from afar, their eyes wide open, filled with shock.

These are hundreds of figures, not just a few.

What is unbelievable is that the aura of each of the avatars transformed by Wentian with the power of water has surpassed the realm of divine origin and reached the half-step true one realm.

"Huh? No!" All of a sudden, Ye Tian's eyes shrank, and there was an unthinkable expression in them.

"What? The limiting power of the world has disappeared?" General Zhao called out the next moment.

"No~ the restriction of the power of rules has not disappeared at all, but the entire Tianwu Continent is evolving, perfecting, and transforming." Lin Yefeng exclaimed.

"Ah? In this way, those people in Tianyunhai can..." Thinking of something, countless soldiers from the ancient domain burst into an uproar, with fear in their eyes.

Even Lin Yefeng, Yetian and the others turned pale for a while.

At the same time, hundreds of miles away from the capital, a young woman was standing, holding a five-color beast egg in her arms.

She is Lian Yu.

Here, her pupils are full of complex colors, she never thought that in such a short period of time, the man in front of her would grow to this stage.

But her heart trembled again.

Not only because of the great changes in the world, but also because the person who fought with Wentian was one of the human ancestors, Ji Zu, who was rumored to have slaughtered countless armies of monsters and beasts by himself.

It is said that in the early days of ancient times, this person once beheaded a demon king and several demon kings with monstrous power, but he was the pinnacle of the human race.

At that time, he was almost a legend, a legend that no one could surpass, but she never thought that he would reappear in front of her eyes now.

Although this is only the consciousness of the other party's remnant soul, it is enough to make waves. If the Ji family in Tianyunhai finds out, it will definitely cause an uproar.

I'm afraid they must protect the remnant soul of their ancestors at all costs.

Because if one day, Ji Zu can use this ray of remnant soul to gather his sleeping or scattered remnant souls in various interfaces, then he may be reborn.

And at that time, with Ji Zu's ability, they would definitely be able to bring their Ji family to the top, and becoming the fourth Holy Land would be just around the corner.

"That scoundrel dared to bully Diadia, it's really abominable!" With a whoosh, just as Lianyu was dazed, the five-colored beast egg flashed and rushed out of her arms instantly.

When he came back to his senses, Lian Yu's complexion changed suddenly.

"Boom boom boom!!" The sky in Huangjing erupted with loud noises like divine thunder.

"Thousand overlapping wave palms!"

Hundreds of Wentians all blasted countless palm prints at this moment.

Fluffy!Immediately, the entire void boiled completely, and there was the sound of turbulent waves, wave after wave of turbulent waves rolling crazily, like a water dragon roaring in it.

"An ant-like existence also wants to challenge my will!"

"Scatter!" Ji Zu said coldly.

As soon as the scattered characters come out, it is like having the power to follow the words.

With a buzzing sound, the entire void hummed, and the turbulent waves disappeared without a trace, as if being steamed, and only the white mist remained in the void.

"Water element changes, the power of mist!" Numerous Wentian shouted in a deep voice, and dazzling handprints formed on their hands.

"Bang!" The void shook violently, and a barrier with a radius of a hundred miles appeared, completely surrounding the entire palace.

Five thousand...three the blink of an eye, ten thousand heavens appeared in the barrier.

That's right!That's ten thousand!
"Kill kill kill!!"

The shouts of killing rang out completely to stop Xingyun, Wan Wentian's expression was cold, and his murderous aura shot out.

Such a spectacular scene is simply earth-shattering and shocks the hearts of everyone.

However, even so, Ji Zu's face remained unchanged, and there was a hint of contempt in his eyes.

"No matter how many there are, they are still ants. Let alone tens of thousands of ants, even if there are hundreds of millions of ants, so what?"

"One Season Township!"

hum!The entire enchantment shook rapidly, and at the same time, a huge font instantly condensed in the void.

This is the season character!

The character Ji seems to represent a clan, a peak race, its body is full of ancient and mysterious aura, and it exudes a power that seems to be able to crush the world.

"Bang bang bang!!"

"Boom boom boom!!"

Under the power of Ji Zi, countless clones of Wentian collapsed in an instant, and even the entire barrier collapsed, completely shattered.

"The ancient king..."

"Kill! Kill him together!"

Immediately, the expressions of everyone watching this battle changed suddenly. Countless people were screaming, and countless people were roaring.

Especially the revived General Zhao, his face was extremely ferocious, he roared frantically, with a bang, his killing intent was overwhelming, and his whole body rushed out like a cannonball.

Because his life was given to him by Lin Wentian, the king of the ancient domain. He has a violent personality. Although the enemy is extremely powerful, at this moment, he still cannot suppress the anger in his heart.

"Wait!" Just the next moment, a divine light flashed in front of him, and Ye Tian blocked him.


He is asking the sky.

"Yi, yi!" At the same time, the voice of Xiao Qiu came from the void, it raised its head and looked at Ji Zu proudly.

Ji Zu ignored Wentian, but suddenly raised his head and looked at the little ball. Perhaps in his eyes, no matter how Wentian jumped around, an ant would always be an ant.

But this strange little beast in front of him seemed to bring back some ancient memories in him.

"It was you!"

"No~ you're not the real one!" He said to himself, and at the end, there was a hint of disappointment in the depths of his eyes.

However, with his demeanor, Xiao Qiu jumped out of anger.

"Buzz!!" With the movement of its hands, blades of space quickly condensed and slashed at Ji Zu.

"You are not it!" Ji Zu's expression was still indifferent, he slowly raised his hand, and countless ancient runes flashed in his hand, emitting a monstrous aura.

"Acridine!" Feeling this aura, the originally furious little ball screamed as if its tail had been stepped on. With a buzzing sound, white light flashed on its body, and it disappeared into the void instantly.

I didn't expect it, which has always been fearless of the sky and the earth, to escape at this moment.

"You can't escape, because you are not it!" Although the ball disappeared, Ji Zu still said it confidently, because he has the power to cut through the air.

"Huh?" But at the next moment, he suddenly frowned, showing dissatisfaction.

Because his hand that was entwined with the ancient talisman was actually full of cracks, as if his hand would completely shatter if he touched it lightly.

"This physical body is too weak! Where is my divine body?" He murmured, and raised his head to look at the sky, as if his eyes could see through nothingness and see the distant starry sky.

"Roar..." But just as he was distracted, a dragon's roar full of anger and fear suddenly came from the palace below.

boom!The entire Golden Dragon Hall and the entire imperial palace exploded completely at this moment, and a monstrous golden light rose into the sky.

"Dragon mark, devour it!" Wentian roared in the golden light.

(End of this chapter)

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