Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 551: Beyond Immortal!

Chapter 551: Beyond Immortal!
Ji Zu was defeated!
No~ he didn't lose!It was Ji Zhuoyang's body that lost!

Because his physical body is too weak to bear Ji Zu's powerful strength.

"Fight!" A distressed figure fell from the void and hit the ground with a bang, creating a huge hole.

"Ahem..." There was a weak coughing sound from the huge pit, and when the dust disappeared, a figure with a cracked body appeared.

It is asking the sky.

It's just that his whole body was stained with blood, his complexion was as pale as snow, and even his steps shook for a while.

Not only that, but his blond hair has returned to its original shape, and the dragon pattern imprint on his forehead has a weak golden glow, as if he has consumed too much power and is about to disappear.

The golden broken star that was originally golden also converged at this moment, revealing a purple sword body.

Wentian suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky, his face became more and more gloomy, without any joy of defeating Ji Zu.

Because at the moment just now, he sensed a residual consciousness and escaped from the blasted void.

"What a Jizu! What an ancient power!"

"But one day, I, Lin Wentian, will surpass you, as long as I can turn nine into a god." A firm light flashed in his eyes, and he clenched his fist even more.

Feeling Ji Zu's strong will and that peerless might, the thought in his heart became firmer, which is the meaning of a strong man.

He wants to surpass the predecessors of the human race, and he wants to walk a different path. Since those human ancestors can create the method of cultivating gods, why can't he?
The strength of the immortal is undoubtedly strong, but in the end it still fell into the hands of the two races of demons and demons.

It can also be seen from this that the strength of the two races of demons and demons is also extremely strong. If the human race wants to be killed from the ten thousand races, it must have the peerless strength that can crush the two races of demons and demons.

Otherwise, even if the strength of the human race is comparable to that of immortals, when the two races of demons join forces, the human race may still follow in the footsteps of the immortal race.

The only way for the human race to rise completely is to surpass the immortals.

"Immortals and gods, maybe one day in the future, I will be able to completely integrate the two, and become the supreme existence beyond immortals or gods, immortal gods."

As soon as this thought came out, Wentian's heart pounded and his breathing became rapid, making his eyes brighter and brighter.

"Ahem..." He coughed up blood, his body had more and more cracks, even with the support of Broken Star, his body shook.

It seems that the previous blow caused serious damage to his body, especially the ancient rune in Ji's palm, which turned into an extremely domineering force, constantly destroying his body.

His eyes flashed, and the purple broken star in his hand disappeared.

Immediately, he immediately sat up cross-legged on the spot, summoned the power of returning to the beginning, dissolved the power left by Ji Zu in his body, and tried to recover.

At the same time, the ancient soldiers who were far away from the capital were shocked when they saw this scene, and their hearts were filled with boundless excitement.

"The ancient king, the ancient king!"

Ji Zhuoyang, the sage of Chiyue, fell, and the other disciples of the Ji family's royal family perished. Even members of the Tianyunhai Ji's family exploded without any corpses. Chiyue is completely over from today.

The ancient king in front of them is simply the child of miracles.

Not only did he become a king on his own, but he also fought against many forces in the sky and sea of ​​clouds with his own strength.

Now that Chi Yue has been defeated, not even the mysterious ancestor of the Ji family can stop him.

This is definitely the No. 1 of the ages, destined to shock the present and shine through the ages, and its name will remain in the history.

"My king is so mighty, destined to be immortal!"

"Long live my king! Long live the ancient king!"

Countless people shouted wildly, their expressions extremely excited.

For their ancient king, the fanaticism in their hearts reached an extreme.

Unknowingly, in the hearts of these people, Wentian is not only a king, but also an invincible god, a piece of heaven in their hearts.

They firmly believe that one day, the king in front of them will lead them to an unprecedented height, and even use the power of the mortal world to kill the sky and cloud sea, and challenge those great forces.

Thinking of this, they couldn't feel their hearts surging, as if there were thousands of dragons roaring, their fighting spirit was high, and they seemed to shake the sky.

Chiyue will no longer exist, and there will only be their ancient domain, which will definitely cause an uproar in Tianyuan Continent, causing countless people to lose sleep all night.

"Boom!!" Countless people rushed out, their faces full of excitement.

Not only that, even some of Chiyue's surviving people looked at the man sitting cross-legged on the broken ground with shocked expressions.

"Is this Lin Wentian, the King of the Ancient Domain?"

"Unexpectedly, in just three years, he has grown to this stage!"

Although the battle between Guyu and Chiyue ended, their eyes were still filled with disbelief.

In the Qian mansion, Mr. Qian's eyes shone brightly, and his whole body was instantly full of energy: "Good boy! As expected, the old man did not misunderstand the person. This time, the old man wants to look at the people above, and dare to say that the old man is confused. "

"The sword of madness is destined to be a domineering man for a lifetime, no wonder he was able to pull out that sword in the first place!" Qian Fugui muttered in a daze, as if still in shock.

Fairy Phoenix Pavilion!
With the old woman at the head and the others, their eyes were filled with disbelief that the Chiyue Empire, which had stood in the Tianyuan Continent for many years, was actually destroyed.

Even Ji Zu, the rumored mighty human race, had his wisps of consciousness defeated.

And the person who defeated him was actually a boy in his early twenties. If this news spread to Tian Yunhai, it would definitely cause a huge sensation.

"If you are so arrogant, why didn't he participate in the Daozi trial of my Dao Sect?" the old woman murmured.

It's just that she never thought that Wentian not only participated in the Daozi trial, but also obtained Dao blood into her heart, and possessed the Dao seal.

He is the seventh person!
At the same time, the ancient domain.

"Hoho!" The voices of the luck golden dragon and the meritorious dragon resounded throughout the ancient domain.

"Om!" At this moment, the entire ancient domain was undergoing astonishing changes. In people's shocked eyes, they could see the entire sea of ​​colorful clouds churning rapidly.

Soon, the sea of ​​colorful clouds not only became bigger, but also the colorful light in it became more and more dazzling.

Shining on everyone immediately makes them feel comfortable physically and mentally, as if their hearts have been purified, sublimated and transformed.

boom!A monstrous golden light rushed out from the hall, and soon the huge body of a hundred-foot-long golden dragon appeared.

It has a domineering expression, its dragon eyes are wide open, and it roars to the sky. Its roar is not only full of domineering, but also full of boundless excitement.

"哐!" The golden light on its body became more and more intense, and it kept churning. The next moment, a shocking scene appeared.

Its body swelled rapidly, as if it was blessed by the Dragon Emperor's power. In less than a moment, it changed from a body of one hundred feet to a body of two hundred feet.

Fully doubled.

"Hiss!" Looking at such a huge thing, and feeling the dragon's power from it, the people in the entire ancient domain were all shocked, and their hearts were filled with shock.

Boom boom boom! !At this moment, many people looked excited and broke through their cultivation one after another. Even some ordinary people broke through from Yuanyuan Realm to Transforming Spirit Realm.

"The luck and merits of the ancient domain have become stronger. Could it be that the ancient kings have won? Chiyue has been defeated?" An old man murmured, his eyes filled with ecstasy.

He is Mr. Meng, the head of civil servants.

"The ancient king, the ancient king!"

"My king is the son of the real dragon, destined to be invincible!" The people reacted and shouted excitedly.

At this moment, it is hard to describe the excitement and joy in their hearts.

Because they know that starting today, there will no longer be Chiyue in Tianyuan Continent.

Not only that, maybe their ancient domain can take advantage of this to transform the country into a new imperial country.

(End of this chapter)

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