Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 555 Bloodline Summoning

Chapter 555 Bloodline Summoning

At the same time, in an unknown star, baby cries came from a cave.

This cry is very loud, representing a new life.

Not long after, a middle-aged woman slowly walked out of the cave, holding a chubby baby in her arms, which looked very cute.

Suddenly, for some reason, the baby kept crying and struggling, trying to crawl out of the woman's arms.

Seeing this, the woman immediately frowned, with a puzzled look on her face.

"Hey..." But at the next moment, she didn't know what to think of, she couldn't help shaking her head and sighing, her face was full of helplessness.

After saying that, she suddenly turned her head and glanced at the cave. Her body twisted and she disappeared from the original place in an instant.

"Nianyun...after thinking of her, I will live like a white cloud in the sky." From the cave, came a voice full of complex emotions.

"Why are you doing this... hey...!" The strange thing is that the woman before had disappeared, but her sigh resounded in the void.

But she didn't show up again until she reached the entire void, and the entire cave returned to calm again.

Tianyuan Continent.

Wentian's gaze became more and more shocked, and his heart was even more turbulent, because just the moment before, he actually sensed that in a certain distant place, there was a feeling that connected his heart.

"Who? Who is calling me?" Gradually, he was full of doubts.

It's slow to say, but everything happened only at that moment.

Looking at him lying in a pool of blood and unable to move, the expressions of those Ji family disciples were full of ferocity, as if they would see him disappear in the next moment.

"Die! This is what happens when you fight against my Ji family." Someone sneered.

Boom! !
"Yi! Yi! "Suddenly, the cries of the little ball sounded outside the barrier, and with a flash of white light, it appeared out of thin air.

Looking at Wentian who was trapped and besieged, his face became furious and his tail stiffened.

Unexpectedly, it was scared off by Ji Zu before, and it turned back again here.

"Whispering! Little Cai is here!" At the same time, the voice of five-color beast eggs rang out in Wentian's head.

A ray of colored light came from afar, followed by a huge figure, it was a golden dragon with an extremely terrified expression.

It is the Chiyue Gongde Golden Dragon who escaped before, but unexpectedly, it was captured by the five-color beast eggs.

In particular, the five-color lights that imprisoned its body made it unable to move its dragon body, which simply broke its mind.

Seeing this, Xiaoqiu suddenly changed his expression, as if thinking of something.

"Yi acridine!" it yelled, and its two paws danced wildly.


The next moment, in front of Wentian in the barrier, there was a buzzing sound, and immediately a huge circle formed rapidly.

This is the circle of breaking the void!

Boom!A huge figure suddenly rushed out from this empty circle, it was Chi Yue's surviving virtuous Golden Dragon.

"Roar!!" It yelled in panic, especially when it saw the sky in front of it, its eyes were wide open in fear, as if it had seen a ghost.

However, the moment it appeared, Wentian's heart skipped a beat, and then his eyes lit up, and the fiery light between them became louder and louder.

The body of this huge virtuous golden dragon suddenly burst into a strong colorful light, and its screams full of fear and sorrow were heard continuously.

That colorful light seemed to have mysterious and unpredictable power, making it tremble in the heart, and the whole body seemed to be crushed and crushed.

With a loud bang, with the fear in his heart, its entire dragon body suddenly exploded, turning into countless golden stars.

Immediately, Wentian's eyes were filled with light, as if he was in a realm of starlight, and there were golden stars in all directions.

"The power of merit!"

Looking at the golden stars in front of him, Wentian's mind became agitated, and his expression became more and more excited.

"The mark of the dragon pattern! Devour it!" He used up all the strength in his body and roared with a domineering expression.

"Om!" As soon as he roared, the dragon mark that had disappeared originally reappeared at this moment, but the golden light in it was as weak as a glimmer of light, flashing and flashing.

However, with the influx of golden light stars from all directions, it became more and more bright, causing the golden light on Wentian's body to explode, and a domineering and sacred aura rose from him again.

Suddenly, his eyes opened angrily, and he turned over like a carp, and stepped on the ground in an instant.

It can be seen with the naked eye that his broken body is being repaired to an astonishing extent.

The power of merit, this is a mysterious power, like a gift from heaven, it can bring people back from the dead, and it is fundamentally different from the power of luck.

Everything happened in that instant, and those Ji family disciples hadn't fully reacted yet, but their berserk attacks had already landed on Wentian like a scramble to be the first.

Immediately, the entire land collapsed and collapsed again, and the astonishing aftermath was overwhelming, causing the void to explode continuously.

"Do not……"

"The ancient king..."

Lin Yefeng and the others were heart-piercing, roaring like crazy. At this moment, their hearts felt as if they were being twisted, and when their hearts were extremely sad, they burst out with boundless anger and hatred.

Lian Yu's delicate body trembled suddenly, her complexion pale to the extreme.

As long as the man in front of her falls, she will be completely free. It should be a happy thing, but for some reason, there is no joy in her heart.

"Hmph~ A mere piece of trash dares to oppose my Ji family, it's simply beyond his control."

"My Ji family is one of the five major families of the human race. It is the royal family among the human race. How can you, a mere mortal from the lower realm, be able to shake it?"

"No one can reverse the meaning of the Ji family!"

Those Ji family disciples sneered.

It's just that among these people, there are some older disciples who are deeply frowning, and there is a faint uneasiness in their hearts.

Because at the last moment, they seemed to see a virtual hole appear, and it seemed that a huge monster rushed out, and then there was a roar, and there were countless golden stars.

Although they didn't see it clearly, their hearts were constantly filled with uneasiness.

Immediately, their eyes contracted, and then their spiritual consciousness spread out with all their strength, and they felt towards the broken earth rolling in dust in the lower realm.

"No one? Could it be that they were completely killed?" Sensing that there was no breath below, they breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

It's just that the next moment, their hearts that had just settled down were lifted up in an instant, and their expressions were full of disbelief.

"'s impossible!"

"You didn't die? Your injury?"

"What? This ant-like thing is still alive?"

Immediately, the audience was filled with the sound of shock and the roar of disbelief.

Not only that, but many disciples of Ji's family were shocked, and their eyes were full of fear.

I saw a blood-colored man standing in the sky above them. He had flying blond hair, and his expression was extremely cold. The mysterious mark on his forehead exuded a divine aura.

(End of this chapter)

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