Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 56 Broken Chrysalis Becomes Butterfly

Chapter 56
In the Golden Dragon Hall, the sage Shang Ji Zhuoyang sat high on the dragon chair, his brows were furrowed, and he kept tapping the back of the chair with his hands, as if he was deep in thought.

And below him, a man in black knelt on one knee.

"Is there still no news about Eunuch Fang?" Ji Zhuoyang said calmly.

Hearing the words, the man in black below raised his head suddenly, and said with a hint of anxiety in his pupils: "Report to the Holy Majesty, there is still no news about Eunuch Fang. As for General Lei, he also said that he has not been to the barracks."

When he said this, the black man's heart couldn't help jumping up suddenly, and his breathing was short of breath.

"Is there any news from him?" Ji Zhuoyang said again.

The man in black looked slightly stunned, and immediately continued: "General Li replied that everything in the barracks is normal, and he is ready to cooperate with Mr. Fang Kilometer at any time."

Hearing this, Ji Zhuoyang's eyes flashed with doubt, and then he closed his eyes lightly, until the whole hall fell into a brief silence.

I don't know how long it took, the black clothes seemed to think of something, and he opened his mouth to break the silence: "My lord, Eunuch Fang and the others, will there be any accidents?"

Hearing this, Ji Zhuoyang suddenly opened his eyes, and said coldly: "Eunuch Fang and his party are so powerful that ordinary people can't do it at all, unless...unless they are strong from a foreign country."

Speaking of this, Ji Zhuoyang's eyes burst into a cold light.

"Your Majesty, do you mean... what Tianyang Kingdom did?" The expression of the man in black changed drastically in an instant.

"It seems that the previous matter of going to the government may really be done by a strong general of Tianyang Kingdom, and his purpose is to frame Lin Wentian so that I can take action against Lin Zhentian." Sheng Shangji Zhuoyang's eyes narrowed into a line.

Hearing this, the man in black couldn't help dripping fine sweat from his forehead, as if he was very nervous: "Is that according to the will of the Holy One?"

"Maybe a foreign invasion is coming, let's put Lei Hongfeng's matter aside for now, and pass on my order to let him adjust his morale and guard the frontier for me." Ji Zhuoyang said.

"No!" The man in black replied and left the hall.

After he left, the Holy Majesty suddenly raised his head and murmured: "That guy Lin Zhentian is not here, so there is one less shield. It seems that we must marry Fengyun as soon as possible. Royal sister, don't blame me, brother. I did this for you. For the entire Chi Yue."

At the end, a strange light flashed in his pupils.

"Come here, be sure to hand over this letter to Princess Muli with your own hands. There must be no mistakes."

"No!" A person came straight from outside the hall and took the letter.


When the turmoil broke out in the capital, Wentian was still undergoing transformation in the giant cauldron.

At this moment, layer after layer of dead skin is shedding from his whole body, as if he is breaking out of a chrysalis into a butterfly, trying to break free from the shackles.

And the blood in his body became more and more bright red, but his bones seemed to become translucent, giving off traces of divine brilliance.

His aura is like a rainbow, and his vitality surges wildly, as if he has reached a peak, and his long black hair is flying, making him look like the emperor among kings, showing his domineering side.

But the breath of the two women outside was not as good as before. Maybe it was due to the long-term sacrifice, and tiredness was clearly visible in the pupils.

After all, alchemy not only consumes a lot of energy, but also consumes energy.

"Today is seven seven and forty-nine days. From this point of view, the taboo blood pill may be completed." One of the women said, the tired eyes flashed with excitement.

"When these taboo pills become pills, some visions may appear. Junior sister, please remember not to be careless. If this pill is damaged, neither you nor I will be able to explain to Master." The older woman looked Show caution.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, there was a "bang", and the entire giant cauldron shook suddenly, and the expressions of the two of them changed drastically at that moment.

"This pill is ready, Junior Sister quickly use all your strength to hold the cauldron!"

At the same time, Wentian in the cauldron suddenly opened his eyes, and his pupils shone brightly.

Immediately, boom boom boom! ! !The aura on his body suddenly exploded, and he continued to climb upwards, as if he wanted to test his height with the sky.

"Yuanli Hualing! Give me Popopo!!"

He yelled three broken words in a row, and the center of his brows suddenly turned into a golden light, and a golden dragon mark, like a miniature dragon, hovered between his brows, making him look like an emperor among dragons.

The blurry figure behind him also shook violently at this moment, and then turned into a golden light, rushing into his body rapidly, making his body dazzled with golden light, like a scorching sun in the sky.

Boom boom boom!

Also at this moment, the sky over the entire cave was suddenly turbulent, the whole sky became gloomy, and there were bursts of muffled thunder.

A black vortex slowly formed, and at the same time, a very oppressive breath that made it impossible to breathe suddenly fell from the sky.


"Could it be that such a taboo pill will attract a catastrophe when it becomes a pill?"

After sensing the sudden change in the vision in the sky, the expressions of the two women were full of horror, as if they couldn't believe it.

Hundreds of miles away from this cave, an old woman walked in the air. Her seemingly ordinary step could often reach several miles in one step, as if she had the magical power of teleportation.

"This is?"

At this moment, her expression changed suddenly, and then she froze, and disappeared from the spot in an instant, and her speed was more than three times faster than before.

The breath in the air is getting heavier and more oppressive, but that one is getting bigger and bigger, as if turning into a black bottomless pit.

Suddenly, there was a shocking thunder in the black hole, and then a silver thunder carried the power of destroying the world, and with a bang, it struck down from the black hole, and its momentum was extremely powerful.

"Not good!" The two women in the cave exclaimed, but before they could react, silver thunder fell from the sky.

There was a loud "boom", and it exploded for dozens of miles.

Some monks looked shocked and looked up at the sky, especially the nearby Ningqing Taoist Temple, Qingxu Village, etc. Many strong men woke up from their latent cultivation.

"Notify all generations of disciples to form formations and seal off the mountain immediately!" A voice of vicissitudes came from the depths of Ningqing Taoist Temple.

At the same time, dozens of figures flashed across the sky above Qingxu Village, but the figures and appearances of these figures all seemed to be the same, as if they belonged to one person at all.

"By my order, the village will be closed immediately, and those who violate it will be killed without mercy." Dozens of figures in the air came at this moment with one voice.

When the silver thunder came to the world, the valley below was wiped out instantly, and a powerful dust storm swept up and scattered in all directions.

When the storm dissipated, the entire valley had turned into nothingness, and a huge crater appeared underground, with traces of lightning intertwined with a wisp of sparks, burning on the ground.

"Master's red burning cauldron..."

"Forbidden Blood Pill..."

Two weak voices came from the broken ground.

I saw two bloody figures lying on the ground, crawling towards the depths of the huge pit with difficulty. These two people were the two middle-aged women before.

"Forbidden Blood Pill? I think you should be looking for me!"

Suddenly, from the depths of the huge pit, came a cold voice full of sarcasm.

(End of this chapter)

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