Chapter 560
Just when the Sky Thunder Orb fell into Wentian's hands, this place was Tianyunhai.

"You dare to take the old man's artifact, Lin Wentian, you are looking for death." A voice of fury came from a mountain peak.

It is obvious that the roaring person is the real owner of the Sky Thunder Orb, that is, the elder of the Ji family.

At the same time, in a secret room, an old man suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were blood red and covered with spider webs of blood, which looked extremely terrifying.

"My son... Lin Wentian, I want you to die without a place to bury me, and I won't drink your blood or gnaw your bones. It's hard to get rid of the hatred in my heart." The old man yelled heart-piercingly.

boom!Suddenly, a powerful aura, mixed with that astonishing killing intent, exploded from him.

Ancient Land!With such a powerful aura, it is definitely an ancient realm powerhouse above the True One Realm.

Tianyuan Continent.

"Ji family, one day you don't need to come to me, I, Lin Wentian, will naturally go to you." Wentian seemed to sense something, he suddenly raised his head, and said in a cold voice.

"Long live the ancient king!"


boom!When the entire capital calmed down completely, the soldiers of the ancient domain and the people of the Lin family were all extremely excited.

They didn't expect that their ancient king, their young master, had grown to such an extent that he possessed the monstrous power to kill the true god and forcibly seal the divine weapon.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed it, because it was so unbelievable.

In their hearts, Wentian is the son of a miracle who can never be seen through the ages.

Some even suspected that he was the reincarnation of the ancient power, or that he was the son of heaven sent by heaven to rescue them.

Boom...their expressions were extremely excited, and they all rushed towards Wentian.

"Yi ai! Yi ai!" Xiaoqiu looked proud and raised his proud head, as if saying to everyone that all the credit goes to him.

"Hey!" But just when it was triumphant, a colorful light hit it, with a bang, it screamed, and was blasted ten miles away.

It was the five-color beast egg.

Looking at the five-color beast egg entangled with Xiaoqiu, Wentian's eyes were full of complex lights. He never thought that when he was in danger, he would be saved by this beast egg.

But the previous him actually wanted to kill the other party, and suddenly, he couldn't help feeling guilty.

"Hey!" He sighed softly and shook his head lightly, as if he still couldn't let go of it.

"Huh?" Suddenly he raised his eyelids, looking at the sky above, his face darkened.

But at the next moment, his eyes flashed, and he didn't know what to think of, and a sneer suddenly formed at the corner of his mouth.

"Don't come here!" He yelled at the soldiers from the ancient domain who flew over, and immediately his body swelled and turned into a golden beam that soared into the sky.

Seeing this, the other people were stunned and looked puzzled, but they were still shocked and stopped quickly.

At the same time, the little ball that was fighting with the five-color beast eggs also seemed to sense something, and it turned its eyes to look at the void.

But the next moment, it screamed angrily, because the five-color beast egg took this opportunity to hit it hard.

"Roar..." There was a roar, Xiao Ling turned into a giant ape, raised his fist, and slammed it at the five-color egg.

Immediately, the two beasts and one egg fought fiercely together, as if they wanted to compete for the position of the boss.


Suddenly there were bursts of rumbling sounds from the sky, and a powerful pressure was released, and nothingness began to distort, as if to form a void.

With a flash of golden light, Wen Tianling stood there, looking at the twisting nothingness, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Yi Tianzong! Today I will give you a big gift."

After the words fell, he closed his eyes.

When he opened it again, his right eye had completely turned blood red.

The blood-red pupils represent death, the destroying blood pupils that want to destroy everything.

boom!A blood-red beam rushed out, carrying the power of destruction, hitting the distorted nothingness.

Boom boom boom! !Immediately, the entire nothingness suddenly exploded, and the fierce wind roared, and the sharp and shattered space power raged in all directions, with a monstrous momentum.

"damn it……"


"Lin Wentian, you monster, one day you will regret it!"

"If you offend Yitianzong, no matter how hard you struggle, you are doomed to die!"

From the shattered nothingness, there were continuous screams, which were not only full of hatred, but also extremely frightening.

"Want to kill me? I, Lin Wentian, will accompany you at any time, but we have to see if you have the opportunity." Wentian sneered.

"Broken Star!" He shouted heavily.

Chi!The broken star suspended in the air turned into a golden light beam and rushed towards it.

Holding the golden broken star in his hand, the sword intent on Wentian's body began to boom.

One point of sword intent, two points of sword intent, until climbing to three points of sword intent.

The burst of three-point sword intent caused his blond hair to dance wildly, exuding an incomparably domineering aura.

This is not only the aura of the king, but also mixed with the aura of the emperor, which looks boundless and domineering.

"Storm Sword Splitting Shadow!"

He yelled violently, loosened his hand, and the broken star fell down.

"Boom!" Immediately, a powerful sword field spread out centered on him, and the golden light of broken stars was shining brightly. The next moment, it completely disappeared into the void.

At the same time, countless sharp sword qi crazily gushed out from all directions, and with a sudden wave of his hand, these countless sword qi, like a salvo of hundreds of millions of divine arrows, rushed towards the shattered nothingness.

"Do not………"


In those cracks in space, there were constant screams, followed by puff puffs, and an extremely thick blood mist gushed out from the entire nothingness.

This is the mist of divine blood!

Because these are the inner disciples of the Yitian Sect, the head of the Seven Sects, and the number is astonishing.

According to Wentian's perception, there are probably no less than 200 people, which is more than the number of disciples in the Ji family's lower realm.

It's just that they were arrogant, and they were attacked and killed by Wentian before they walked out of the space crack. Even if they didn't die under his attack, they would die in the space storm.

I don't know if the senior officials of Yitianzong will be mad with anger when they hear the news.

The disciple of the Yitian Sect, the head of the Seven Paths, died so humiliated. If it gets out, it will definitely become the laughing stock of Tian Yunhai.

"From today onwards, there will be no more Chiyue in Tianyuan Continent. Those who surrender can stay, and those who want to leave, I, Lin Wentian, will never force me to stay."

When Wentian showed his cultivation, his voice immediately filled all directions and rang in everyone's minds.

Especially when the people in the ancient domain heard it, they looked excited and cheered crazily.

"Long live the ancient king, long live!" Almost all the people in the ancient domain knelt down to pay respects, and even some older people shed tears of excitement.

Because once the red moon is gone, it means that they can return to the capital again, and return to their hometown where they were born.

After all, many people were not born in the ancient domain, but came here later.

"The Chiyue Empire, which stood in the Tianyuan Continent for countless years, was actually destroyed by Lin Wentian, the number one rich man in the capital?" Even now, some people still can't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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