Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 562 Breakthrough of Alchemy Little Spirit

Chapter 562 Breakthrough of Alchemy Little Spirit

In an instant, the expressions of everyone in the valley changed drastically, and they quickly raised their heads to look somewhere into the void.

I saw thunder calamity landing from time to time in the sky, and as the thunder calamity appeared, soon, the whole valley emitted a strong medicinal fragrance.

Anyone who smelled the fragrance of this medicine, their eyes brightened at this moment, and their hearts were turbulent, because they found that their cultivation had loosened a bit.

"How is it possible? But the mere scent of medicine can actually loosen my cultivation in the late stage of spirit transformation. Could it be that the young master is refining an earth-level elixir?" Someone called out.

"The elixir that can cause thunder and calamity is definitely an earth-level elixir." Zhou Bo said, his expression was full of excitement.

You must know that in Chiyue or the six imperial kingdoms in the past, those who could refine mysterious pills were all called genius doctors, and they were rare.

But now, Wentian, who is only in his early twenties, is able to refine the rumored earth-level pill that can cause thunder calamity. It is conceivable that they are so shocked and excited.

Earth-level pills are not comparable to prefecture-level weapons. In Tianyunhai, one prefecture-level elixir can often be replaced with ten, or even hundreds of prefecture-level weapons.

After all, among the many great forces, there is a Blade Sect that specializes in refining weapons, but there is no sect that specializes in alchemy.

It can also be seen from this that the identity of an alchemist is much higher than that of a weapon refiner.

As for the rumored god-level alchemist, it is said that it will take several years, or even longer, to refine a god-level alchemist.

However, the efficacy of the divine elixir possesses the power to surpass the heavens, even if a mortal takes it, he may instantly gain the power of a false god, or even a true god.

The thunder tribulation in the void would land every once in a while, and everyone gradually became indifferent from the shock at the beginning.

Many people immediately sat up cross-legged, formed the seal of cultivation, and began to devour the fragrant medicine that filled the whole valley.

Most of these people are the rising stars of the group, they did not choose to stay in the ancient domain, but in these sublime cultivation.

Because they want to become stronger, so that they can kill the enemy and protect their homeland.

"Boom...boom..." A young man's eyes were overjoyed, and his aura rose violently.

Mid Vientiane!

Although it is the middle stage of Vientiane, the coercion on him is much stronger than that of some late Vientiane.

Especially his physical body, full of vitality and radiance, seemed to contain astonishing brute force, comparable to the body of a monster.

"Boom!!" Immediately afterwards, many people broke through, and for a while, everyone in the valley in the valley all became excited.

"Yi ai! Yi ai!" At some point, the little ball also appeared, its face full of intoxication.

It took a deep breath, opened its mouth wide, and snatched the medicinal fragrance in the void like a whale sucking water.

"Om!" The five-color divine light surged out, and the five-color beast egg also came. It seemed to compete with the little ball, but it also burst into a devouring force, frantically grabbing the fragrance of the medicine.

The day passes!Two days passed!

In the blink of an eye, seven days passed, and when the high altitude returned to calm, the black and white tripod in the void shrank slowly, turning into a small tripod the size of a palm.

Wentian had been practicing alchemy for half a month, even he felt faintly overwhelmed, and there was a trace of exhaustion in his eyes.

However, here at him, looking at the palm-sized black and white cauldron in his hand, the corners of his mouth raised, forming an arc.

With a flash of light in his hand, the black and white cauldron disappeared, but there was a black elixir the size of a pigeon.

Broken Elephant Pill!
It is an earth-level low-grade elixir. Those who take it at the peak of spiritual transformation can break through to the Vientiane realm, and those who are at the early stage of Vientiane can break through to the middle stage of Vientiane.

This kind of Elephant Breaking Pill is definitely an extremely effective pill for the realm of the Vientiane Realm.

Unexpectedly, not long after he became an alchemist, he would already be able to refine earth-level elixir. If this is passed back to the Lingdan Peak, the third peak of Thunder Cloud Sect, it will definitely cause an uproar.

Of course, his ability to refine earth-level pills in such a short period of time is not only related to his alchemy talent, but also has a lot to do with his breakthrough in cultivation and the enhancement of his spiritual consciousness.

His eyes flashed, and then he flicked his fingers, and the broken elephant pills rushed out one by one.

"Each of you takes one of these pills. Even if you improve your cultivation, we still have a lot of hard work to fight in the near future." Wen Tiandan said.

"It's the young master!" Those rising stars replied with great fighting spirit.

"Yi ai! Yi ai!" Xiaoqiu glared angrily, baring her teeth and claws at Wentian.

Obviously, it saw that everyone had it, but it didn't, and was extremely angry in its heart.

"These are just some magical pills, and they won't do much for you. If you can find a thousand-year-old medicine king, or a ten-thousand-year magic medicine, I will refine a magic pill for you." For heaven's sake, a ray of light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

As for the strange little beast in front of him, until now, he has not figured out its details.

When he was in the Immortal Peak of Thunder Cloud Sect, he had read many ancient books, and there was only one strange beast, which was seven or eight points similar to it.

That is the space beast!

According to the records in ancient books, this space beast belongs to the ancient beasts, born in the chaotic space at the beginning of the world, and possessed the power of space since its birth.

Adult space beasts are more able to manipulate space as they wish, and there has always been a legend in Tianyunhai.

It is said that the formation of Tianyunhai is a mature space beast, its corpse, coupled with some human powers, exerted the shocking power of creating worlds, and it is the Tianyunhai that is today.

It can be said that their family, in the field of space power, can surpass no one, no beast, no demon, and no magic, and is known as the space demon emperor.

Wentian didn't dare to expect extravagantly for the ten-thousand-year magic medicine, but this is the mysterious place of Mizong Forest, and with the defying nature of the little beast in front of him, maybe the other party can really find the medicine king who has reached thousands of years.

Of course, it is impossible for him to refine the magic pill now.

When Xiaoqiu heard this, it was stunned for a moment, but soon, it seemed to come back to its senses, with a haughty look on its face, and looked at everyone with contemptuous eyes.

"Yi ai! Yi ai!" Then it yelled, and even stretched out three fingers, as if saying that it wanted to ask heaven to refine three magic pills for it.

Wentian showed an inexplicable smile and nodded.

"Buzz!" A blank light flashed, and the ball disappeared.

Then the colorful light flashed, and the five-color beast eggs also disappeared.

At the same time, a small voice sounded in Wentian's mind: "Daddy, wait, Xiaocai will find those little grasses for you."

"Xiao Cai?" Wentian raised his head, looking in the direction where the five-colored beast eggs disappeared, he murmured, his expression much softer than before.

At the same time, at the edge of the Lost Neil Forest, Houhouhou... Suddenly, violent beast roars resounded.

Boom boom boom!
The rumbling sound was so loud that the entire ancient forest trembled violently, and some towering ancient trees were uprooted.

I saw a huge ape-shaped monster, fighting to the death with several monsters with monstrous auras.

"Boom!" Suddenly a burst of golden light burst out, following the berserk aura, it shot up into the sky in an instant, as if it was about to shake the sky.

Not only that, but there is also an incomparably huge phantom, faintly about to condense into a solid body.

Anyone who sees it will definitely be shocked, because this huge phantom is actually the rumored ancient beast, Vigorous Vajra Violent Ape.

(End of this chapter)

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