Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 569 Life experience?

Chapter 569 Life experience?

If he hadn't reacted quickly just now, even if he didn't die here, his body would probably be cut off.

What frightened him the most was that the scars on his body were actually clinging to wisps of black energy, trying to destroy his physical body.

No... This is not trying to destroy his physical body, but trying to demonize his physical body, because the black energy remaining in his body is precisely demonic energy.

Wentian, who realized this, set off a storm in his heart, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

"The power of returning to the beginning!" His eyes hardened, and he shouted in his heart.

"Om!" The fairy talisman emerged, and the power of returning to the beginning was fully activated, constantly decomposing those strange demonic energy.

But soon he frowned, although under the power of Guishi, the devilish energy had gradually been forced back and weakened a lot, but it was still extremely tenacious, struggling in his body.

This is the first time he has encountered such a situation since he realized the power of returning to the beginning. To some extent, the power of returning to the beginning is the power of immortals.

It can also be seen from this that the power of the demon clan is not inferior to that of the fairy clan. No wonder the two clans of monsters and demons joined forces to wipe out the entire fairy clan.

"The power of death!"

"Good boy! No wonder you can comprehend the immortal power of the Beginning Immortal Sutra, and you can even reach the peak of the eighth turn in the mortal realm. You have the power comparable to a true god. So you are his reincarnation!"

Suddenly, there were bursts of cold sounds in the void.

Immediately, a black hole appeared, and an old man stepped out of it.

He is that ancient demon!

Unexpectedly, under Wentian's Extinguishing Fist, not only was he not exterminated, but he broke free from the shackles on his body and broke out, and the aura on his body became stronger than before.

Looking at the old man in front of him, Wentian's brain buzzed, his eyes widened, and his breathing became short of breath.

At the same time, his mind moved, and his image appeared in the void of many cities in the entire ancient country.

"No one is allowed to enter Qingcheng, offenders will be killed!" His voice rang in everyone's minds.

In an instant, the entire ancient country was completely stirred up, and countless people were in an uproar.

"What happened in Qingcheng?"

"The forbidden area of ​​the ancient country is definitely related to that forbidden area!" Some thoughtful people said to themselves.

Gucheng, Lin Yefeng and others, after hearing Wentian's voice, everyone stopped abruptly, their eyes full of fear.

"Pass down the order, let the people in Qingcheng leave completely, no one is allowed to step into Qingcheng, and those who violate it will be killed without mercy." Lin Yefeng came back to his senses, knowing that the matter was important, and quickly ordered.


Hearing the words of the fierce demon in front of him, Wentian's eyes narrowed, and his heart was even more turbulent.

He didn't expect that the other party could easily see through his true cultivation. It seems that the other party has also seen the human race's arrogance who embarked on this road against the sky.

Maybe, I have personally seen the influential figure who has reached the peak of rank eight.

Thinking of this, his breathing became more and more rapid, but soon, he seemed to remember something, his eyes suddenly shrank, and his heart was full of doubts and incomprehensions.

"Reincarnation? Could it be that I am really the reincarnation of some powerful person, which made me reborn later?" His eyelids twitched.

This is not the first time he has learned from others that he is the reincarnation of someone, and all the clues point to a certain big shot.

This person is a legendary figure, not only once slaughtered immortals, but also the supreme powerhouse who once smashed the sea of ​​clouds in the sky. He is Lei Yunzong, known as the legend, the immortal old man who is known as immortal.

"Am I really his reincarnation?" For some reason, instead of ecstasy, he felt uneasy.

Because he doesn't like this feeling, he doesn't want his life to be controlled by others, he wants to step out of his own way, break out of his own sky, instead of living in the shadow of others.

Even if this person is a peerless strong man, the immortal old man who once stood at the peak of the human race, and possesses an immortal body, it is hard to bury in the sky, hard to bury in the earth, almost completely beyond the way of heaven.

"Even if there is a reincarnation, even if I am really his reincarnation, so what?"

"In this life, my body, my soul, and my will belong to only one person, and that is me, Lin Wentian." He said cruelly in his heart.

Immediately, he took a deep and vigorous breath, as if to calm himself down, then his eyes flashed, and he shouted: "Giving merit to the body!"

"Om!" The imprint of the dragon pattern on his forehead was shining brightly, and there was a colorful glow on his body. This is the power of merit and virtue, and it is the unique power of him as the emperor of the ancient country.

In the entire ancient country, apart from him, only his third uncle, Lin Yefeng, can mobilize a small amount of merit and luck.

This is the symbol of the emperor.

Returning to the beginning of the immortal power, coupled with the power of merit to hold the body, suddenly, with a domineering momentum, he moved towards the magic energy remaining in his body.

In the blink of an eye, the devilish energy that had been stubbornly resisting before was suppressed by the two, and finally disappeared.

In an instant, Wentian was covered in immortal talismans, and his physical body was rapidly repairing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Good boy, in just a few years, you have grown to this stage. Not only have you reached the peak of rank eight, but you have become the emperor of a country. With such a talent, even in ancient times, you are still a character."

"But it's a pity! Your fate was doomed when you met me."

"Since you have become an emperor, that's even better. As long as I get you, even if I don't need to do it myself, this world will fall into my hands in the near future."

"Jie Jie!"

Looking at Wentian who had recovered, the ancient demon smiled evilly, as if he didn't take him seriously at all, even though he reached the peak of rank eight and possessed the might of a true god.

Perhaps in his eyes, a junior like Wentian, in his peak period, even a slight blow of breath can instantly dissipate his soul.

However, it was also because of this that he didn't make a quick move, and stared at Wentian with that playful look with a mentality like a cat catching a mouse.

But at this moment, Wentian didn't seem to hear his words, his eyes were bright at this moment, and there was a hint of excitement in his expression.

"Body training, these demonic energy actually have the effect of strengthening the physical body." He was excited in his heart, and he seemed to see the hope of breaking through to the peak of rank nine again.

After the previous shock, he has faintly noticed why, no matter in the ancient or ancient times, there are many geniuses in the human race, but still no one can reach the pinnacle of rank nine.

That's because if you want to reach the pinnacle of Rank Nine, you must have the ultimate physical body.

Perhaps only with a physical body comparable to the late stage of the True Realm, or at the peak stage, can one withstand the rebound force that hits the peak of the ninth rank, and have a chance to break through to the ninth rank.

"If I can seal this demon again and use its demon energy to refine my body, then my physical body will definitely be improved." He was heartbroken.

The next moment, his eyes flashed, and he formed a seal in his hand, and pressed hard against the void.

(End of this chapter)

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