Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 576 Nine-story Immortal Emperor Tower

Chapter 576 Nine-story Immortal Emperor Pagoda

With a "bang", I saw a small tower slowly rising from his palm.

Although this small pagoda has only one floor, the monstrous mechanism on its body seems to be able to suppress the world and make all races tremble.

"Immortal Emperor's Pagoda? This is impossible..." Suddenly, the ancient demon cried out, his frightened eyes tearing apart, as if he had seen something that made him unbelievable.

"Immortal Emperor Pagoda?" Wen Tian heard that, he frowned deeply, but he didn't think too much about it. The sky-suppressing tower in his hand was sacrificed instantly by him.


It is full of immortal light and covered with ancient runes. Although it is condensed by the ancient spirit scriptures, it is like a real tower vessel here.

No~ Many times, Wentian felt that it was a real ancient artifact, not an illusory existence.

It floated above the ancient demon, hanging down wisps of mysterious power, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a shroud, trapping the ancient demon again.

This is the fairy cage, and it is also the special ability of the Heaven Suppressing Earth Pagoda.

Once the fairy cage was completed, some ancient runes began to pour out from all directions, as if turning into a forbidden curse, and began to gather on the ancient demon.

"Impossible... The Immortal Emperor has passed away, and the Immortal Emperor Tower was smashed to pieces, it is impossible to reappear in the world."

"That's right! This is not the real Immortal Emperor's Tower! It's just an imitation, because it only has one floor."

The ancient demon seemed to have discovered the truth, and he roared with excitement.

Boom!The magic light on his body keeps rising, and the magic energy is gloomy and terrifying, which is simply creepy.

If he was in the middle of the True One Realm before, but now he is at the peak of the True One Realm, that is the temporary prestige he obtained by sacrificing a thousand years of life to the first demon of the demon race.

Under his berserk attack, the heaven and earth crushed the fairy tower, and the fairy cage formed trembled violently, as if it could not bear the power of the demon and was about to shatter.

Immediately, Wentian's expression changed, but he still clenched his teeth, and his hands kept forming seals.

"Pfft!" But soon his throat was sweet and he coughed up blood.

"No! It's absolutely impossible to go on like this! It's all caused by that damn bastard. If he hadn't run away, he might have sealed the devil by now." He roared in his heart.

"Huh?" However, just as he was roaring, a strange feeling suddenly appeared in his mind.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky-suppressing tower that became more and more illusory.

I saw it humming violently, as if it was stimulated by something, it exploded with unprecedented celestial light.

Wen Tian's eyes contracted, and his peculiar pair of yin and yang pupils appeared. In his pupil power, he could see a majestic and spectacular giant tower condensed behind the Heaven Suppressing Tower.

This pagoda is ten thousand feet high, standing between the sky and the earth, just like the Good Fortune Heaven Pagoda.

What shocked him was that it was nine stories high, and each floor was as high as a thousand feet, just like one floor, one world, and one tower, one cycle.

Not only that, but he also found that the sky-reaching giant tower looked very familiar.

"Is this the Heaven Suppressing Tower, and it's also a nine-story tower?" He called out in a daze, feeling a thunderbolt in his head.

Because he discovered that the first floor of this giant tower is exactly the same as the miniature version of the Tower of Suppressing Heaven and Earth. .

"That's it?" His yin and yang pupils were wide open, and vaguely, he saw a majestic figure appearing from nothingness.

The moment this figure appeared, the nine-story giant tower with a height of [-] feet burst into immortal light, began to shrink continuously, and finally turned into a small tower the size of a palm, and was held by this person in his hand.

Suddenly, this person seemed to notice his gaze, and suddenly turned his head, his gaze seemed to be able to travel through the ages, and he set his gaze on Wentian.

"Boom!" Catching this person's gaze, Wentian's mind boomed and went blank, as if he had forgotten everything, even who he was.

When his consciousness gradually returned, a domineering voice sounded in his head: "I am the emperor of the immortal clan, who will compete for the peak once the Immortal Emperor Tower comes out!"

"Emperor of the Immortal Clan, Immortal Emperor Tower!"

"Could it be that what the ancient demon said is true, the Heaven Suppressing Earth Pagoda is the Immortal Emperor's weapon, the Immortal Emperor's Pagoda?"

"No... I'm afraid it's impossible. If it's really the Immortal Emperor's Pagoda, it's more than that." In the blink of an eye, countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

He felt that it had been a long time, but in reality, it was only half a breath.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Suddenly his heart skipped a beat, and the heart in his body beat rapidly and vigorously.

"What's going on?" There was a faint uneasiness in his heart.

boom!However, just as he was terrified, a monstrous beam of light suddenly exploded from the broken ground below.

As soon as this beam of light came out, the rocks under the ground exploded even more violently, and instantly disappeared into ashes, and a domineering and fierce aura broke out from the ground.

This is invincible.

When the light beam converged, a bronze-colored spear straddled the void, causing the void to shatter, as if despite the great changes in the world and the evolution of the power of rules, it still could not withstand its invincible power.

Looking at the bronze long spear in front of him, Wentian's eyes widened, and a turbulent sea arose in his heart.

Because this spear was the ancient spear that used it as the core to seal the ancient demon at the six-star altar.

Based on the information given by the ancient demon, if he guessed correctly, the bronze long spear in front of him covered with ancient runes was the rumored Overlord's Divine Spear.

And the owner of this Overlord's Divine Spear is the great power of the ancient human race. He once challenged many demons and monsters with one spear.

The birth of the ancient demon made him ignore the long spear for a while, but now he came back to his senses, looking at the peerless magic spear in front of him, his eyes were full of fire.

You must know that this is the first spear of the human race, it is the God Emperor's weapon held by the Gun Emperor, the Overlord God Gun, once he can get it, its power will definitely be turned upside down.

Even if he encounters a strong person in the ancient realm, he is not afraid at all, and his mood is unprecedentedly excited and excited.

"Overlord's Divine Spear! Your master is dead, and you still want to fight against me?" Looking at the bronze-colored spear in front of him, the ancient demon's complexion changed suddenly, and he roared crazily.

Boom!It seemed that he had sensed the extreme crisis. He was so demonic here, and he shot like a maniac, causing the whole fairy cage to shake violently, and cracks appeared.

"Puff puff puff!!" Because of this, Wentian spat out three mouthfuls of blood with a bang.

But his will is still unyielding, and his pupils are bloodshot.

"哐!" The Tyrant Emperor's Divine Spear suddenly burst into an incomparably bright light, like a flash of lightning. The sky suppressing tower.

"What?" Wen Tianyan's expression changed drastically.

Even the ancient demon showed a look of astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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