Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 578 The Kingdoms Want to Move

Chapter 578
"I can control this space as I like!" Wentian was ecstatic.

Immediately, he looked at the roaring ancient demon, and a malicious smile formed on the corner of his mouth.

Immediately, the entire space was filled with the screams of that ancient demon.

Fortunately, there was no one here, otherwise, just this miserable cry would make people shudder and shudder.

After a long time, the roar of the ancient demon subsided, and here he was extremely disheveled, pale, and faintly aura.

He lowered his head, as if he didn't even have the strength to raise his head, but he was still cursing.

"You will regret this!"

"The Immortal Emperor's Pagoda reappears, you are doomed to die, and the entire monster clan and demon clan will regard you as prey..."

"You will be the enemy of all races. At that time, you will betray all relatives and fight alone, and finally fall in the pool of blood."

Listen, Wentian's expression became more and more gloomy, his eyes full of murderous intent.

He said coldly: "I don't know what my future fate will be, but at least I know your fate!"

After the words fell, he suddenly raised his head, and his eyes flashed.

"Buzz!" In the next second, the light on his body flickered, and he disappeared from the original place in an instant. When he appeared again, he found himself in another space.

"The second floor of the Heaven Suppressing Earth Pagoda?" Looking at the space in front of him, he said with a hint of doubt.

But soon his complexion changed suddenly, and his eyes were full of shock and unthinkable.

"How is it possible? The time here?" He burst out in shock, with a storm in his heart.

Perhaps to confirm his thoughts, his eyes flickered, and he immediately sat up cross-legged on the spot, forming the seal of cultivation, returning to the origin of immortal power surges, and recovering from his injuries.

outside world.

"How could this be?"

"Ask God!"

Looking at the broken land in Qingcheng, Lin Yefeng roared in pain, because in his perception, the aura of Wentian had completely disappeared.

"Ancient Emperor!" General Zhao's eyes were bloodshot, and he raised his head to the sky and roared, as if he wanted to vent the pain in his heart.

The disappearance of Wentian caused a thunderbolt in their minds, and they didn't want to believe it at all.

"No... Impossible! The ancient emperor is the son of the dragon, and he will not die if he gets the luck of the dragon."

"That's right! I don't believe it either, he must be somewhere, or stuck in a space crack."

Countless people yelled, their pupils were red, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

Because Wentian is not only their emperor, but also their spiritual pillar, their heaven.

"The black hole? Could it be that the ancient emperor is there?" Suddenly, someone was stunned, and found the bottomless hole created by the ancient demon's broken arm and fall.

"Don't get close to that hole!" Just when someone wanted to get close, Ye Tian shouted violently.

Seeing Ye Tian here, looking at the black hole in the ground, his eyelids twitched and his expression was full of fear.

Time passed by second by second, and everyone's hearts became more and more uneasy. The monks from the entire ancient country almost came out in full force, just to find their emperor.

"The aura of the ancient emperor has disappeared, could it be that he has already?" Someone said, there was something vaguely implied in the words.

However, when others heard about it, they yelled at him: "Bastard! If you don't see the ancient emperor's body for a day, it proves that the ancient emperor is still alive. What's more, if the ancient emperor falls, the golden qigong dragon and the meritorious dragon will definitely sense it." .”

"That's right! The ancient emperor is definitely still alive, maybe he just fell into a crack in space, and he will definitely return soon."

For a time, people's will became firm again.

The emperor of the ancient country disappeared, and soon the other five countries got the news. In an instant, the entire Tianyuan Continent caused an uproar again.

"Let's not talk about whether Lin Wentian is alive or dead. Now is a good time for our army to attack the ancient country. As the saying goes, a group of dragons has no leader, and they will be defeated in one blow!"

In Fengyun Empire, there was a gloomy voice.

The person who speaks is the country of one emperor, Emperor Fengyun.

"Traitors of the human race, kill the gods!"

"It's not right to be an emperor, and to be in the company of demons, and those untouchables are naturally not much better."

"Kill, kill, kill! If Lin Wentian doesn't die and the ancient country doesn't die, it's hard for Tianyuan Continent to be peaceful."

Boom!The entire Fengyun Empire was full of murderous intent, and many people from the Tianyunhai Xuanyuan family roared loudly.

Immediately, under the leadership of these people, the people of the Fengyun Empire began to move around. They felt strong hatred and murderous intent towards the ancient emperor and the ancient country.

Tianyang Empire, an empire that has been enemies of Chiyue in the past dynasties.

In the Tianyang Palace, the Tianyang Emperor is sitting on the dragon chair, and there are no ministers and officials in the hall, but they are all powerful in the divine realm.

These people look arrogant, they are from Tianyunhai, one of the seven sects, the disciples of Lie Yangzong.

That's right!The backing of the Tianyang Empire in the Tianyun Sea is the Lieyang Sect, one of the seven sects.

Although the ranking of the Lie Yang Sect is only at the bottom of the Seven Sects, no one has ever dared to underestimate them, just because members of their Sect all use a peerless kung fu as their main practice.

The name of this exercise is Nine Suns Divine Art.

It is said that the founder of this Nine Suns Divine Art is the generation of God Emperor, Nine Suns God Emperor.

Nine Suns God Emperor, like Ji Zu and Gun Emperor, were born from ancient human powers, and the exercises they created were absolutely earth-shattering, and they were the pinnacle exercises of the human race.

It is conceivable that one school of fellow practitioners practice one method, which is so shocking to the world.

What's important is that this kind of same-origin technique, once performed by thousands or thousands of people, its power will absolutely shock the world, and it can make the world fall in all directions.

Therefore, many people think that the strength of Lieyangzong is not only as simple as it appears on the surface, otherwise, how dare they compete with Chiyue all the year round.

You must know that behind Chiyue back then, there was not only the Ji family, but also the Yitian sect, the head of the seven sects.

"Unexpectedly, Chiyue, who has been fighting with the emperor for many years, was defeated by a kid. Ji Zhuoyang, you have disappointed the emperor." Tianyang Emperor said majesticly.

"If a mere brat appears in front of me, I can stab him to death with a single finger." An old man said with a look of disdain.

The aura leaking from the old man suddenly reached the half-step true one state.

No...he is not a half-step true one, but a real true one. It is only because of the limitation of heaven and earth that he seals his power to the half-step true one.

Hiss... Unexpectedly, the Lieyang Sect would actually send a strong man of the Real One Realm to the lower realm. If this disappearance spreads, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

No wonder this person speaks so loudly, knowing that Wentian is in the limelight now, he dares to be so arrogant, so defiant, it turns out that he is actually a true god.

I just don't know if this person has comprehended supernatural powers.

However, right next to the old man, there is a young man who is arrogant and full of arrogance, and one can tell that his identity has a lot of background.

Suddenly, a sneer formed at the corner of his mouth.

"What's a mere Lin Wentian? Lin Yefeng wasn't pretentious back then, he even said he was some kind of Fengshen general, but in the end he didn't fall into my elder brother's hands!"

Wow... If people from the ancient country were here and heard what this person said, there would definitely be an uproar.

(End of this chapter)

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