Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 583 I want you to die!

Chapter 583 I want you to die! (one more)
"Foreigners, don't be rampant!" A voice of anger suddenly resounded in the void of the ancient city.

"Om!" The void twisted for a while, and then several figures stepped out. The leader was an old man, but this man's aura was strong, and he had already surpassed the peak of Shenyuan.

Half a step is true!
He is the background of the Qian family in this world, and he is the strongest of the Qian family.

On the ground below, Mr. Qian and Qian Fufu, with serious faces, looked at the void above where the ghostly aura shrouded the sky and the remnant souls roared.


"Jie Jie! Soon this world will be controlled by my ghost clan, and the alien race will be you ants." The ghost blade smiled evilly.

With a bang, he was even more violent, and in the blink of an eye, he was fighting fiercely with the old man of the Qian family.

Although the old man's cultivation had reached the half-step true level, he had fallen into a disadvantage in less than ten rounds against the Ghost Blade.

As for the other powerful members of the Qian family, they were also suppressed by other ghost clans.

boom!A figure was blown away like a cannonball, crashed into some houses, and was instantly torn apart.

With a puff, the old man of the Qian family's face turned pale, he spurted blood, and his eyes were filled with fear.

"Advanced ghost clan?" He exclaimed, with a storm in his heart.

"You are sensible, but you will eventually become my food." Ghost Blade's eyes flashed cruelly.

His seal method is mysterious, and when he pressed his hands, there was a bang, and the strong ghost energy immediately turned into a huge ghost head.

When the old man lost his mind, he devoured him instantly with lightning speed.

"do not want!"

Not to mention Mr. Qian, even those strong members of the Qian family yelled heart-piercingly.

But no matter how they yell, they still can't change it.

"Haha! The soul of this human god is simply wonderful."


The void was filled with the maniacal laughter of that Ghost Blade, and after devouring the soul of the old man of the Qian family, the aura on his body rose wildly.

If it weren't for the restriction of Fang Tianfang's rules, he here would definitely be able to break through to the Real One Realm, which is the Real Ghost Realm among ghost clans.

The old man of the Qian family, who possessed half a step of realism, was killed. For a moment, the people in the entire ancient city were anxious, and their faces were as pale as snow.

As for those strong Qian family members, they lost their fighting spirit because of this, and were wounded by those ghost clans one after another.

Bang bang bang! !

Blood spattered in the void, and corpses fell mercilessly, causing countless people to die of pain and hatred.

"Foreigners, die!"

"Boom!" There was a loud noise in the entire void.

I saw a cultivator from the ancient country, maybe he knew that he was doomed, his eyes were bloodshot with terror, he raised his head to the sky and let out a wild roar, which erupted into the brightest moment of his life.

He chose self-violence to maintain his dignity.

Even if it is death, he does not want his soul to be swallowed by a foreign race and become a powerful nutrient for the other party.

With No.1, there is a second person.

Boom boom boom!
Immediately, blood flowers exploded, blood staining the entire void, and the extremely strong bloody smell almost turned into a bloody world.

"Don't!" Lin Yefeng tore his heart.

Seeing people dying in front of his eyes one after another, but he was powerless as Emperor Lin, he felt extremely angry and full of guilt at the same time.

Just when the ancient city was attacked by a group of ghosts and staged a tragic scene, in the original capital city, over the sky of Xianfeng Pavilion, there were dozens of figures standing there.

The person at the head is the old woman who possesses half a step of realism.

"The ghost clan appeared, and several cities were slaughtered in a row. As a member of the human race, do we really have to stand by and watch?" one of the women said solemnly.

The others didn't say anything, but they looked in the direction of the ancient city with fear in their eyes.

"It's not that I don't want to take action as a teacher, but that the emperor Lin Wentian of the ancient country has a great enmity with that person. As a teacher, I don't want to be misunderstood by that person, so as not to bring about the disaster of killing myself." The old woman said helplessly.

However, as soon as she said this, the expressions of the others changed drastically.

Obviously, they also knew what the old woman said.

That "he" was Shangguan Chong, one of the six quasi-Taoists of Daozong.



Following the tragic deaths of many cultivators from ancient countries, not only the virtuous dragons, but also the golden dragons of luck also let out a terrifying roar.

"Noisy! When I have slaughtered the people in this city, I will naturally clean up you illusory dragons." Hearing the roar of the golden dragon and the colorful dragon, Ghost Blade's expression was full of gloom.

Immediately, he put his eyes on Lin Yefeng, who was covered in blood all over his body, and said with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "The ancient emperor is not here, so I will swallow your word first and stand shoulder to shoulder with the emperor."

"Jie Jie! The ghost swallows the sky!"

A monstrous ghost power erupted from his body, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of remnant souls condensed into Lin Yefeng with an astonishing roar.

"Emperor Lin, be careful!" Countless people yelled, becoming mad, their eyes tearing apart.

However, they here can't protect themselves, so how can they save each other!


But at this critical moment, the void shrouded in ghostly aura suddenly burst into a shout of shocking anger.

"Om!" As soon as the shout came out, a strong golden light burst into the void, and as soon as this bright golden light came out, the ghost energy was even more forced to retreat.

A sacred place appeared in the void, which seemed to be the domain of an immortal.

"Who?" With such a startling change, Ghost Blade's heart skipped a beat, and he shouted gloomyly.

"Could it be?" The sudden change gave the soldiers of the ancient country a flash of inspiration, as if they had thought of something, their expressions became more and more excited.

When the golden glow had converged to ten feet, a slender figure with flying blond hair and a domineering aura appeared in everyone's sight.

He is asking the sky.

Looking at the dilapidated ancient city in front of him, and the blood-stained land, with wreckage everywhere, his eyes turned blood red, and a monstrous anger welled up in his heart.

He roared up to the sky like a god or a demon.

"Die! Die! Die! I want you to die!"

boom! !An astonishing coercion rose from him.

As soon as this monstrous coercion came out, the situation changed in an instant, and even the stars above the sky trembled.

Feeling this coercion, the originally arrogant and cruel Ghost Blade changed suddenly, and there was a deep fear in the eyes.

"'s impossible!"

"How could such a powerful force appear in this world?" He screamed.

However, at this time Wentian, the anger in his heart had already been burned, and he showed a ferocious intention, and stretched out a flesh and blood palm.

"Bang!" Immediately, ancient runes appeared in his flesh and blood palm, and it grew in the wind, transforming into a monstrous giant palm in the blink of an eye.

The giant palm stretched out, with a domineering force, enveloped the remnant soul that had killed his third uncle, and then squeezed hard.

"Puff puff!"

This giant blood palm of his seemed to have the power to pinch the sun, moon, and stars. With just one pinch, hundreds or thousands of remnant souls were destroyed one after another, turning into a cloud of gray gas.

(End of this chapter)

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