Chapter 599

With a sound of "stepping", Wentian landed in front of this big courtyard, his expression suddenly became serious.

Just when he landed, in a dilapidated wooden house in this large courtyard, an old man with white hair, a scrawny body, and blood vessels showing ferociousness suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"Hiss..." What kind of pupils are these? There is no trace of life in these pupils, only the gray and dead air.

However, at the moment when the old man opened his eyes, his eyelids twitched, and his face even turned pale.

Then, he took a deep breath, arched his hands, and said respectfully: "The junior Lin Wentian has met the senior."

His attitude is very sincere, and there is no trace of falsehood.

However, since his voice fell, one moment passed, two moments hour passed, two hours passed...

Even when it got dark, there was still no movement inside.

But Wentian still maintained his original respectful gestures, and he didn't show any impatience, so he just stood outside the courtyard all the time.

If this scene was seen by others, it would definitely cause an uproar.

You must know that the person in front of you is the emperor of an ancient country. Not only is he powerful, but he is also a rebellious character. Now he is showing such a cute appearance, which will definitely surprise people.

At sunrise and sunset, Wentian's figure was as motionless as a mountain, no matter how strong the wind was and how fierce the sun was, his expression still remained unchanged, as if he was no longer a body of flesh and blood, but turned into a statue.

Time flies, three days pass in the blink of an eye.

"Come in!" Suddenly, an old voice sounded in the originally peaceful courtyard.

As soon as the voice came out, he asked the sky without moving for a long time, and his expression was ecstatic.

"Thank you senior!"

After saying that, he raised his footsteps with trepidation, and stepped out of the big courtyard that he had stepped into a few years ago.

It was in this courtyard a few years ago that he obtained the current One Kingdom Excalibur, Broken Star.

It can be said that if there was no Broken Star back then, he would definitely not be able to take this step, because as his cultivation base grows, he will be more aware of the extraordinaryness of Broken Star.

He said it was a heavenly weapon, but it wasn't, and he said it was a real divine weapon, but he had a vague feeling that it hadn't reached that level.

But he has a strange feeling that as his strength grows, the Broken Star in his hand will remain unchanged and change, surpassing before.

It was as if this Broken Star was something he owned in his previous life, and it was also because of this that he stepped into this big courtyard again in order to clear up his doubts.

When he stepped into the courtyard, the old man with a terrifying face, which gave people a sense of creepiness, was already sitting in the courtyard, his eyes were closed, his eyes were closed.

Looking at the old man in front of him, Wentian's eyes became more dignified than ever before, then he arched his hands again, bent down, and was about to speak.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the old man's voice sounded in his head.

"Many things have already been predestined in the dark. When the time is right, you will get the answer you want in your heart."

As if he already knew what he wanted to ask, the old man's voice sounded in his mind beforehand.

Hearing his words, Wentian's eyes suddenly shrank, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

But despite what the other party said, he was still unwilling, because he came here today to seek an answer, which was the origin of Broken Star.

After all, it was here that he got it back then.

"Dare to ask senior, is Broken Star your sword weapon?" He took a deep breath and asked again.

It's just that after he spoke, the old man didn't move at all, and for a while, the whole big courtyard fell into silence.

After a long time, the old man's voice sounded again.

"What do you see in your eyes?" The old man sitting on the wooden chair suddenly opened his eyes, which were covered with bloodshot eyes like spider webs.

But the moment he opened his eyes, the world in front of Wentian changed.

What he saw was no longer the old man in front of him, nor this old courtyard, but a forest covered by mist.


In this forest, there are towering ancient trees, lush flowers and plants, and a large group of birds live among them.

This group of birds seems to have lived in this forest for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, and they have long been accustomed to this forest.

But soon, Wentian seemed to have discovered something, and he frowned.

"A bird in the forest?" He murmured to himself.

He found that the birds here live very comfortably, because there is no threat of natural enemies, and no hunters to catch.

But they have never taken a step away from this forest, and went to the outside world to have a look and venture into it.

Perhaps in their hearts, this is the best place to live, a paradise without fighting. They are willing to follow in the footsteps of their ancestors and live here all their lives.

"Huh?" He suddenly let out a light snort, and then his eyes brightened.

"Flop!" A little bird flapped its wings and flew towards the outside of the forest.

Soon Wentian noticed that the bird's eyes were actually blind.

When the little bird flew out of the forest shrouded in mist, he could still clearly see the sneer and contempt in the eyes of the other birds, as if the actions of this sightless little bird were seeking their own death.

The little bird that has lost its eyesight can't tell the difference between east, west and north at all, but it still flaps its wings tenaciously and flies out of the forest, as if it wants to fly out of the forest in one fell swoop.

Or it could be said that it has lost its eyes, and it has been ridiculed by its peers since childhood, and it has long been longing to leave this place and find a world that belongs to it.

Just like this, with amazing perseverance, it finally flew out of this big forest on a certain day.

However, at the moment it flew out of the forest, an astonishing change occurred on its body, and it suddenly discovered that it could see things with its own eyes.

This discovery made him extremely excited, and even screamed with excitement.

Not only that, when it saw the world in front of it clearly, it unexpectedly discovered that it came to a spacious sky, and the forest it lived in before was actually a very small part of this world.


Seeing this, Wentian seemed to have some insight, and his eyes became thoughtful.

Immediately afterwards, the world in his eyes changed again, he was still standing in the big yard, but the old man closed his eyes, as if falling into a deep sleep.

"Although the way of the ancients is strong, walking along the road may allow you to reach the same peak, but in this way, you can't surpass it after all. Only innovation and continuous experimentation are the true way."

There was nothing in his mind.

Immediately, he arched his hands again and respectfully bowed to the old man in front of him: "Thank you for your guidance, senior."


Not long after, he left the big yard.

"Although the Broken Star inheritance is strong, it is the technique of the predecessors after all. The strength of the sword lies in creation."

His eyes were as bright as stars.

(End of this chapter)

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