Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 609 Restriction disappears

Chapter 609 Restriction disappears (three more)
As time went on, the battle between the ancient country and Tianyang became more and more intense.

Although during this period of time, people from the ancient country broke through to the Vientiane Realm one after another, but compared with the Tianyang Empire, which has the backing of the Lieyang Sect, the ancient country is still at a disadvantage.

"Kill, kill, kill!" The killing intent on the battlefield was terrifying, and the sound of shouting and killing resounded through the sky.

On the blood-stained ground, monks continued to fall down, but the sharp weapons in everyone's hands still did not stop.

There must be death in war. As soldiers, they have already seen through this point. What's more, Tianyang and the people of the ancient country already have strong hatred in their hearts.

It is a hatred passed down from generation to generation.

"Kill, kill!" Just as the two sides were fighting, there was a sudden roar from a distance, and everyone's expressions changed drastically in an instant.

"Boom boom boom!" Immediately after the ground trembled, there was darkness in the void in the distance, and waves of dust swept up from the ground.

"What? Is that an army of monsters?"

"Could it be those fierce beasts appearing?"

"No... that's not a beast transformation. Look quickly, there are people on those monsters. They are the monster army of the Monster Kingdom." Suddenly, someone called out.

Immediately, everyone's eyes widened with shock.

"The Monster Empire is also here to intervene?" Sensing the berserk army of monsters, General Lei's expression changed drastically.

This was originally a battle between the ancient country and Tianyang, but they did not expect that even the Yaoman Empire would intervene now, which would be extremely unfavorable to them.

After all, the Yaoman Empire and the former Chiyue also have a hostile relationship, and the two have been at war all year round.

"The Tianyang Emperor and I, the Yaomanhuang, have an agreement, and we will join hands to kill the ancient country first." A loud roar came from a giant monster.

As soon as the roar came out, the faces of all the soldiers of the ancient country changed drastically, and they gritted their teeth.

"The damned Monster Kingdom has joined forces with the Heavenly Sun Empire!"

"The two imperial kingdoms join forces, and we are by no means opponents."

For a while, people were in an uproar, and some even showed panic in their eyes.

"Bastard! You are shameless!" General Lei was furious at that moment, and the whole person was furious.

"Haha! The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. Today is your day of death." The general of the Tianyang Empire laughed wildly.

He was not at all surprised by the appearance of the army of the Monster and Barbarian Empire. It seemed that the two countries had already colluded secretly.

Boom boom boom! !

The cooperation between the two countries immediately put the ancient country in trouble, and soldiers continued to fall.

The news soon spread to the ancient country, and Lin Yefeng's face was extremely gloomy.

Although he has the name of General Fengshen, he used his troops like a god back then, but in today's situation where there are many strong men, it is not possible to win with tactics. Strength is an important factor in determining victory.

"Is there still no news from him?" He said in a deep voice to the person below.

"According to what Ye Feng and his sister said, the young master has never come up since he dived into the valley and the mountain river. Uncle Zhou has sent him to search for it, but there is no news yet." According to one person, he is exactly stone bell.

When Lin Yefeng heard this, he frowned deeply, and he already knew about the river behind the valley, so he felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

However, when he thought of Wentian's strength, his heart became more at ease.

However, the next moment, his expression suddenly changed, and his complexion became extremely pale.

"From today onwards, all restrictions will be lifted in the Battle of the Six Kingdoms!" An old voice resounded in the ears of everyone in Tianyuan Continent.

Immediately, no matter whether it was the people on the battlefield or the monks living in seclusion, their complexions suddenly changed, and their eyes were full of horror.

"My God! This is the voice of the Guardian!"

"Removing all restrictions, how did it become like this?"

"Could it be that the heavens are going to destroy my ancient country..."

boom!People from countless ancient countries exclaimed, and when the waves were turbulent in their hearts, boundless fear gushed out again.

You must know that once all the restrictions are lifted, it means that the ancient country will soon face the army of true gods from the great forces of Tianyunhai.

Although there are many powerful people in the divine realm in their ancient country, their little power is simply vulnerable to those big forces.

"Not good! Let all the god-level powerhouses hurry to the battlefield." Suddenly, Lin Yefeng yelled.


On the battlefield, when the voice of the mysterious defender rang in everyone's minds, the faces of the people from the ancient country were pale, and their wide eyes were full of fear.

The people from the Monster and Barbaric Empire and the Heavenly Sun Emperor looked ecstatic, and even laughed arrogantly: "Haha, God is helping me, it seems that God does not want your ancient kingdom to survive."

"Kill! Kill all these ancient country cultivators."

"Ho Ho!!" Countless people yelled wildly, their expressions full of viciousness.

At the same time, Lie Yujie and the others, who were standing in the sky and watching the battle, sneered one after another, looking at Gu Guo and the others who were struggling tenaciously below, their expressions were full of jokes.

"Haha! Now that the restrictions are lifted, let me have fun with you people." A maniacal laughter sounded, but it was Lie Yujie's younger brother.

With a chirping sound, he froze, and charged into the crowd of the ancient country below with wild laughter.

bang bang bang!With his half-step True Realm cultivation base, he easily took the lives of dozens of ancient soldiers with just a wave of his hand.

"Bastard!" General Lei Hongfeng's eyes were bloodshot, he got rid of the original opponent, and charged at the young man with overwhelming anger in his heart.

"Ant-like thing! Die!" Seeing this, the young man grinned grimly.

Boom boom boom! !

Facing the armies of Yaoman and Tianyang, coupled with the massacre of the strong in the God Realm of Lieyangzong, in an instant, the people of the ancient country were flying with flesh and blood, and they continued to fall.

In the blink of an eye, the ground was stained with blood, and the horrible wreckage was everywhere.

"Retreat! The whole army retreats!" General Lei yelled blood-stained all over his body.

Although they were extremely unwilling, but in the face of death, everyone in the ancient country resolutely evacuated.

It's just that the armies of Yaoman and Tianyang are chasing after him, and they vow not to stop until they slaughter all the people of the ancient country.

"Want to leave? It's not that easy!" Lie Yujie's younger brother sneered.

After the words fell, his hands quickly formed seals, and suddenly, a blazing sun slowly rose from his hands.

This is the method of suppressing the sect of the Lieyang Sect, the Nine Suns Divine Art, and it is also a peerless exercise created by the great power of the human race, the Nine Suns Divine Emperor.

The entire cultivator of Lieyang Sect mainly cultivates this technique. Once the power of the nine suns is released, the world will sink and the monsters will be afraid.

However, apart from the Nine Suns Emperor himself, until now, there is no one in the entire Lieyang Sect who can cultivate to the Nine Suns again.

As soon as this blazing sun came out, it immediately shone in all directions, and that powerful aura made people tremble.

"What kind of treasure is this? Could it be the treasure of a pure-blooded beast?" General Lei's heart skipped a beat.

"You run away!"

However, at the next moment, his eyes flashed fiercely, and his whole body was violently charged, and he rushed straight at the young man.

Obviously, he wanted to buy some time for the others to retreat.

"Looking for death!" Nalie Yujie's younger brother yelled angrily, his whole body was full of murderous intent, and Lie Yang was sacrificed by him.

"Boom!" A loud noise shook the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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