Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 615 The Sixth Son Wukong

Chapter 615 Sixth Son Wukong (Part [-])

"People of the Ye clan? Didn't all the people of this clan perish?" When Ye Tian's Aquarius Cave came out, a powerful true god said solemnly.

"The revenge of extermination of the clan back then, today I will demand the blood of you bastards to pay back the blood." Sacrificial to the strange hole, Ye Tian looked crazy, with black hair flying around.

"Kill kill kill!!"

Immediately, the entire ancient country was filled with divine light, and many caves appeared one after another, splitting nothingness, and the wind was raging, as if the end of the world was coming.

Just when the ancient kingdom of the lower realms was under siege, here was Tianyunhai, the Immortal Peak of Thunder Cloud Sect.

At this time, many disciples of Immortal Peak gathered in a square, their expressions were furious, and they gritted their teeth.

"Senior Brother Seven was kind to us back then, but this time his ancient country is in trouble, we must not stand by." As soon as he said that, his eyes flashed coldly.

"That's right! Seventh Senior Brother is the direct descendant of my Immortal Peak. If Peak Master Xingguan is here, he will never allow other forces to bully me and other Immortal Peak disciples."

"Kill! Kill the lower realm!" Everyone roared, murderous.

Some of them still remember the scenes of Wentian going into the tiger's mouth alone and rescuing them when they were in Tianlei Valley, and their blood boils every time they think of them.

It's just that there are not many of them, and most of them are still in the Shenyuan realm, and have not yet broken through the True One realm and condensed into the cave.

What they didn't know was that there were several figures frowning in the nothingness. The spirits of these figures were restrained, but their bodies exuded a terrifying aura, like vicious monsters in shape.

They are the disciples of Immortal Peak who have reached the Real God Realm, and they are considered the best among them in the entire Immortal Peak.

"What do you think?" One of the burly men suddenly frowned and said in a low voice.

"No one can bully me from Immortal Peak, even the Yitian Sect, the head of the Seven Sects."

"That's right! Back when I was the Immortal Peak king, the Yitian Sect also looked at our faces."

When two people spoke, their eyes were full of cold light.

Hearing that, the burly man's eyes flashed: "Although that's the case, after all, it involves many powerful forces. It's not as simple as a Yitian sect. What's more, the peak master is not here now, unless the three elders speak out or pass on the same line people..."

After the words fell, he suddenly raised his head and set his gaze on a mountain not far away.

However, in this mountain peak, a man in a coat with a wretched face was walking back and forth anxiously, rubbing his hands constantly.

"How could this be? Where is Xiao Qi? Why can't my innate supernatural power "Boundary Gate" capture his traces?" The person babbled.

He is the fifth son of Undying Peak, Shen Hu.

"Om!" However, at this moment, the emptiness of Immortal Peak suddenly buzzed, and at the same time, the divine light boomed, and a domineering aura instantly filled the entire Immortal Peak.

Immediately, the void split open, and a hole appeared.

When this breath came out, whether it was Shen Hu in the peak, or the disciples of the Immortal Peak in the square, they all looked shocked, and then became extremely ecstatic.

"Boom!" The next moment, a huge mountain peak suddenly exploded, and its rumbling sound was so loud that it almost resounded through the entire Thunder Cloud Sect, alarming all the potential disciples.

I saw that when the mountain peak split, a figure shot up into the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed into the cave like a dragon ascending to the sky.

Not only the outer disciples, inner disciples, and even the elite disciples all suddenly raised their heads at this moment, looking in the direction of the Immortal Peak with expressions full of astonishment.

As for Shen Hu at this moment, he was trembling all over, and shouted excitedly: "This is the breath of the sixth child. He has broken through from the peak of Vientiane to the Real God Realm in one fell swoop."

The sixth son in his mouth is the sixth son of Immortal Peak, Wukong who is said to have been transformed from a heaven and earth spirit stone and possesses amazing talents.

Many people even said that this Wukong's talent is not inferior to that of Xing Huang, the eldest disciple of Immortal Peak.

It's just a pity that this eldest disciple, Xing Huang, fell into the world of life and death in order to obtain the inheritance of the immortal old man. Otherwise, with his amazing talent, he would probably be a giant in the realm now, and the immortal peak would not be reduced to the rank of the nine peaks. end.

"This aura, is Brother Wukong coming out?"

"He has condensed the only cave, and has broken through to the realm of true oneness."

"Oh my god, his cultivation speed is so fast. Could it be that he is really transformed from a spiritual thing and not a pure-blooded human being?"

Boom!Sensing this familiar aura, the disciples of Immortal Peak were in an uproar, and their eyes were full of inconceivable surprises.

You must know that the other party was still in the Vientiane Realm when he was retreating, and he broke through two barriers in a row before he left the gate.

"Om!" When the hole in the void slowly converged until it disappeared, a young man with a flying expression and a rebellious aura leaked from his body was revealed.

This person is extremely handsome, with a pair of charming and bright eyes, but the aura he inadvertently leaked gives people a trembling feeling.

This is the prestige of a strong man, the prestige of an emperor that crushes his peers, because according to rumors, his talent is at least nine stars, and some people even suspect that it has reached the rumored ten-star talent that cannot be seen every ten thousand years.

Not to mention those Immortal Peak disciples in the God Realm, even those disciples in the Real One Realm, when they sensed his aura, their eyelids twitched and their breaths became short of breath.

"Huh?" When he saw the crowd gathered in the square below, he looked surprised.

"Haha! Sixth, you finally got out of the customs. God helped me." Suddenly, a loud laugh sounded from the not-too-distant mountain peak, and with a chirp, Shen Hu in a coat turned into a beam of light and rushed towards him.

"Fifth senior brother!" This Wukong's eyes suddenly brightened, and then he remembered something, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Shen Hu became strange.


Not long after, I saw his face darken, his eyes full of hostility, and his voice was full of murderous intent: "Anyone who dares to deceive me, no matter who you are, will die!"

"Boom!" A vicious aura erupted from him like a volcano, causing nothingness to surge.

After a while, the entire Immortal Peak disciples were full of murderous intent.

There are seven sons in the lineage of Immortal Peak.

The first son, Xing Huang, fell into the world of life and death in order to obtain the magic power of immortality.

The second son disappeared and has never been heard from.

The third son fell.

The fourth son was seriously injured and is in retreat.

The fifth son, Shen Hu, is what people call a wimp.

But now that the sixth son, Wukong, has left the barrier and has broken through to the realm of true oneness, the entire Immortal Peak is full of fighting spirit for a while.

The seventh son is exactly Wentian.

At the same time, at the Leifeng Hall, the head of the Nine Peaks, all the senior leaders of the Leiyun Sect gathered here. Of course, the Lord of the Immortal Peak was not there, and the three elders, A, B, and C, came down.

"Sovereign master and fellow peak masters, this Lin Wentian not only associates with monsters, but also slaughters his fellow disciples. If this son does not die, he is definitely a disaster." Elder Leng Jiang of Tianhuo Peak said righteously, his eyes were piercingly cold.

Everyone had different expressions, after all, almost the entire Thunder Cloud Sect knew about the grievances between him, Guy Yun's lineage and Lin Wentian.

Lei Guangxuan, the master of Leiyun Sect, is surrounded by a faint immortal energy. Hearing Elder Leng Jiang's words, he frowned deeply, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"It's rare to be so lively today, old man, let me join in the fun!" Suddenly, a laugh sounded from outside the hall.

Immediately, an old man appeared out of nowhere in the hall.

Looking at the old man who suddenly appeared, the expressions of all the senior members of the Leiyun Sect in the audience changed.

(End of this chapter)

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