Chapter 622
These powers came so suddenly, even Wentian himself was stunned, a little caught off guard, but he soon saw his eyes wide open, with deep shock in them.

"Hoho!!" At the same time, the Golden Dragon of Luck and the Colorful Dragon of Merit let out bursts of shocking roars, and the sound of their dragon's poison resounded throughout the ancient country, shocking countless people.

A strange and even more unexplainable scene appeared.

A few years ago, the Baizhang statue given by Mr. Qian suddenly exploded with holy light, illuminating the void of the entire ancient city, and that mysterious aura filled the world.

Not only that, but the runes between its forehead are against the sky, full of incomparable complexity and mystery.

Dragon mark!

The imprint that appeared on the forehead of the Baizhang statue was actually Wentian's dragon pattern imprint, and its shape was exactly the same.

Not to mention other people, even Wentian himself felt short of breath watching this scene, and his heart was filled with turmoil.

Weird!This is really too weird!Even though he has been a human being for two lifetimes and has just experienced the remnant world under the river, he still finds the vision in front of him incredible.

"Huh?" Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat, his eyes filled with shock.

Because at this moment, he found that he and this Baizhang statue were connected by blood, as if he was the statue and the statue was him.

Meanwhile, Vale of the Valley in The Wandering Wood.

"Ghost!" The scream of the turtle demon suddenly sounded from the spirit pond under the ancient tree that covered the sky and the sun.

With a whoosh, it turned into an afterimage, rushed out from the spirit pool, and jumped onto the ancient tree.

Its previous haughty look had long since disappeared without a trace, and what remained was only paleness and fear.

What's more, it was trembling all over, and quickly retracted its four legs into its turtle shell, only revealing two shocking pupils, staring at the spirit pool below.

In its line of sight, the spiritual pool here glowed with a sacred light, and the divine fetus jade that stood in the pool and had never moved before was covered with runes and changed strangely.

That's right!It is changing!
In that instant, it transformed into a man.

And when the outline of this man was reflected in the eyes of the turtle demon, its eyes shot out a frightening light, with deep disbelief.

Just because the appearance of the man in front of him was exactly the same as the one he knew.

God!The man transformed from the divine fetus jade is exactly Wentian.

"Are you a human or a ghost?" Looking at such a strange scene, the turtle demon trembled in fear, it screamed loudly, even people in the valley could hear it.

Immediately, many people suddenly raised their heads, and their expressions changed drastically.

However, what puzzled the turtle demon was that no matter how loud its screams were, Wentian, who was transformed from the divine fetus jade, still did not speak, and his eyes were closed.

Not only that, but if he looked carefully, he would find that this Wentian was not breathing at all, but there was a "thumping" heartbeat coming from his body.

He has life.

"Om!" Suddenly, in the unimaginable eyes of the turtle demon, Wentian, who was transformed from the divine fetus jade, had a sacred light gushing out from his forehead, a golden light was shining, and a mysterious imprint began to condense gradually.

"Hiss..." If other people saw this scene, they would definitely feel terrified, because this mark is exactly the dragon mark of the body Wentian.

That's right!It is the imprint of the dragon pattern that represents the son of the dragon and wins the fortune of the dragon.

Unexpectedly, not only the Baizhang statue in the ancient city, but also the imprint of a dragon pattern appearing between his brows, who is now transformed from divine embryo jade, is definitely an unrivaled anecdote.

And at this moment, Wentian who was in the ancient country, his expression was extremely astonished, his eyes were wide open, and his eyes were filled with deep disbelief.

"How is it possible?" He called out aloud, feeling a thunderbolt in his head.

It was late to say, but in fact everything happened only at that moment.

And at this moment, he was as if he had transformed into three bodies. Whether it was the Baizhang statue or the god's embryo jade, he had a sense of blood connection.

"Hiss..." He took a deep breath, and then tried to calm himself down.

But the next moment, everyone could see him suddenly closing his eyes, as if he was perceiving something.

Such a strange scene has already shocked others.

"Oh my god! How could this be? This is obviously a statue, why is it exuding a breath of life now?"

"The rumors are indeed true! This Lin Wentian is either a demon or a demon, he is definitely an ominous person!"

"Kill! Kill him at all costs. If this person doesn't die today, there will definitely be endless troubles in the future."

The surviving Yitian Sect, Wanshou Sect, Guangming Family, Fang Family and other disciples all changed their expressions suddenly, their faces were as ferocious as beasts roaring, and their killing intent was astonishing.

Boom boom boom!
Immediately, I don't know what kind of forbidden technique they used, but their strength increased, breaking through the defense lines of the Qian family, the Blade Sect, and the disciples of the Immortal Peak and Tianhuo Peak's Guyun line in an instant, with a mixture of cruelty and fear. color, crazily killing Xiang Wentian.

"not good!"

"Stop them!" Mo Yu, Young Master Qian and others also shouted angrily.

However, Wentian here seems to be caught in some kind of perception. He doesn't seem to notice the enemy's attack, and still keeps his eyes closed.

"Buzz!" Suddenly, his void opened up, and a cave that was much larger than the usual cave appeared. When this cave came out, Gu Yunyu's expression changed drastically.

"Lin Wentian, no matter how strong your talent is, you will definitely die today." From this coercive cave, an extremely arrogant shout suddenly sounded.

The next moment, a man appeared out of the cave, with a ferocious expression on his face, looking at Wentian, the Baizhang statue below, with murderous intent in his eyes.


"Supernatural power, blade of light!"

"Om!" A radiant aura rose from the cave sky, and at the same time, a powerful aura gushed out.

With a chirping sound, a sword blade full of light was seen, slashing and killing Yu Wentian fiercely with a condescending attitude.

As soon as the blade of light came out, the entire void was torn apart. It can be seen that the power of the turbulent flow in the crack was extremely violent, and it was completely different from before.

After all, the world has changed a lot today!
Bright family!

The person who attacked and killed was a true god powerhouse of the Guangming family, not only that, but he was also a powerhouse among the true gods because he possessed supernatural powers.

The appearance of the mutation caught many people off guard, and it was impossible to guard against. It seemed that this person had premeditated a long time ago, and now he took action just to launch a decisive blow against Wentian.

He believed that even a true god would fall under his innate supernatural powers, let alone a person in the mortal realm.

With a ferocious smile on his face, he seemed to be able to see that the Baizhang statue below and Wentian himself were cut into two pieces by his innate supernatural power, and the flesh and blood were separated.

But the people of the ancient country, as well as the Qian family, Qi Renzong and others, saw this scene, but their eyes widened and their faces turned pale.

"No..." Even the ordinary people of the ancient country yelled heart-piercingly.

Seeing that the blade of light was about to strike Wentian, but at this critical moment, Wentian suddenly opened his eyes wide.

At the same time, whether it was the Baizhang statue or him who was transformed from the divine embryo jade, his pupils suddenly opened.

The two were covered with golden light, the runes were against the sky, and the dragon pattern imprint was full of mystery.

"Peak of Rank Nine! Break it for me!"

The three are connected by blood, and they all roared to the sky at this moment, and their roars resounded through the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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