Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 640 Paragraph 9

Chapter 640 Duan Nine (One More)
Whether it is the entire Tianyuan Continent or the entire Tianyun Sea, it is all caused by a name.

That was Lin Wentian who came from the lower realms, was rumored to be a monster, a demon, and had an ominous name.

Regarding Lin Wentian, who has recently risen to fame, many people are holding speculations, wondering if this son has three heads and six arms, as the rumors say, he has an amazing talent comparable to that of the immortal old man.

But the true disciples of the five clans and seven sects, or the proud sons of the heavens whose bloodlines are astonishing and the bloodlines of the god emperor have reappeared, they still feel disdainful.

Because they have confidence, they are descendants of the God Emperor.

If they really meet the rumored Lin Wentian, they are also confident that they can defeat him, because their strength can crush their peers, and it is difficult to have rivals in their peers.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

Just as the undercurrent of the Tianyun Sea was surging, everyone in the ancient country was still busy cleaning up the battlefield.

Under Lin Yefeng's will, those soldiers, monks, and civilians who were sacrificed by the country were all buried generously.

The burial place of these people is today's Qingcheng, which is the place where the ancient demons were suppressed back then, and the people of Ningqing Taoist Temple are responsible for guarding this cemetery.

Pieces of tombstones engraved with the names of heroes who sacrificed their lives for the sake of the ancient country and fought bloody battles to the end stand in this cemetery.

Everyone looked at the tombstones and became silent.

But only for a moment, everyone's eyes were blood red, and they gritted their teeth.

Their ancient country never took the initiative to provoke others, but the other party wanted to destroy them many times. This hatred had already penetrated deeply into their brains and fused into their own blood.

One day, they will repay this blood feud a hundred times, a thousand times.

strength!They need more power!
Now their ancient country is still too weak, facing those behemoths who are the great forces of the human race, they are simply as weak as ants.

But they believe that one day, their ancient country will rise strongly, so strong that the world fears it, so powerful that those human powers fear it, and it is so powerful that it makes them restless.

Because there was that person in their ancient country...

Gu Huanglin asked the sky.

At this moment, the power of hatred turned into a strong heart and began to germinate in their bodies.


Suddenly, all the people in the ancient country looked up, their eyes became shocked.

A powerful aura descended from the sky again, and this aura was even more astonishing and monstrous than the aura of those Thunder Cloud Sect Leifeng disciples two days earlier.

In an instant, many people turned their eyes up one after another, and their eyes were full of coldness. Maybe they could already sense that the person who came was not good.

With a sound of "whoosh", Ye Tian, ​​the only true god powerhouse in the ancient country, appeared in the sky above the ancient city in an instant.

His expression was full of solemnity, because the other party hadn't shown up yet, but he had already given him a strong sense of oppression.

strong!The opponent is definitely strong!His heart suddenly became heavy.

"Who's coming!" General Zhao shouted loudly with strong anger, as if no matter how strong the opponent was, he still wouldn't be afraid.

Perhaps in his heart, he has already been reborn from the brink of death. If so, what fear does he have in this life?

Under everyone's shocked and dignified eyes, a silver divine light descended from the sky, and the entire sky seemed to be pierced.

However, everyone knew that the opponent came from the Thunder Cloud Sect's teleportation formation, that is to say, he was a disciple of the Thunder Cloud Sect.

When they sensed the power of thunder contained in this silver divine light, everyone instantly became murderous and their eyes became sharp.

Under the eyes of everyone, a young man stepped out from this divine light.

It was Lei Feng's personal disciple.

But this person's real cultivation is in the middle of the True One Realm, although it is restricted by heaven and earth, it is obviously stronger than the ordinary True One Realm, and even stronger than the man who fled back to the Thunder Cloud Sect before.

His expression was extremely arrogant, and he didn't pay any attention to the people below who were staring at him, as if he didn't take it to heart at all.

He cut straight to the point and shouted sharply: "I come from Lei Feng, the head of the nine peaks of the Thunder Cloud Sect. I am a direct disciple of Lei Feng's lineage. My name is Duan Jiu. Lin Wentian come out to me."

"Your rebellion before touched the dragon scale of the suzerain. My master was furious and ordered me to go down to the lower realm."

"I advise you to quickly hand over Junior Brother Hanfeng and others, and apologize to our Lei Feng lineage, otherwise, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless."

At the end of the sentence, a sneer appeared on the corner of the young man's mouth.

Even though Lin Wentian from this ancient country had massacred many true one realms by himself, he was not afraid at all, because it was just some ordinary cultivation, and he could also do it.

Again, this time, he got his master's personal order. Although he is alone, he not only represents Lei Feng, but also represents the entire Lei Yunzong.

He didn't believe that Lin Wentian dared to be an enemy of the entire Thunder Cloud Sect.

You must know that now he is surrounded by enemies, if there is no Lei Yunzong's backing, ten or a hundred of him will not be enough to die.

Thinking of this, his expression became more and more arrogant.

But soon saw him frowning.

Because a moment passed, and two moments passed, there was still no sound in the hall below, but the people of the ancient country glared at him, and their murderous intent became awe-inspiring.

"Lin Wentian, you are so arrogant! I really think that if you don't come out, I, Duan Jiu, can't do anything to you?"

This Duan Jiu, who was directly descended from Lei Feng, shouted furiously, and a strong murderous intent permeated the air.

However, as soon as his murderous intent came out, the entire ancient city trembled in the void, and immediately after the runes against the sky, formations appeared one after another, and the murderous intent became awe-inspiring.

Five Elements Killing Formation!
The formations that appear one after another are the king-level formations of the Xuanyuan family, the Five Elements Killing Formation.

This formation is extremely strong, and if there are a large number of monks, it is enough to easily leapfrog and kill people.

"Our ancient emperor is not here, if you are sensible, get out, otherwise don't blame me for being rude." Everyone shouted with fierce eyes like beasts.

"Bastards! You are just ants in the lower realm!" Feeling the killing intent of the crowd, Duan Jiu's face was ferocious, and a touch of redness appeared in his eyes.

Just when he was about to make a move, the void was torn open, and a void appeared.

No, this is not a void, but a cave.

I saw that the cave was constantly changing, and finally turned into a vase-shaped cave. Ye Tian, ​​who had a straight state, stepped out of it with a cold expression.

Just as he appeared, there was a flash of thunder in his hand, and a bead appeared.

Although this bead is small, it is riddled with lightning and transmits an extremely violent force.

Thunder Pearl.

This bead is surprisingly the Sky Thunder Bead of Wentian.

"Get out!" Ye Tian shouted angrily.

Immediately following the sound of bang, a violent lightning strike struck out with such force that it was as fast as lightning, making it hard to fathom.

"True divine weapon?" As soon as the Thunder Bead came out that day, Duan Jiu's eyes widened, but the next moment, his eyes showed intense greed.

(End of this chapter)

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