Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 651 Return from the Criminal Pass

Chapter 651
Not long after, a piece of divine embryo jade was lurking in the spirit pool in the valley again, but the turtle demon was full of fear and did not dare to approach this divine embryo jade.

"Unexpectedly, this boy Lin can be so lucky to have the real body of the god fetus. In this way, this guy is equivalent to an extra life."

Thinking of the scene not long ago, it not only showed jealousy, but also jealousy in its eyes.

"Hmph~ so what about the real body of the divine fetus?"

"It won't be long before I, the number one turtle in the world, will be able to leave this damn Lost Forest. By then, not to mention this remnant world, even the entire human race, or even the worlds of all races, will be gone. Crouching at the feet of Eighth Master."

It didn't know what to think of, it raised its proud head and looked at the Shentaiyu not far away, showing disdain.

The next day, Wen Tianling stood in the void of the ancient city.

"Buzz buzz!!" Immediately, the divine energy on his body was soaring, and in the shocked eyes of everyone, one after another water element avatars rushed out of his body one after another.

In the blink of an eye, the figures of Qiandao and Wandao stood in the entire void.

"Whoosh whoosh!!"

Immediately, his thousands of clones quickly dispersed in all directions, and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

"Wow! What is the ancient emperor doing?"

"Oh my god! Could there be another strong enemy coming?"

Looking at the many figures flying in the space, the people of the ancient country were startled, and felt even more uneasy.

But soon, the trace of uneasiness in their hearts disappeared without a trace.

Because there was news that it was not an invasion of foreign enemies, but their ancient emperor, who was about to set up a defensive barrier for the ancient country and a formation that could kill the enemy.

Suddenly, everyone looked excited.

Because in this way, their ancient country will be even more impenetrable, and become the real first imperial country of Tianyuan Continent.

Seven days later, the entire ancient country was shrouded in a psychedelic light, adding a lot of mystery to it.

"Huh..." Wen Tianling stood high in the sky, looking at the ancient country below, he let out a long breath, his face turned pale unconsciously, his forehead was covered with fine sweat.

He did not expect that it would take him seven days to set up the enchantment and formation in front of him, even with his cultivation base, he felt a bit too much.

"It's time!" There was a flash in his eyes, and then disappeared into the void.

At the same time, within the periphery of the Lost Trace Forest, there was a deafening bang, boom boom, even if it was hundreds of miles away.

"Break it for me!" An astonishing roar burst out, instantly startling everyone around.

"Bang!" The explosion exploded in a radius of dozens of miles, and the thunder was violent, as if it was about to turn into a realm.

A young man soared into the sky, his body was in a state of embarrassment, his eyes were full of viciousness and resentment.

He is Lei Yunzong, Duan Jiu, the personal disciple of Lei Feng, the Peak of the Nine Heads.

The strength of this person is really extraordinary, he can break through the forbidden boundary set by Wentian.

However, at this time, the person he hates in his heart is Daoxuan, the proud son of the Guangming family who has his own blood.

At this moment, Daoxuan still didn't know that he was being tricked by Wentian secretly.

"Daoxuan, wait for Duan Jiu." His eyes were full of cruelty.

"Hoho..." A lot of monsters heard the wind, and their roars were astonishing.

"Get out of here!"

But he, who was caught in a rage, didn't have the slightest fear at all. With a wave of his hand, thunderbolts rushed out like the roar of ancient beasts.

Boom boom boom!Immediately, the earth shook violently, thunder and lightning intersected, and the violent power seemed to destroy the entire Lin Zongmi.

It's just that he didn't notice that in the depths of the Lost Forest, some sleeping beasts slowly opened their eyes, and these pupils revealed extreme ruthlessness and cruelty...

Three days later, Elder Mo Yang came to the ancient country again, but this time he came alone.

When he appeared in the void of the ancient city, looking at the ancient country shrouded in psychedelic light and psychedelic atmosphere, his eyelids twitched, and then his eyes showed shock.

"This is the enchantment of the peak of the sky, and the formation of the peak of the sky?" He took a breath.

With his peak strength, he is confident that he can break through the barrier or formation in front of him.

But now in this world, his power is probably less than one-tenth of what he can display.

"Good boy! No wonder he dared to speak wildly before, wanting to destroy the Three Kingdoms of Fengyun, Yaoman, and Tianyang." He thought to himself.

"Elder Mo Yang, I've been waiting for a long time!"

"Bang!" A hole suddenly opened in the void of the ancient city.


Elder Mo of the Blade Sect came again, and no one in the ancient country knew what their ancient emperor had talked with him.

But not long after, there was news that the ancient emperor had reached a consensus with the high-level of Qi Ren, and the two formed a covenant.

Since then, behind the ancient country, there has been a behemoth of the Blade Sect.

Not only that, it is said that this time Elder Mo Yang came here, he even gave the ancient emperor a lot of earth-level artifacts, even if they were heaven-level artifacts, there seemed to be quite a few.

Boom! !Immediately, the entire ancient country was in a commotion, and the people were so excited that they looked up to the sky and roared.

"Long live the ancient emperor!"

"The ancient emperor is immortal, the immortals are invincible, and they dominate the ups and downs."

Following the shouts of the crowd, the Baizhang statue standing in the square suddenly opened its eyes.

It's just this scene that no one noticed.

When this news spread to the other five kingdoms, countless people were in an uproar in an instant, especially in the depths of the imperial palaces of Tianyang, Fengyun, and Yaoman, there was an astonishing roar.

Sky Cloud Sea, Thunder Cloud Sect.

"Bastard! This Lin Wentian is simply too arrogant."

"A person who was born as a thunder cloud will become a ghost of a thunder cloud in his death. Such a rebellious person must not be lightly spared."

"This son must die."

"It's so bold that you dare to capture my personal disciple of Lei Feng, and you don't care about the decree of the suzerain. This Lin Wentian deserves to be killed!"

The entire Leiyunzong roared and killed, and the sound of killing was loud.

Even the disciples of Immortal Peak were dumbfounded when they heard the news, and their eyes were filled with complex expressions.

"This Lin Wentian doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. He really thought that with the Blade Sect as his backer, he would not pay attention to my Thunder Cloud Sect. Please order the Sect Master to let the old man capture him." Elder He of Lei Feng's eyes were sharp. Come on.

Immediately, many people became excited one after another, showing gloating colors.

One must know that this Elder He from Leifeng is known as the Black-faced Devil, he is very old-fashioned, and he has no sympathy at all.

Although Lin Wentian is now flourishing in the lower realm, if this black-faced demon makes a move, Lin Wentian will definitely be unable to fly.

Because as a powerful force in the human race, Leiyun Sect, who was once the head of the Seven Sects, has the foundation to keep the sect alive for thousands of years.

It's just that the top brass of the sect will not use these details lightly until the important moment.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Lei Feng's disciple's mouth, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Not good! Brother Qi is probably in danger this time!"

"Lei Feng! They are simply deceiving people too much." The disciple of Immortal Peak gritted his teeth and said ruthlessly.

However, at this moment, a domineering voice resounded from the entire Thunder Cloud Sect.

"Whoever hurts a single hair of my disciple, I will slaughter his entire line of disciples at Xing Guan."

boom!A terrifying aura immediately enveloped the entire Thunder Cloud Sect.

As soon as this energy came out, all the giants of the Nine Peaks, including the master of Tianhuo Peak who was retreating, also opened their eyes suddenly.

He was shocked!
Countless disciples of Thunder Cloud Sect felt a thunderbolt in their minds, and their expressions were filled with boundless horror.

"Ah! This is the voice of the peak master, he is back!"

"What? Master, he is back!"

Whether it was the disciple of Immortal Peak or Shen Hu, they all looked excited.

At the same time, in **.

As the master of Leiyun Sect, Lei Guangxuan suddenly shrank his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "His cultivation has improved again."

(End of this chapter)

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