Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 654 Three Kingdoms Attack Again

Chapter 654 Three Kingdoms Attack Again (Fourth Update)
Not long after, news spread from the Yitian Sect, the head of the seven sects, that a bone demon of the royal family appeared in the city of burying demons, and with overwhelming strength, killed an ancient human god who was stationed there.

This incident happened more than a year ago, and it is for this reason that all the great powers of the clan sent a world god to the city of burial to investigate.

When this news reached the ears of all the geniuses of the human race, many people sneered, and some even volunteered to go to the city of burial of demons, intending to slaughter the demons.

For a time, the two races of humans and demons were about to stir up trouble.

"Have you heard? Just a few days ago, one of the five great families, Daoxuan, who is the arrogance of his family, has gone to the Demon Burying Battlefield. It is said that his cultivation has reached the peak of the middle stage of the True God, and he has even opened the family mark."

"What a Daoxuan, he got the imprint of the Guangming family. Since then, as if he has been blessed by God, his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. I am afraid that it will not take long before he will break through to the bottom of the true one state, or even the peak."

"That's right! If he really met the Tianjiao of the bone demon clan, he might kill him."

Many monks spoke one after another.

"Wow! The icy goddess of Thunder Cloud Sect, she has also gone to the city of burying the devil!"

"I heard that in the near future, she will hit the top ten core disciples of the Thunder Cloud Sect, and this time, she is preparing for it in advance, and wants to try it out with the Bone Demon Clan's arrogance." Another person said.

"What? Is this really the case?"

"Linglong, the icy Goddess of Thunder Cloud Sect, is now the jewel in the palm of Huan Shuifeng. Not only is this girl stunning in beauty, but her strength is even more unfathomable. If she really makes a move, the arrogance of the Bone Demon Clan will definitely be hard to fly."

"The Goddess of Ice has appeared, it seems that Lei Feng's Son of Thunder God may not be able to sit still."

"Thunder Cloud Sect has these two people, and I am afraid they will rise again in the near future." Someone said.

"No...there are Wukong, the sixth son of Immortal Peak, and Lin Wentian, the seventh son. I'm afraid it won't be long. These two are definitely two "sons of Thunder God" again."

Speaking of this, many people showed envious and jealous eyes.

After all, as long as they embark on the road of cultivation, everyone hopes that they can crush their peers and stand at the top.

Just when many forces from the seven sects and five clans went to the city of burial of demons, intending to provoke Tianjiao of the demon clan, this was the Tianyuan Continent, and it had been two months since Wentian and others retreated.

Two months in the outside world, that is to say, twenty months have passed in the Heaven Suppressing Earth Pagoda, and with the rich spiritual energy, everyone's cultivation speed will definitely be extremely fast.

Just one month ago, Fengyun, Yaoman, Tianyang and other three countries sent people to investigate many times but failed, and then they met directly and sent a large army.

Of course, these armies are only cultivators of this mortal world, not disciples of those great forces in Tian Yunhai.

Most people's cultivation is in the Vientiane Realm and the Divine Origin Realm.

However, when they came to the edge of the ancient country and saw the misty light and fog in front of them, they were dumbfounded and couldn't help but gasped.

Because in their eyes, the entire ancient country disappeared strangely.

"Hmph! It's just blindfolding."

"That's right! They are avoiding it like this, and they definitely have ghosts in their hearts. Maybe the ancient country is now at its weakest."

"Kill! At all costs, we must break this enchantment."

The generals of the Three Kingdoms roared.

Boom boom boom! !

Immediately, the countless attacks hit the barrier of the ancient country like a storm, causing a series of loud noises.

"Not good! There is an enemy attack!"

"The Three Kingdoms of Yaoman, Fengyun, and Tianyang are attacking our country's enchantment from the outside world."

"Quick! Notify the ancient emperor!"

The huge rumbling sound soon alarmed everyone in the ancient country.

Although during this period of time, everyone was puzzled by the disappearance of General Lei and others, but they also vaguely guessed that these people should have gone to a certain place to practice.

After all, the improvement of everyone's strength before, a thousand people broke through to the Shenyuan realm in an instant, made them suspicious long ago.

It is a pity in their hearts that their talents are mediocre, and they cannot light up the six-star talent ring. Otherwise, they will also be able to practice their earth-level and heaven-level skills, and obtain their earth-level and sky-level weapons.

"Don't worry! They won't be able to get in." Just when everyone felt uneasy, Wentian's voice sounded in everyone's minds with a strange force.

Immediately, everyone's panicked hearts calmed down instantly.

Although General Zhao, General Ye Tian and others are not there, their ancient emperor is still there, so why should they be afraid!

Boom boom boom!
Although the monstrous loud noises continued, the enchantment covering the entire ancient country was still as solid as gold, as if there was a tendency that Mount Tai would not collapse.

"Damn it, what kind of enchantment is this, why is it so strong?"

"Damn it! This general doesn't believe that a mere barrier can stop the army of our Three Kingdoms!"

Unable to attack for a long time, people from Tianyang, Yaoman, and Fengyun Huangguo all gritted their teeth, their eyes full of hatred.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

On this day, there was a monstrous spatial fluctuation outside the imperial palaces of Fengyun, Youman, and Fengyun Three Kingdoms. For a moment, countless people were stunned and shocked.

"My God! What the hell happened?"

"This is coming from the depths of the imperial palace. Could it be that something happened to the Yaomanhuang?" Everyone exclaimed.

It didn't take long before everyone looked wildly excited and shouted excitedly.

It took nearly three months, and the three major factions including Wanshouzong, Lieyangzong, and Xuanyuan Family, the teleportation array that was destroyed by Wentian at the beginning, was finally built again.

Not only that, this time the teleportation array has become stronger than before. It is said that this is because of the fusion of a ray of soul thought from a certain realm giant.

"Whoosh, whoosh!!" Immediately, from the depths of the palace of the Three Kingdoms, figures with astonishing aura rushed out one after another.

True god powerhouses, these people are all true one-colored ones.


Sensing the astonishing aura of these people, countless people were stunned, and turbulent waves set off in their hearts.

"Oh my god! This is the background of the great power of the human race? Just take a random shot and be a thousand true gods?"

"Haha! The Three Kingdoms have joined forces, and there are a total of three thousand true gods. This time, the ancient kingdom will surely perish. Even if the ancient emperor Lin Wentian has three heads and six arms, he will not escape death." Someone laughed viciously.

When three thousand true gods and powerful men gathered together and stood in the sky of the ancient country, that astonishing aura seemed to sweep the sky.

"A barrier at the peak of the heavenly level?" someone said with gloomy eyes.

But at this moment, the true god powerhouse of the Xuanyuan family showed disdain, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"What about the enchantment at the peak of the heavenly level? When it comes to enchantment and formation skills, even the peak of the Thunder Cloud Sect's Void Formation would not dare to compete with my Xuanyuan family!"

"Let's do it together!"

As soon as the words fell, the thousands of true god powerhouses of the Xuanyuan family all formed seals with their hands, and runes gushed out one after another. In the blink of an eye, a giant ax covered with runes was condensed in the void.

"Boundary Breaking Spirit Axe, Breaking Boundary and Destroying the Formation!" Everyone shouted suddenly.

The gigantic ax condensed from the runes was cut out with a momentum of opening up the world.

At the same time, Wentian in the main hall of the ancient city suddenly changed his expression.

(End of this chapter)

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