Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 658 Ancient Powerhouse Gongkong

Chapter 658 Ancient Powerhouse Gong Kong (Part [-])
At the same time, with Yitianzong as the leader, nine powerful men including Lieyangzong and Wanshouzong stood in front of Leiyunzong with domineering expressions and murderous intent.

Boom boom boom! !

Although the crowd didn't make a move, the monstrous aura and the astonishing murderous intent had already swept into the Thunder Cloud Sect with a powerful pressure.

"Roar!!" Just as this powerful pressure rushed into the Thunder Cloud Sect, there was a forbidden area in the Thunder Cloud Sect, named Shengfeng.

In this holy peak, there is a huge pool of water. At this moment, this pool of water boils astonishingly, setting off turbulent waves.

I saw a huge black shadow faintly appearing from the water pool, not only that, but a terrifying beast roar came from the water pool.

This beast roar is full of boundless aura, and its roar is like thunder. After the roar, all the disciples of Thunder Cloud Sect's expressions suddenly changed, and their hearts were filled with fear.

With a sound of "Bo", in the boiling water waves, an extremely sharp and huge tentacles that seemed to be able to pierce the sky burst out.

"Oh my god! This is the roar of the holy beast!"

"Not good! This is a warning from the holy beast."

Boom! !Countless people were startled, and even the top ten core disciples suddenly changed their expressions.

Also at this moment, an astonishing divine power came from above with an overwhelming momentum, and immediately, countless people turned pale, showing signs of panic.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Quickly open the protective array." Some elders in the nine peaks changed their expressions and shouted loudly.

After all, they still have a shadow in their hearts about the attack and killing that happened thousands of years ago.

It was precisely because of that enemy attack that Leiyunzong, who was the head of the seven sects and even comparable to the three holy places, suddenly fell from the top treasure to the fifth place in the seven sects.

It was also from that day that the immortal old man who dominated the sky and sea of ​​clouds disappeared mysteriously, and there has been no news of him until now.

After thousands of years, many people are secretly guessing that he may have long since fallen, or he may have been reincarnated and rebuilt.

Otherwise, with his domineering and rebellious character, how could he tolerate Leiyunzong being overwhelmed by Yitianzong.

"Buzzing!!" Immediately, bursts of light began to glow in the void of the entire Thunder Cloud Sect, and countless runes emerged.

It is obvious that the giants of the nine realms are coming, and the elders of Fengjiu are starting to protect the sect.

But at this moment, a majestic voice resounded through the entire Thunder Cloud Sect.

"No need!"

"It seems that my Leiyunzong has been silent for too long. Many people have forgotten our existence. It is time to let the world know that even though the Leiyunzong is no longer as powerful as it used to be, with me, Lei Guangxuan, Leiyunzong Still not falling down like a mountain." The voice was full of domineering, full of ambition.

The person who spoke is the master of Thunder Cloud Sect, the most mysterious person in the entire Thunder Cloud Sect.

Lei Guangxuan.

"Buzz!" In front of the Thunder Cloud Sect's door, the void suddenly twisted, and then a figure with a body like a pillar piercing the sky and surrounded by hazy gas stepped out.

His face was covered by mist, and even a cultivator at the peak of the true god couldn't see through it, making him appear extremely mysterious. This alone could make countless cultivators fearful.

Fairy!The gas entangled in his body was impressively immortal.

Rumor has it that Lei Guangxuan, the master of Leiyun Sect, broke into the "immortal tomb" thousands of years ago, got an immortal corpse there, and even obtained the method of cultivating immortals.

The giants of the Yitian Sect, Lieyang Sect, and Wanshou Sect looked at the Lord of Thunder Cloud, who was filled with immortality, their eyes suddenly shrank, and their faces were full of fear.

Although, with their strength and eyesight, they could tell at a glance that the immortal energy in the opponent's body was not very pure, but they could still feel a strong sense of oppression.

Although they are both giants in the realm, they are also divided into ranks.

"What a Lei Guangxuan, I didn't expect your strength to reach that edge! I'm afraid that within a thousand years, Lei Yunzong will produce another immortal old man." The giant with a boundary said solemnly.

"Brother Liu, you think too highly of him. This step seems close, but it is as far as the gap between the two realms. You must know that one step further, you will be in the realm of the seven realms, and you will be the king of gods." Somebody said it.

"Hmph! I want to see what this mere hypocrite is capable of." Someone sneered.

This person is an old man, especially after hearing his frivolous words, all the disciples of Thunder Cloud Sect couldn't help but gasp.

Unexpectedly, the master of Thunder Cloud Sect, who had practiced thousands of years ago, turned into a boy in the mouth of this old man. Could it be that this person is a ten thousand year old monster?

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes were full of unthinkable.

If this is the case, then this person's seniority is absolutely astonishing. I am afraid that he is the same generation as the immortal old man.

"Senior Gong Kong, so you are not dead yet!" Suddenly, another deep voice sounded from inside the Thunder Cloud Sect.

After the words fell, the void flashed, and an old man appeared.

As soon as the old man appeared, Feng Jiu was ranked fourth, and all the disciples of Xuzhen Peak looked excited, because the old man in front of him was the current master of Xuzhen Peak.

"Boy Zhenchen! I didn't expect you to reach the realm of the Five Realms after a thousand years. However, before the old man became famous, he was just a newborn calf."

The old man's expression is still arrogant, but from his words, it can be heard that this person's seniority is much higher than that of the Lord of Thunder Cloud and the Lord of Void Formation Peak.

"My God!"

"Gong Kong, could it be the Patriarch Gongkong who was said to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Immortal Patriarch ten thousand years ago?"

"What? It's him, he's not dead yet?"

"He is the Supreme Elder of Yitian Sect. It is said that as early as 2000 years ago, his strength had reached the realm of the five realms, but didn't he collapse when he broke through the realm of the six realms?"

Boom!Countless Leiyunzong disciples opened their eyes wide, and there was a thunderbolt in their heads.

Unexpectedly, the old man in front of him is actually a grand elder of the Yitian Sect. Not only that, he is also an ancient figure of the same generation as the Immortal Patriarch of the Leiyun Sect.

In other words, the person in front of him is an old monster who has lived from ancient times to the present.

"Hmph! The Supreme Elder of Yitian Sect?"

"This is my Thunder Cloud Sect, so it's not a place where you can run wild, so get the hell out of here."

Suddenly, a cold hum came from a spiritual peak surrounded by purple mist.

Among the nine peaks, there is absolutely no one other than Zimei, the master of Zixia Peak, who dares to speak out like this.

Because the entire Zixia Peak is respected by her alone, and she is also the giant of the Thunder Cloud Sect.

Of course, among the nine peak masters, except for the master of Huan Shui Peak, she is the youngest.

"What a girl who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, the old man must teach you a lesson today." Gong Kong, the Supreme Elder of the Yitian Sect, heard the words, and his face became extremely gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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