Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 66 Beggar Zhang Jing

Chapter 66 The Beggar Returns to Beijing (Part [-])
"Needless to say, I have already considered it very clearly. You can keep this jade pendant. If one day you encounter any danger, with this jade pendant, I, Ningqing Taoist Temple, may be able to save your life."

"Also, the capital city is a place of right and wrong. If possible, you better leave the Lin residence early." After speaking, Princess Mu Li took out a jade pendant from her bosom.

Hearing this, Wentian looked puzzled, and followed the jade pendant.

"Ning Qing!"

I saw that the word Ning Qing was engraved on this jade pendant.

Immediately, his eyes flashed, and he asked: "Forgive me for being stupid, I don't know what the princess said just now, what is the meaning?"

Princess Muli shook her head lightly, as if she didn't want to say more: "Everything has a cause and effect, you can't force it, you should go back to Beijing quickly! Your Lin family is not peaceful recently, I heard that someone around you was injured."

Before Wentian could react, a residual light flashed on her body, and within a few breaths, she disappeared from Wentian's sight.

After hearing his words, Wentian suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness.

"Is it true that something happened to Lin's residence as she said?" A cold light flashed across his eyes, he put away the jade pendant in his hand, his body flickered, and he flew up in an instant.

Not long after he left, a green figure appeared again, looking at the direction he left, with a hint of sadness on his face: "Maybe this is the fate of the two of us!"

"Hey..." She just finished speaking, and a sigh came out.

The next moment, a white figure appeared next to her, patted her on the shoulder, and sighed: "There are some things that you and I cannot control, but if you really don't want to marry in Fengyun Kingdom, you will be married as a teacher." Do your best to help you."

"Master, there is no need, this disciple has made up his mind."


The sigh reappeared, echoing in the air for a long time.

At the same time, the little nun Miaoyin stood on the mountain, looking ahead, with a worried look on her face, she murmured to herself: "I don't know why Brother Wentian is looking for Master Uncle? Will he come again?"

There was a touch of loneliness and reluctance in her eyes.


In the capital, this period of time is really turbulent, with all kinds of talents appearing one after another.

First, there was a maid in Lin's mansion who was a light attribute cultivator who hadn't appeared in a hundred years. It was shocking and jealous at the same time.

Although she was defeated by Nie Yun from the Fengyun Empire, she still gave everyone the impression that she was powerful and mysterious. One must know that her real cultivation was only in the early days of Lianyuan.

Since then, she has become one of the most important people in the world.

After that, it was Qian Jinyin from the Qian family. This person was as powerful as the rumors said, and he was more murderous and resentful. He was able to defeat Jue Wuxin from the Fengyun Empire.

Rumor has it that this Jue Wuxin from the Fengyun Empire can be ranked among the top three among all the cultivation realms in the country, but even so, he was still defeated by Qian Jinyin.

It can be seen from this that Qian Jinyin's strength is considered rare in the Yuanyuan Realm.

It's just that after Qian Jinyin was defeated by Jue Wuxin, another person came out from Fengyun Empire, this person was named Fengyuntian, and he was the sixth prince of Fengyun Empire.

As soon as this person came out, whether it was Chi Yue's young monks or the older generation of monks, they all looked shocked and were shocked in their hearts.

Of course, what shocked them was not the identity of the other prince, but the strength of the other party.

He never expected that the sixth prince from the Fengyun Empire was actually a Spirit Transformation Realm, and judging by his age, he was definitely not more than 20 years old.

Such an amazing talent is really rare in a hundred years.

As soon as the wind and cloud sky came out, Qian Jinyin's expression suddenly became dignified, but he did not show any fear. He only saw a few flashes, and jumped off the arena, obviously not wanting to fight with the opponent.

But everyone in the audience did not despise Qian Jinyin, because just before, he had proved his strength, and now he is only 16 years old.

Everyone believed that within a year, he would definitely be able to step into the Spirit Transformation Realm. At that time, he was only 17 years old, and he definitely had the qualifications to stand out from the crowd.

Therefore, for retreating without fighting, everyone still thinks that this is definitely a wise move.

However, this caused Chi Yue's morale, which had just risen, to plummet again.

"Lin Wentian, how dare you come out to fight, you small-headed turtle. I, Nie Yun, can suppress you with one hand."

On the other hand, Nie Yun was still arrogant and provocative, causing some people in the Lin Mansion to hear this, and they gritted their teeth with hatred in their hearts.

"This Nie Yun is really hateful. If Master Wentian is here, he will definitely be able to suppress him and avenge Meng'er."

"That's right! If he fights against Young Master Wentian, he will definitely not be a match for Young Master Wentian, even Big Brother Shi Zhong said so." Everyone in Lin's residence showed their anger.

At the same time, a slender figure landed in front of the gate of the capital and walked into the city. He was Lin Wentian who had returned to the capital.

"Hey! Why is this young man so kind? I seem to have seen it somewhere?"

"Ah! I remembered, he is Lin Wentian."

When some bystanders saw him, they couldn't help exclaiming, their expressions were full of shock and surprise.

"Why is he here? Could it be that he came back from outside the city just now and doesn't know what happened recently?" Someone said, with doubts on his face.

Um?Seeing everyone's reaction, Wentian was taken aback for a moment, and then his spiritual consciousness dissipated instantly.

Not long after, his eyes flashed suddenly, and he shot a cold light, and his voice was as cold as frost: "Fengyun Empire, Nie are looking for death."

A monstrous murderous intent suddenly erupted from him, and with a bang, his entire aura rose and disappeared in place in an instant.

"Follow! It seems that he is going to take revenge."

"Let's go! See if he can crush the late stage of Lianyuan as the rumors say."

Seeing this, some people showed a touch of excitement on their faces, and began to go straight to the arena.

And soon, the news spread more and more.

However, not long after Wentian left, a beggar with disheveled hair, completely disfigured face and two horrifying pupils suddenly raised his head, looking at the two big characters "Chiyue" at the city gate, his expression was full of ferocity.

"What you owed me in the past, I want you to repay a hundred times..."

"And what I owe you, I will make up for you... Even if it's my life... I only hate the beginning..."

The beggar was talking to himself, and immediately, he walked into the city gate with his bare feet, limping and turning.


On the arena, there was a bang, and a figure in embarrassment was knocked out of the arena like a cannonball. With a bang, a large mouthful of blood spewed out.

"Nie Yun..." He opened his eyes angrily, and wanted to say something, but maybe because of being too excited, the blood in his body was churning, he spurted blood again, and finally passed out.


"Holy Spirit Academy, Chen Jianxin, ranked sixth among the top ten young masters, also lost!"

"Is it true that no one is his opponent in Yuanyuan Realm?"

Chen Jianxin's defeat immediately caused everyone to feel grief and indignation, and at the same time, they felt shocked.

"In my opinion, it is really difficult to defeat this Nie Yun."

"This person's origin power is not only strong, but also has the most defensive warrior attribute. In addition to his physical body that is different from ordinary people, unless... unless that Lin Wentian shows up." An older monk said Come.

"Lin Wentian?" Immediately, everyone seemed to see hope, their eyes showing anticipation.

(End of this chapter)

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