Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 673 Shanchen?

Chapter 673 Shanchen?

"Junior Brother Lin, he will avenge us."

"That's right, he will definitely come back to avenge Senior Brother Lin Zhentian's past."

The other disciples of Guyun's lineage also roared with ferocious faces.

"Hahaha! I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you, because not long ago, our people also went to the lower realm." It was just that Leng Jue heard it, but laughed wildly.

"What? You...?" Gu Yunyu and the others changed their expressions suddenly, and they had a bad premonition in their hearts.

"The strong eat the weak, and the winner is king. This is the law of survival. Back then, my father was able to crush Lin Zhentian, but now I can easily crush Lin Wentian to death."

"But today I'm going to abolish you first." After saying that, Leng Jue's eyes flashed coldly, he raised his head and kicked at Gu Yunyu's dantian fiercely.

With Gu Yunyu's current state, if this kick hits him, even if he does not die, his dantian will probably be damaged, and he will become a half useless person from then on.

That is to say, Lin Zhentian, who was once a sensation in the past, was born with the power of wind and fire dual attributes. When he lost the power of fire source and his foundation was destroyed, he became an ordinary disciple.

In Tian Yunhai, where geniuses are born in large numbers, it can be said that he is a useless person.

"Leng Jue, you bastard!"

"Stop!" At this moment, the disciples of Guyun's lineage screamed, their eyes widened and they were about to explode.

Contrary to them, the disciples of Leng Jiang's lineage had cruel expressions, they laughed wildly, and looked down on the people of Guyun's lineage with a superior attitude.

"Interesting!" Duan Jiu stepped aside, looking at this scene, an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.



Immediately, blood exploded, and then there was an astonishing scream.

The screams were expected for everyone, but they were stunned here, their eyes full of unimaginable light.

Because the person who screamed was not Gu Yunyu who was lying on the ground, but the extremely arrogant and arrogant indifference before.

Not only that, but his whole body was blown into the air, and hit a mountain more than ten miles away. With a loud bang, the mountain collapsed instantly, and sand and rocks rolled down.

He spat blood profusely from his mouth, his eyes were filled with boundless fear, and in the blood he spurted out, there were actually fragments of internal organs.

"Who... are you?" He looked pale, looked at an ordinary-looking man, and said with a trembling voice.

In front of Gu Yunyu, a man stood motionless like a mountain.

He looks ordinary, his expression appears extremely calm.

But why not, looking at the plain expression of this person, everyone felt shuddering, as if the person in front of them was not a human being, but a ferocious beast about to explode.

"You..." Looking at the person in front of him, Gu Yunyu was stunned, as if he hadn't reacted yet.

It was Duan Jiu who was not far away, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and his face gradually became gloomy.

" is this possible?"

"Shanchen, he is a disciple of Guyun's lineage."

"Oh my god! Could it be that I was dazzled before? He, a half-step disciple of the real one, actually kicked Leng Jue, who is a true god powerhouse, away with one kick?"

The square was full of unbelievable exclamations, especially the disciples of Guyun's lineage, their wide eyes were full of unbelievable light.

"Shan Chen, has his cultivation broken through to the Real One?" Someone called out loudly.

"But the strength of his kick just now is obviously not like breaking through to the Real One Realm at the beginning, it seems to be the power of the middle stage of the True One Realm." Another person was puzzled.

"It turned out to be you trash! How dare you attack me, did you eat the guts of a bear?"

"Give it to me! Abolish this bastard for me, and I will make his life worse than death."

Seeing the face of the person who came, it turned out that his heart was trembling and indifferent, his heart was full of anger, and his eyes were tearing apart.

Because in the past, the man in front of him was like an ant in his eyes, as long as he shot at will, he could easily crush Neng to death.

However, it was just such a waste, an ant, that made him lose face just now, and his face twisted ferociously.

"哐!" The void trembled suddenly, and then a hole in the sky appeared, puffy and raging fire, like a bottomless fire realm, the flames were astonishing, enough to kill the Shenyuan Realm instantly.

Shanchen, this person entered the Huotian Peak of Thunder Cloud Sect a hundred years ago, and even worshiped under Elder Guy Yun's sect, and became a disciple of Guy Yun's lineage.

His talent is mediocre, and he has only achieved half a step of the True Realm after a hundred years of practice. Many disciples think that maybe he will not be able to condense out of the cave and break through to the True Realm in this life.

But I didn't expect that the opponent would break through now.

One must know that Leng Jue's cultivation is in the True One Realm, if he is still in the Divine Origin Realm, how can he kick the opponent away with one kick, this is simply impossible.

It is also because of this that even if he did not show a hole in the sky, everyone believed in him breaking through to the realm of true oneness.

"Shan Chen, you are courting death!"

"Now that old ghost Gu Yun is abolished, and Gu Yunyu is also unable to protect himself. Do you really think that you will be able to compete with us if you break through to the Real One?"

"Jie Jie! It's even better if you come here. I'll wipe out all these trash today, so as not to have long nights and dreams."

The disciples of Leng Jiang's lineage were murderous, some roared, some laughed wildly, the only thing they didn't have was fear.

Fluffy! !Immediately, gusts of flame shot up into the sky, turned into various weapons, fierce beasts, and attacked Shanchen who was still standing motionless on the field.

No...he is not the real Shanchen.


"Run away!"

Even though he kicked Leng Jue away and made him squirt blood, everyone in Guyun's lineage still didn't have any confidence in him.

Because no matter how strong he is, he is no stronger than Leng Jue who has already broken through to the realm of true oneness, not to mention that there are hundreds of disciples from Leng Jiang's lineage who are helping the evildoers.

In an instant, everyone's expressions changed suddenly, and they became panic-stricken.

Originally, they were in the same vein, and it was a lucky thing for someone to break through to the Real One again, but now all he has in his heart is anger and fear.

But they didn't realize that Shan Chen's face didn't change color in the face of everyone's killing, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It was contempt, and it was also a kind of blind confidence.

For some reason, when Leng Jue saw his smile, he was stunned suddenly, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

"It's just a waste, so what if he breaks through to the Realm? Can he still turn the world upside down with his own power?"

"I Leng Jue is the genius of Tianhuo Peak, even this Gu Yunyu will be trampled under my feet."

"My father is an elite disciple, and now he has reached the peak of the True One Realm. Among the many elite disciples, he is also a rare opponent."

"And my grandfather is the Elder Leng Jiang of Tianhuo Peak, who is second only to the leader of Tianyan Peak in power. He is just a waste, and I can poke him to death with a single finger."

Thinking of this, his eyes flashed fiercely, and the imprints of his hands changed.

With a bang, astonishing flames rushed out of the cave, instantly turning into a giant tower of flames, pressing down on Shanchen.

No!It's pressing against Wentian.

(End of this chapter)

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