Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 677 Suppressing Personal Disciples

Chapter 677 Suppressing Personal Disciples
These people have strong spirits, not to mention murderous eyes, but also exude a murderous aura.

"Wow! That's a disciple of Tianhuo Peak's own lineage."

"They finally made a move!"

"From this point of view, this Leng Jue has saved his life, but this Shanchen's fate will be unimaginable."

Someone screamed, and he couldn't help shaking his head at the end.

"Damn it, these bastards!" Gu Yunyu gritted his teeth.

Although he was a member of Tianhuo Peak, he didn't have any good feelings for these direct disciples, especially when he was seriously injured by Lei Feng Duan Jiu before, these people chose to stand by and watch.

And now...

Hate flashed in his eyes.

"Haha! No matter how powerful you are alone, you can't match the direct disciples of Tianhuo Peak, let alone my father and grandpa."

"Trash, don't you want to kill me? Kill me! Today's revenge will be returned to you ten times, a hundred times."

The appearance of his own disciple made Leng Jue instantly full of confidence, his pupils were full of viciousness, and he let out an astonishing roar at Wentian.

However, whether it was the shouts of those direct disciples or his roar, Wentian remained unmoved.

His voice was full of coldness: "As you wish!"

As soon as the words fell, in the shocked eyes of everyone, his raised leg, entwined with the power of lightning, stepped on Leng Jue's head fiercely.

"Don't..." Leng Jue let out a heart-piercing scream.

"Pfft!" But the next moment, his screams stopped abruptly, his head exploded completely, and blood spattered.

Until he died completely, he couldn't believe that a mere inner sect disciple dared to kill him in Tianhuo Peak in his sect.

One must know that his father was the best among the elite disciples, and his cultivation had reached the peak of the True One Realm, and his grandfather was even more powerful in the Ancient Realm and the most powerful elder in Tianhuo Peak.

But what he didn't know was that the Shanchen in front of him was not the real Shanchen, but Lin Wentian, the seventh son of Immortal Peak, the emperor of the ancient kingdom of the mortal world.

If he had known, perhaps he would have knelt down and begged for mercy long before, because Lin Wentian's name had long been known as a murderous one.

The opponent didn't even take the threats from the great forces to heart, so how could he be deterred by him.

Not even his grandfather.

It was also for this reason that he sent people down to the lower realms to kill the disciples of Guyun's lineage who had tipped off the news, because he didn't want them to know that Elder Guyun had been attacked and killed.

Blood splashed onto Wentian's face, but his expression was so cold that he didn't seem to notice it.

At this moment, the world was silent, and everyone was dumbfounded, seemingly unable to react.

"Hiss..." It seemed like a long time before there was a gasp of air-conditioning in the audience.

There was a thunderbolt in their minds, and a stormy sea was set off in their hearts.

"Dead! Elder Leng Jiang's grandson, Leng Jue, is dead!"

"As an inner sect disciple, he dared to kill an elite disciple. This time, Shan Chen is going to make a big fuss."


Many disciples were in an uproar, and their eyes were not only shocked, but also shocked.

"This Shanchen has such cruel methods. This person is decisive in killing. He is definitely not an ordinary person. He should not be provoked easily." Some elder monks narrowed their eyes and said solemnly.

"Good kill!"

"Shanchen, you are the pride of our Guyun lineage, we are with you!" Everyone in the Guyun lineage shouted excitedly.

I thought that the person in front of me would betray Leng Jiang's lineage temporarily, but he didn't expect that this was not the case.

When they were excited, the blood in their bodies seemed to be on fire again. They gritted their teeth and struggled to stand up again with fierce eyes.

Even Gu Yunyu is no exception.

His eyes were like flames, and there was an aura of madness gushing out of his body, as if to burn jade and stone together.


"Shan Chen, you are courting death!"

"How dare you kill my elite disciple of Tianhuo Peak, no matter who comes today, they will not be able to save you."

Shan Chen in front of him dared to slaughter the elite disciple Leng Jue in front of his face, those direct disciples of Tianhuo Peak, their faces became hideous.

You must know that they are direct disciples, and they have the highest status among all Tianhuo Peak disciples.

However, a mere internal disciple now doesn't take them seriously, making them lose face in front of other Jiufeng disciples.

It is conceivable how astonishing the anger in their hearts is.

Boom!Everyone rushed towards Wentian in a rage, some of them burst into flames.

When this person waved his hand, a flaming bird screamed, and rushed towards Wentian with an astonishingly high temperature and violent aura.

With such a monstrous power, he almost wanted to put him to death.

In an instant, the expressions of Gu Yunyu and the others changed suddenly.

The eyes of the disciples of Leng Jiang's lineage were full of cruelty, and they suddenly laughed wildly: "Shanchen, go to hell!"

Wentian suddenly raised his head, watching those people killing him, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and then he opened his mouth and roared: "Get out!"

boom!As soon as the scrolling words came out, a powerful aura turned into an invisible might, and with his roar, he rushed out violently like a beast.

"Clang!" Suddenly, there was a miserable cry.

With the sound of "Peng", in the inconceivable eyes of everyone, the majestic flaming bird that seemed to be a beast in the flames was instantly extinguished, turning into flames and disappearing into nothingness.

At this moment, everyone couldn't help but gasp, the person who made the move was a direct disciple of Tianhuo Peak.

However, in this flash of lightning, Wen Tian's black hair was flying, his eyes were like blades, the blood in his body seemed to be burning, and his perfect body was glowing red.

The five fingers of his right hand gathered into a fist, and when the veins bulged, it was as if ancient savage dragons were lurking in his body, making every inch of flesh and blood in his body exude an astonishingly ferocious aura.

With a domineering expression, he swung a punch violently and furiously.

This punch was the ultimate punch from his physical body that was comparable to the pinnacle of a true god.

With one punch, it was as if a dragon had been born, shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods. The invisible punch turned into a giant dragon roaring and rushing out in an instant.

boom!The nothingness exploded, and an astonishing aftermath swept across the sky.

Bang bang bang! !

Under this punch, the faces of Tianhuo Peak's direct disciples who had looked arrogant and arrogant before suddenly changed, their eyes were full of fear, and their bodies were blown away for dozens of miles as if they were hit by a star.

"Wow... puff..." Their throats were sweet, and they spat out a mouthful of blood. Looking at the man with flying black hair in the square, their pupils were filled with endless disbelief.

Especially one of them, he yelled like he lost his mind: "'s are just an inner disciple."

His heart trembled, because his cultivation base had reached the middle stage of the True God, but even so, the other party gave him the feeling that it seemed to be an insurmountable peak.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a shocking divine thunder descended from the sky, as if it wanted to kill Wentian completely.

Duan Jiu, Lei Feng's direct disciple, has made a move!

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Wentian raised his head suddenly, his voice was cold.

(End of this chapter)

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