Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 680 Resisting the Ancient Gods

Chapter 680 Resisting the Ancient Gods
Boom!A giant hand covering the sky covered in flames grabbed Wentian in a domineering manner, as if it wanted to completely crush him and the thunder dragon under his feet.

"A strong man in the ancient realm!" As soon as the giant hand that covered the sky came out, the faces of all the disciples in the audience changed with fear, and some even trembled.

"It's the elders who are here!" The disciples of Leng Jiang's lineage looked excited.

"Elder, kill him for us, this guy killed Senior Brother Leng Jue." Someone's face twisted, his eyes were vicious and he shouted, as if he wanted to vent the hatred in his heart.

Because they have become useless.

"What? Ah... ants, I want you to die without a place to bury you."

Boom!In the astonished eyes of everyone, the giant hand that covered the sky was still growing rapidly, and in an instant, it completely enveloped the entire square.

"Oh my god! Elder Leng Jiang from Tianhuo Peak has made a move, Shan Chen is hard to fly!" Someone shouted.

Gu Yunyu and the others were as pale as snow, and despite the hatred in their hearts, they trembled instinctively in the face of the might of the ancient god.

"Lengjiang!" Sensing the turmoil behind him, Wentian suddenly turned his head, his eyes were red, and his face was ferocious like a beast.

"Drink!" He shouted angrily with a domineering expression.

"Boom boom boom!!" The aura in his body exploded completely, and he continued to climb upwards.

At this moment, the ancient spirit scriptures were fully activated in his body.

"The power of water element!"

"The power of fire element!"

The divine element of water and fire in the body spun rapidly, and when it reached the extreme, it transformed into a sparkling silver thunder element with a bang.

At the same time, the blood in his body was boiling, and there was a turbulent sound, as if thousands of troops were galloping, making the skin of his whole body flushed, and runes appeared in his body.

The physical body comparable to the pinnacle of the true god was completely exploded by him at this moment, because the person who attacked was not the middle or late stage of the true one realm, but the ancient god who surpassed him.

"Thunder Dragon!" He roared again.

"Roar!" The Baizhang Thunder Dragon roared under its feet, and its whole body burst into lightning, and in an instant, it completely disappeared with its huge body of Baizhang.

Here, Wentian's right fist was flashing with thunder, and there was a frightening violent aura, because the power of the entire thunder dragon had been transformed into thunder yuan, condensed on his right fist.

"Old Dog Lengjiang!" His eyes were extremely fierce, and he shouted violently.

Immediately with the anger and hatred in his heart, he swung out the water, fire, and thunder in his body, the three major gods merged into one, and then incorporated a powerful punch with astonishing brute force.

It is unimaginable that a mere inner sect disciple would dare to attack Elder Leng Jiang, who is a great figure in the ancient realm.

But when everyone sensed the power of the punch that Shanchen hit in front of them, their hearts jumped, and they felt as if they were being bombarded by divine thunder.

Because they could sense that the opponent's punch could easily destroy them, even the dark sword of An Wufeng, and the demon Yichen of Lingdan Peak showed terrified eyes.

boom!A loud noise that shook the world, weeping ghosts and gods exploded in everyone's ears, and the terrifying aftermath swept the sky, and many disciples were blown away before they had time to dodge.

"Puff..." They spurted blood wildly, showing panic, unprecedented fear in their hearts.

"Peng!" The giant palm covering the entire square suddenly exploded, and the monstrous flames spread rapidly, turning into a sea of ​​flames in an instant.

"Crack! Crack!" There was a crackling sound in the void, and there was a strange scale full of cracks.

Finally, with a bang, it collapsed completely, turning into dust and disappearing.

"Pfft!" Wen Tian's throat was sweet, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, his complexion turned extremely pale in an instant.

Not only that, but his whole body was even more wobbly, because the previous blow almost consumed all three lines of divine energy in his body.

If he hadn't reacted in time just now and sacrificed the thunder dragon's reverse scale at the last moment, it's really hard to say whether he can stand here.

"Leng Jiang!" He clenched his fists tightly, his face showed blue veins, and his eyes shot out terrifying hatred.

too weak!
It was only during this time that he made a breakthrough and realized that he was still as weak as an ant in front of those strong men.

But at this moment, everyone who saw that he was still alive felt terrified like seeing a ghost.

They shouted: "No... this is absolutely impossible!"

"It's absolutely not true that a mere inner sect disciple can resist Elder Leng Jiang's blow. It's not true..."

"Shanchen... who the hell is he?" Countless people exclaimed, showing expressions of extreme astonishment.

Not to mention them, even those direct disciples of Feng Jiu were dumbfounded, and turbulent waves arose in their hearts.

Because they don't have the confidence to take a blow from the elder Leng Jiang of Tianhuo Peak who is a strong man in the ancient realm.

But now that an inner disciple can do it, their hearts were shocked.

Because this is nothing short of a miracle!
Perhaps since the founding of the Leiyun Sect, this Shanchen in front of him is No.1.

"Bastard! An ant-like existence dares to provoke this old man." A voice of fury resounded from nothingness.

"Om!" The void was startled, and a circle in the void appeared, and an old man with a gloomy face, eagle-like eyes, and an astonishing murderous intent all over his body stepped out.

That's right!He is the elder Leng Jiang who is under one person in Tianhuo Peak and above ten thousand people.

"You beast, die to this old man!" He looked furious and flicked his sleeves.

boom!Immediately, an astonishing burst of divine flame surged out, and in the blink of an eye, it transformed into a huge ball of flames, slamming into the sky with the force of destroying heaven and earth.

The power of this blow is obviously several times stronger than the previous blow.

Because he is a strong man in the ancient realm, and even an elder of Tianhuo Peak, he failed to kill an inner sect disciple in the previous blow, which was simply a great shame for him.

The same is true, this time he used [-]% of his power to completely destroy the person in front of him.

He wanted to let the entire Leiyunzong disciples know that offending Leng Jiang would not end well.

Although it is only [-]% of his strength, he believes that absolutely no one can survive under the ancient realm, because his cultivation has reached the late stage of the ancient realm.

"Oh my god! Elder Leng Jiang is angry!"

"If this Shanchen has three heads and six arms, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving this time." Someone said.

"Haha! Die, kid!" Duan Jiu wiped away the blood seeping from the corner of his mouth, and he laughed wildly with a ferocious expression, as if he could already see the mountain in front of him, which would soon be wiped out.

"Shanchen run away!"

"Old ghost Lengjiang, stop!"

Gu Yunyu and the others yelled, their wide eyes filled with boundless fear, but at the same time, boundless anger welled up in their hearts.

"Old ghost Lengjiang, I, Lin Wentian, swear that one day your life will be worse than death." Sensing the monstrous power of the fireball, Wentian gritted his teeth and roared in his heart.

Although his strength has increased greatly recently, facing the strong in the later stage of the ancient realm, even if he tries his best, he has no chance of defeating them.

Because the true god and the ancient god are not at the same level at all, just like one is a cloud dragon and the other is an underground worm.

(End of this chapter)

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