Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 683 Undead Fruit

Chapter 683 Undead Fruit
Looking at the opening of the hole in the sky, Wentian's eyes flashed, without the slightest hesitation, he rushed in quickly.

He didn't expect that his master knew that he was back, and that he was in Peak Master Tianyan's small world.

"Could it be that Uncle Tianyan told Master? Or, the moment I stepped into Thunder Cloud Sect, Master already knew that I was back."

"In this way, wouldn't the other giants of Peak Nine also..." Thinking of this, his eyelids twitched.

But the next moment, he took a deep breath and recovered his mood.

It doesn't matter whether the other nine giants know that he has returned, but at least his master is there, and even if others feel guilty against him, they dare not touch him easily.

Because you don't look at the monk's face, you also have to look at the Buddha's face.


When he passed through the entrance of the cave, he found that he was not in Tianhuo Peak, but in the hall of Immortal Peak.

"Disciple, I have met Master!" He arched his hands and said sincerely.

In the main hall, his master Xing closed his eyes, sitting on a high platform, and below him was the third elder brother of Immortal Peak.

And right beside him, Shen Hu in a coat was sizing him up maliciously, with a treacherous and wretched expression.

Standing next to Shen Hu is the sixth son of Immortal Peak, Wukong.

His eyes were bright, looking at Wentian in front of him, his whole body exuded a strong fighting spirit.

After only seeing each other for a while, Wentian could clearly feel that his senior brother's strength had obviously become stronger.

Suddenly, he couldn't help but feel serious.

But at the same time, he was overjoyed.

Because the stronger his senior brother, the stronger his lineage of Immortal Peak, maybe one day in the future, their Immortal Summit will crush the other eight peaks and once again sit on the throne of the top of the nine peaks.

After all, thousands of years ago, their Immortal Peak used to dominate the Tianyun Sea and the entire human race, even the three holy places should be [-]% afraid.

"You are not bad!" Peak Master Xingguan slowly opened his eyes.

Although it is only three words, but Wentian can hear the appreciation from the other party's words.

Especially Shen Hu at the side, his face was full of jealousy.

"Thank you, master, but this disciple has a request!" Wentian suddenly raised his head and looked directly at his master.

As soon as he said this, Elder A frowned, but he didn't say anything.

Suddenly, the entire hall fell into a brief silence.

After what seemed to be a long silence, Peak Master Xingguan said, "Speak!"

Wentian was overjoyed when he heard about it: "I hope that Master will save Elder Guyun from Tianhuo Peak."

"His foundation has been damaged, and he has suffered backlash. Let alone a master, even a god king can't do anything about it." As soon as he finished speaking, the words of Peak Master Xingguan resounded in the hall.

Suddenly, Wentian felt a pain in his heart, and he clenched his fist vigorously with his right hand.

He didn't expect that even his master, who possessed the power of the six realms and reached the peak of a god, would not be able to help his master to recover.

In other words, his ancestor can only be reduced to a useless person in the future.

Whenever he thinks back to the unrestrained and unruly laughter of his master Gu Yun, his heart feels extremely painful.

"It's impossible to be a teacher, but there is something that can."

"Not only can he completely recover from the injuries in his body, but it may also allow him to break through the shackles and reach the realm."

Just as he was grieving, the voice of his master sounded again in the hall.

As soon as these words came out, whether it was Shen Hu, Wukong, or the three elders A, B and C, all of them changed their expressions drastically, especially Wukong, his eyes were even more radiant.

"Huh?" Wentian regained consciousness instantly.

He looked ecstatic, and without thinking about it, he said, "What is it?"

The three elders, A, B, and C, shrank their eyes at this moment, revealing complex lights, and Shen Hu also seemed to think of something, and he shuddered all over.

"Immortal Fruit!" Peak Master Xing Guan said indifferently.

Although his expression seemed extremely calm, Wentian noticed that when he said the word Undead Fruit, he clenched his hands vigorously, showing that he was extremely restless.

But soon he let go, and then he closed his eyes again, as if he didn't want to say anything more.

"Immortal fruit..." Wentian murmured.

Immediately his eyes flashed: "No matter how much the price is and how dangerous it is, I will get this undead fruit."

Not long after, he, Shen Hu, and Wu Kong left the hall.

Only Peak Lord Xingguan and three elders, A, B, and C, remained in the entire hall.

"Peak Master..." Elder A opened his mouth, hesitant to speak.

"Needless to say, I have made up my mind."

"Besides, it may be his life."

"There is extinction first, and then there is immortality. All of this may be a reincarnation."

Peak Lord Xingguan suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils were bloodshot with terror.


As soon as Wentian and the three left the hall, Shen Hu heaved a sigh of relief, and then continued to chatter.

"Xiaoqi, your illusion technique is really getting stronger and stronger. I'm afraid it won't be long before even senior brother can't see through it."

"And Xiaoqi, tell me honestly, did you reach the peak of Rank [-] in Mortal Realm? Or the peak of Rank [-]?"

"You have to know that even the Immortal Patriarch back then was suspected to have reached the peak of the eighth rank, and broke through from the peak of the mortal realm to the peak of the divine essence in one fell swoop."

"Do you know, now that you are in the Immortal Peak, you are soaring like the sun, and your reputation even surpasses that of the sixth junior brother."

"But don't forget, senior brother, I risked all my life to save you from Sky Thunder Valley."

"When you are brilliant, you must not forget that senior brother has saved your life."

Even though Shen Hu kept talking all the way, Wentian didn't seem to hear a word, and his mind was full of that undead fruit.

"Life and Death Peak, Life and Death Terrace, Miesheng Quan, Immortal Fruit, Immortal Art, what is the relationship between these five things?"

"No, there is also the ten-thousand-year tomb of the disciples of the Immortal Peak, the Realm of Life and Death." Countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

"Seventh Junior Brother, Senior Brother, take a step first. See you in the Realm of Life and Death after three months." Just as he came back to his senses, Wukong's figure flashed, and he had turned into a long rainbow, rushing towards the mountain not far away.

"Sixth Junior Brother, wait a minute, Senior Brother, I still have something to say to you." Shen Hu was stunned, and then he shouted.

With a buzzing sound, he also disappeared instantly, leaving only Wentian alone.

But at this moment, Wentian's expression changed, and he disappeared in the same place in an instant.

Not long after the three of them left, several disciples from Immortal Peak flew over.

"Strange, just now I clearly sensed a wisp of Brother Seven's aura, but why did it disappear completely when I came here? Could it be an illusion?" One of the disciples said, his eyes full of doubts.

"It seems that you are thinking too much, brother Seven is now in the mortal world, maybe he is preparing to connect with my Thunder Cloud Sect and the Blade Sect, how could it appear in the Immortal Peak."

"Furthermore, even if he does come back, wouldn't us Immortal Peak disciples not know about it?" someone else asked.


Not long after, a mass of liquid gushed out from the ground, and after only staying for a moment, it dived into the ground again.

When he reappeared, Wentian was already in a secret room, which was exactly his residence peak, but he avoided everyone.

"In the world of life and death, I, Lin Wentian, want to see what secrets you have." His murmur sounded from the secret room.

(End of this chapter)

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