Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 70 Qinglian Appears

Chapter 70 Qinglian Appears (Part [-])
Boom!After Feng Yuntian received this palm, his whole body flew backwards like a cannonball fired violently.

"Wow! Fengyuntian is defeated!"

Seeing this scene, the people below all exclaimed, their expressions were full of shock, and they couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

The third prince, Ji Hong, only reacted at this moment, and then his whole body was filled with coolness, and he couldn't help taking a breath, his eyes were extremely shocked: "He was still hiding his strength before?"

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a long-winded feeling, and his heart was full of palpitations.

"Presumptuous!" Suddenly, an angry shout came from the void, and immediately, there was a twist in the air, and an old man suddenly appeared out of thin air.

The old man's eyes were like eagles, and he exuded a powerful aura.

Feeling this breath, the faces of all the people in the audience changed drastically one by one, and some people with low cultivation base felt a sense of suffocation.

"Vientiane Realm!" I don't know who called out.

Immediately, everyone couldn't help but gasp, they didn't expect that the competition of the younger generation would attract the strong in the Vientiane Realm.

You must know that there are only a handful of strong people in the Vientiane Realm in the entire Scarlet Moon Empire.

"This is the old man following Fengyunxuan. I never thought that he is a strong man in the Vientiane Realm!" Someone recognized the identity of the old man and exhaled loudly.

Feng Yunxuan and his party consisted of six people, except for him and the four young people, the rest was the old man.

At the beginning, everyone thought that this old man was just a follower and a housekeeper, but they didn't expect that this inconspicuous old man was actually a strong man in the Vientiane Realm.

As soon as the old man came out, he suddenly pressed towards the void.

boom!A monstrous crushing force frantically flocked towards Wentian.

All things happened in that flash.

At that moment, Wentian was startled, but soon his eyes flashed fiercely, his body was booming, and his hands began to dance quickly.

"Thousand overlapping wave palms!"

Wen Tianchen yelled, his palms came out with afterimages, and when the palm prints were made, the sound of surging waves surged, like a dragon rushing out of the sea, blasting out with billowing power.

Boom boom boom! !
The booming sound caused by the clapping kept coming, making people's ears buzz, as if there was a blank in their minds.

When the air returned to calm, I saw one after another eyes filled with astonishment, all focused on the pale young man in the air.

He is Lin Wentian.

At this moment, Wentian had retreated hundreds of meters, his face was pale, his eyes were full of solemnity, and his breath was even weaker, looking at the old man in the air.

"With my current strength, am I still incomparably fighting against the Vientiane Realm?" he murmured in his heart.

He originally thought that he possessed dual-attribute origin power, and his physical body also broke through the shackles. With two worlds of combat experience, he thought he could match the strong in the early days of Vientiane.

But now he realizes that even if he exerts his full strength, there is still a gap between him and the strong in the Vientiane Realm.

But he was not discouraged, after all his real cultivation was in the early stage of spiritual transformation.

With the power of the Transforming Spirit Realm, he wanted to compare with the Vientiane Realm, but fortunately he didn't say it, otherwise, I'm afraid it would shock people, and only he dared to think so.

"What? This is impossible!" Feng Yuntian roared in disbelief.

And when other people saw this scene, they immediately exploded completely, causing waves of uproar.

Although it was just a random blow from the Vientiane Realm, if they wanted to take it forcibly in the early stage of transforming spirits, it would be completely unimaginable for them to do it before.

However, Lin Wentian in front of him did it.

"This person must not stay, or there will be endless troubles." The old man's eyes suddenly shrank, and a strong killing intent arose in his heart.

Immediately, the aura on his body exploded violently, causing the void to vibrate violently. It looked like he was preparing for a powerful blow.

Sensing this, Wentian gritted his teeth, his eyes showed fierce light, and he was ready to make a move with all his strength, even if it exposed all his hole cards.

But at the next moment, his expression changed drastically.

At the same time, a pleasant voice came from the void, which made him feel a little familiar.

"This is a duel of the younger generation. Don't you think it's inappropriate for you to intervene suddenly, senior?"

After the words fell, there was a wave of waves in the air.

Immediately, three figures stepped out from the void, and standing among the three was a young girl in colorful clothes and a white veil.

This girl is about sixteen or seventeen years old. She has smooth black hair, with a hint of luster, floating in the wind. Her eyes seem to be watery, and she looks as agile as a fairy. Although she wears a veil, she still gives people a sense of bright eyes. .

Especially on her body, there is a body fragrance that naturally exudes, which makes people feel the desire to get close, and makes all the monks look eagerly and fieryly.

"Wow! Could it be that she is the Qinglian Fairy from Xianfeng Pavilion in the rumors?"

Below, someone suddenly exclaimed.

"What? Fairy Qinglian?"

"Hiss!" Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but gasp in an instant.

Because no matter old or young, everyone knows that Chiyue's number one beauty is this mysterious Fairy Qinglian.

Although she is not very old, her name has already resounded throughout Chiyue, and she is the goddess in the hearts of many young geniuses.

When I saw her today, she really lived up to her name, definitely worthy of the word fairy.

Below, a girl in purple clothes is holding the corners of her clothes tightly with both hands, as if representing that her heart is not at peace, especially in her eyes, there is a flash of jealousy.

She is Zhou Zilan.

"Qing-lian-xian-zi!" she said out of her mouth.

People in the whole capital said she was amazingly beautiful, even calling her the reincarnation of Linghu, but in fact she knew in her heart that she was not the most beautiful person in Chiyue, because there was another person above her... Fairy Qinglian from Xianfeng Pavilion.

"is her!"

Seeing the person coming, Wentian's eyes suddenly shrank, but soon, as if he remembered something interesting, a deep smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Perhaps sensing his actions, Fairy Qinglian's delicate body trembled suddenly, and immediately let out a cold snort, with a hint of anger.

"This hateful bastard dared to tease me last time. This time, I must give him some color."

As if thinking of some crooked idea, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, revealing a playful smile.

"Xianfeng Pavilion?" The eyes of the old man in the sky suddenly became serious. It seemed that even though he came from Fengyun Kingdom, he was still very afraid of Xianfeng Pavilion.

Then, with a look of unwillingness on his face, he said: "This kid is cruel and cruel, and he killed our country's genius monks in the competition. What I did was just to clear up the evil for Chiyue, so that this person would not be too murderous. , leading to the final obsession and harming the world."

When the old man said that he had come, he acted as if it was a matter of course, which caused all the Chi Yue people below to grit their teeth, wishing to leave a footprint on the old man's face.

"Shameless, this old guy is really shameless."

"The genius of Fengyun Kingdom is not as good as others. If he loses, he loses. Now that he loses the young one, the big one will come. After defeating the big one, the old one will come. Does it mean that when the old one is defeated, he will send out the army to fight against him?" Surge up?"

Some people were dissatisfied with the old man and despised him.

(End of this chapter)

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