Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 705 Crazy

Chapter 705 Crazy
Boom!As he stretched out his right palm, suddenly, a huge palm that covered the sky and the sun was frozen in the void for an instant, and a huge vortex also gushed out from the center of his palm, which seemed to be able to crush the sun and the moon.

While everyone was stunned, the monstrous giant palm with the talisman shrouded the land that hit it in an instant.

"Star Picker! Crush him!" Wen Tianhei danced wildly, and an invincible aura that seemed to be the ancient god of war leaked out of his body.

His eyes were like lightning, and he squeezed his right palm hard.

"Boom!" Suddenly, the entire sky seemed to collapse, and there was a loud noise that shook the world and wept ghosts and gods.

Under his star smashing hand, the entire land was crushed and exploded, countless sand and stones flew violently, and were swept up by the strong wind and rushed in all directions. The astonishing scene made one's face turn pale, and his mind buzzed.

"My God! What kind of supernatural power is this?"

"The land with a radius of tens of miles can be easily crushed by him. If his strength is further improved, can this supernatural power be able to reach the stars?" Someone screamed, and his wide eyes were full of boundless shock and fear. .

"There is a record in the library of my Huan Shui Peak, saying that there was a strong man in ancient times. This person called himself the old man who picked up the stars, and the supernatural power he created was called the star picker."

"It is said that this person is powerful and can play with the sun, moon and stars in applause. At his peak, he can even compete with the god kings of the seven realms."

"But according to the records in the book, he never confiscated apprentices in his life, and that's why he created the star picker, which was also lost. Could it be that senior brother Lin is the descendant of that senior?" The woman surnamed Li looked at the shocking scene in front of her. The expression is full of unbelievable.

"Old Man Reaching the Star?" Qiu Ye also seemed to think of something, she exclaimed in surprise, and a storm arose in her heart.

With the fierce battle between the two sides, Wentian and Chen Lin's endless tricks have already shocked everyone's hearts.

Many people felt boundless fear, especially the extremely arrogant Wan Chongfeng disciple before, his face turned pale, and his whole body trembled with fear.

"Damn it, why is Lin Wentian so powerful!" Someone gritted his teeth and thought to himself.

"Lin Wentian, I, Chen Lin, don't believe that you are immortal." After repeated attacks were broken by the opponent, Chen Lin's heart was already full of anger.

Just when everyone thought he was at the end of his rope, there was a hint of madness in his expression, boom, a more powerful aura erupted from his body like a volcano.

It seems that at this moment, he has completely unleashed the power that does not belong to him. His whole body is blood red, and his physical body seems to have reached a limit.

"Puff!!" The next moment, his physical body exploded by itself, turning into a blood man in the blink of an eye, even his pupils were filled with madness and bloodshed.

The severe pain in his body made him let out an inhuman roar, and his face was ferocious like a beast or a demon, which made one's hair stand on end.

"Bang!" He snapped his palms together.

Immediately, every inch of his body burst into a strong divine light, not only that, but the power of rules that did not belong to him quickly wrapped around his palms.

"Boom! Boom!"

A shocking and unbelievable scene appeared.

I saw an extremely gloomy aura coming from the void, and countless dark clouds condensed, instantly covering the black sun in the sky.

Within a radius of a hundred miles, no matter whether it was the crumbling rocks or the sand, they all seemed to be swallowed by a monstrous force, rushing towards him who was standing in the air crazily.


He looked crazy, his bloody body began to petrify, and in the blink of an eye, it was submerged by countless gravel and sand.

In less than a moment, a gigantic peak wrapped in the power of rules floated in the void, exuding a terrifying aura.

His physical body turned into a thousand-foot giant peak.

"Hiss!" Looking at this terrifying scene, those Jiufeng disciples all opened their pupils wide, and couldn't help gasping for air.

"Lin Wentian! Either you die or I die today!" From the thousand-foot giant peak came Chen Lin's hateful roar.

"Om!" In an instant, the thousand-foot-high peak descended from the sky with an astonishing crushing momentum.

Feeling this coercion, Wentian's heart skipped a beat, because this is not only a thousand-foot giant peak, but also a boundary peak, because it contains the power of rules.

Although there is only one strand, it can definitely kill the ordinary ancient realm in seconds.

Suddenly, a touch of madness flashed across his eyes.

"Roar!" He raised his head to the sky and roared, every inch of flesh and blood in his body seemed to be on fire, making his whole body flushed and exuding a fiery breath
However, the strange thing was that at the next breath, his black hair was covered with frost, and an astonishing coldness emanated from his body again.

During this time, he exuded an aura that was both fiery and extremely cold.

Ice and fire are the same body.

He raised his left palm, and with a buzzing sound, his entire left arm was instantly frozen, covered with layers of ice scales, as if turning into the arm of an ancient ice dragon, filled with frightening power of ice.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his right palm again.

"Pfft!" Immediately, a mysterious purple flame rose from his right palm.

"Ah!!" He let out an inhuman roar, only to see the veins all over his body protruding, like horned dragons.

His face was ferocious like a beast, and his long black hair flew like a dance, like the reappearance of ancient gods and demons, especially that crazy idea, which seemed to make the world tremble.

If Li Lin is crazy, then he is crazy.

"Ice Dragon, Flame Dragon! Double Dragon Roaring!" He struck out suddenly with both left and right hands.


"Roar!!" In an instant, two domineering dragon roars shook the sky and the earth, and exploded in everyone's minds, as if an ancient dragon had awakened.

In the unbelievable eyes of everyone, a thousand-foot ice dragon exuding an astonishingly cold air, and a thousand-foot purple flame dragon exuding fiery warmth roared into the world one after another.

Just as they roared, the two dragons rushed out with ice, flames, and dragon power, and it almost evolved into a picture of two dragons going out to sea.

Such a shocking scene makes people tremble, it seems that the kings of the two dragon clans are in the world, showing their domineering side.

However, just when everyone thought it was over, Wen Tian, ​​who was already pale, had a flash of madness in his eyes, which was a kind of fighting madness.

Under the dumbstruck eyes of everyone, he closed his eyes strangely, and two lines of blood and tears were faintly visible.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but at that moment, everyone seemed to see two phantoms appearing behind him inexplicably.

One person has blue hair fluttering, like an ancient ice god.

A person with red hair dances wildly, like an ancient flame god.

But the appearance of these two people is exactly the same as him.

Suddenly, his bleeding eyes opened angrily.

The left eye is blue, and the right eye is red, which is impressively yin and yang.

"Frozen Light!"

"Light of Destruction!" he roared like thunder.



Immediately, a blue beam and a blood-red beam rushed out of his pupils instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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