Chapter 714

"Escape!" Boom!They were terrified and fled like scrambling to be the first.

Everything happens in that instant.

"Want to escape? It's too late!"

"Jie Jie, tear them apart!" The two hundred Ancient Realm Tree Demons, and the countless Tree Demons, rushed out with a look of cruelty.

Boom!Immediately, the entire land erupted with a huge rumbling sound.

"Ah..." There was a more miserable cry, which made people's scalp tingle.

Hundreds of miles away, the void twisted for a while, and the three of Wentian and Qiuye rushed out.

During this time, his breathing seemed rapid, and his eyelids kept beating.

However, soon, he didn't know what to notice, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Sixth Senior Brother!"

"Both of you wait inside first!" He gritted his teeth vigorously, waved his hand suddenly, a burst of white light gushed out, and before Qiu Ye could react, he had put them into the black and white cauldron.

Immediately, he stepped on the shadow of the virtual dragon, disappeared in the same place in an instant, and rushed towards the loop.

Because he found out that Wukong didn't leave.

"Brother Zhu, save us!"

"Help! Brother Zhu, please take me with you!" There were constant calls for help on the battlefield.

Although they have the late stage true gods, or the power of the peak true gods, facing the tree demons in the ancient realm, they can only be reduced to being slaughtered.

With a sound of "buzz", Zhu Jianzhou rushed out from the empty circle, but when he heard the screams behind him, there was a flash of struggle in his eyes.

"Damn it! A bunch of trash!" He roared loudly, with a hint of ferocity on his face.

However, in the next breath, he still bite hard, and with a bang, he turned into a thunderbolt and flew back again.

"Kill!" On the battlefield, Wukong's black hair danced wildly, with a strong aura gushing out of his body, especially his eyes were not filled with fear, but with excitement.

That's right!Just excited!
Boom!His blood seemed to be boiling, his whole body was ablaze with flames, and thunder was entangled in him. That violent and ferocious aura changed the expressions of those Ancient Realm Dryads drastically.

"Monster! Suicide!" He yelled angrily, and punched forcefully.


This punch contained the power of raging flames and thunder, coupled with his ancient body, all the dryads within a radius of ten miles were wiped out one after another, even the tree demons at the peak of the true god were not spared.

"Hiss..." The power of one punch can kill hundreds of tree demons. The pupil Leiyun who saw this scene was full of shock.

"Humans are looking for death!"

"Damn it, this guy has the power of the ancient realm, let's kill him first."

"Arrogance! With only one person's strength, he also wants to resist."

The tree demons in the ancient realm roared one after another. They were covered with spikes and glowed with strange lights.

Boom! !In an instant, dozens of ancient monsters rushed towards Wukong and fought with him.

"Buzz!" Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound on the battlefield, followed by a surge of black air, which instantly enveloped a radius of ten miles, turning into a dark prison.

Boom boom boom! !The next moment, an astonishing sword intent began to rise strongly.

This is a three-point sword intent, and it is still at the peak of a three-point sword intent, and it is only half a step away from a four-point sword intent.

Dark Sword!

It was An Wufeng's one-armed man, Dark Sword, who suddenly unleashed a powerful blow.

Immediately, that astonishing sword intent merged with the power of darkness, turning into a deadly god of death, crazily harvesting the life in that cage.

"Ah..." The screams of the tree demons rang out one after another.

"Presumptuous! It's only a half-step ancient realm!"

"It's enough for me to kill you alone." The tree demon of the ancient realm shouted coldly, with a flash of demon light on his body, he rushed into the cage.

There are tens of thousands of tree demons, but Leiyun Jiufeng's disciples are only more than 30 people. Although they are constantly struggling and trying their best, some people still fall.

However, the strange thing is that these fallen corpses will disappear inexplicably when they fall to the ground, without a trace.

"Boy! Take your life!" Dozens of tree demons who had reached the late stage of the True God and the peak of the True God laughed arrogantly and attacked a lone man with their teeth and claws.

This person's black and white shots intersected, even though all the monsters came to kill him, his expression was still as usual, full of endless indifference.

The demon is also Chen.


"act recklessly!"

Seeing this, these tree demons roared with vicious eyes.

Boom! !That fierce attack immediately made the wind of nothingness howl.

"Puff!!" A strange flame suddenly rose from Yichen's palm.

"What? Could this be the pill fire bred by pill energy?" Looking at the flame in his hand, a disciple exhaled in shock.

Immediately, in the shocked eyes of everyone, the flames in his hand suddenly swung out.

Fluffy! !Immediately, the flame became extremely violent, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a sea of ​​flames, drowning towards the tree demons with terrifying heat.


"What kind of flame is this!"

"Not good! These flames can burn our demon power."

In the sea of ​​flames, one after another screamed.

I saw the arrogant-looking tree monsters before, but now their pupils are about to split in fear, and their green monster bodies are burned, no matter how hard they struggle, they can't extinguish them.

In another place, under the siege of all the demons, Duan Jiu and others retreated step by step, especially the cold wind kept coughing up blood, and half of their bodies were destroyed.

"A mere monster, don't even try to kill Duan Jiu!"

"Om!" As Duan Jiu roared, the ancient lamp in his hand was sacrificed.

Immediately, the sacred light was dazzling, and wherever the light passed, except for those ancient tree demons, no matter whether it was the late stage of the true god or the peak, they were all annihilated.

Even those monsters in the ancient realm changed their expressions suddenly, retreated quickly, and screamed: "It's the real artifact of that old guy back then, the demon lamp."

Looking at the ancient lamp in Duan Jiu's hands, their eyes showed panic, as if the ancient lamp in front of them had brought back some terrible memories.

"What? This is actually an exorcist lamp?" Someone called out, his eyes were full of shock, and even Duan Jiu's expression changed suddenly.

Obviously, even he himself didn't know that the ancient lamp in his hand was the demon-expelling lamp.

"No! This is not the real demon-exorcing lamp of the god king, it is a fake demon-exorcing lamp!"

"The rumored demon-expelling lamp is a Buddhist artifact of the demon-exorcizing monk. It originally existed in the Buddhist world, but it was left behind in the sea of ​​clouds during a battle between the Buddha and the demon, but it has since disappeared."

"This demon-repelling lamp is extremely mysterious. It is a divine king's weapon. Once this lamp comes out, all the vicious monsters under the six realms will be wiped out. It is a powerful demon-repelling Buddha device." Someone said.

Everyone heard that even though they knew the lamp was a fake, their eyes were still full of greed.

"I remembered! After Xing Huang, the eldest disciple of the Immortal Peak, fell into the world of life and death, the master of Xingguan Peak was extremely unwilling. Because of this, he sent an older disciple into the world of life and death not long after. He wanted to find Xing Huang and said Live to see people, die to see corpses."

"At that time, there was even more news that the Peak Master Xingguan had prepared a special weapon for that senior disciple. From this point of view, it was the ancient lamp in front of him." Someone exclaimed loudly.

When everyone heard this, their expressions changed in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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