Chapter 72 Returning to the Palace
"Back!" As soon as the thought of retreat came out in his heart, the dragon shadow under his feet appeared, and the whole person retreated again.

His speed was at its peak, but he let it out in shock, no matter how fast he was, the opponent's figure was still chasing after him.

"How could this be? Could it be that her speed can catch up to me?" Thinking of this, he couldn't help breathing with a little shortness of breath.

But in the next moment, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind: "No! With my current cultivation base and Longyou's Taixu step, although it can't match the speed of the Vientiane Realm, it is definitely rare in the Spirit Transformation Realm. , her speed cannot be faster than mine."

"Is this...?"

Thinking of this, his eyes flashed, and the spiritual consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness, which was comparable to the peak of transforming spirits, exploded violently, forming a storm of spiritual consciousness and sweeping in all directions.

There was a crackling sound, as if some kind of shattering sound, and the image in Wentian's sight was instantly torn apart, and finally turned into nothingness.

Huh!A startled sound of surprise suddenly sounded from his ears, and he couldn't help being startled in his heart, his body froze like a flash of lightning, and he backed away abruptly.

However, his perception slowed down by half a step after all, with a whoosh sound, a colorful ribbon carrying a fierce aura brushed across his left face in an instant, with a sizzling sound, splashing a drop of blood.

With a solemn expression, Wen Tian wiped away the small wound on the left side of his face with his hands, and then raised his eyes to look at the colorful silk.

"Absolutely above the Xuan level top grade!" This idea flashed in his mind.

The astonishment in Fairy Qinglian's heart was greater than his: "What kind of body does this color embryo have? The blow I just did not use my full strength, but the power should not be so weak."

Before she knew it, her pupils were full of solemnity, as if meeting Wentian for the first time.

"Hmph! This is just a small lesson for you. If you dare to disrespect me again, I will make you feel overwhelmed and walk around." Fairy Qinglian snorted coldly at Wentian.

Wentian regained his composure and said: "It's so, Lin still has important things to do, so let's leave first."

After the words fell, Wentian wanted to turn around and leave.

"Wait! Don't you really want to be my Daozi of Xianfeng Pavilion? You have to know that what you have done today has confronted the Ji family's royal family and even the Fengyun Empire. Unless you become a Daozi, otherwise, your Lin family may ..."

Seeing that Wentian was about to leave, Fairy Qinglian said anxiously.

In fact, she herself didn't know what she was nervous about. Could it be that the other party was powerful and had a greater chance of becoming their disciple of the Immortal Wind Pavilion?
Wentian heard the words, his eyes flashed coldly, and he looked at Fairy Qinglian thoughtfully.

At this moment, countless thoughts flashed through his mind, but after careful consideration, he still shook his head slightly.

"Forget it! You people in Xianfeng Pavilion hide your secrets and prefer to do things that are against the heavens and taboos. I still won't participate in your troubled waters."

In the end, he still couldn't let go of Granny Hua's matter. After all, no matter who it was, after being used as a human body to make alchemy, there would be jealousy and resentment in his heart.

"Anyway, that's all I've said, and it's up to you to listen to it or not. I believe that you will definitely come to participate in the trial that day, because only by becoming the Daoist of my Xianfeng Pavilion can I protect you and the Lin family." Once, it was Fairy Qinglian who seemed to have a deep meaning in her words.

After finishing speaking, Fairy Qinglian's body flickered with colorful lights, and she left quickly, leaving behind Wentian with a puzzled face.

"What the hell does this girl know? Why do I feel like he knows something?" Wentian said to himself, but soon, his expression returned to normal, his body suddenly disappeared into the void, and flew towards the Lin Mansion.

When he was about to approach the Lin Mansion, Zhou Bo, Shi Zhong, and many guards swarmed out of the Lin Mansion.

"Everyone, be quick with your hands and feet. Be sure to pick him up before the young master is injured." Shi Zhong shouted at the crowd. As for Uncle Zhou, who was on the side, his face also showed anxiety.


But at this moment, the two of them at the Spirit Transformation Realm were stunned for a moment, and then looked up at the sky.

"Young master!" The two exclaimed in unison with ecstatic expressions on their faces.

And all the guards of the Lin Mansion looked at Wen Tianling standing in the void, all of them were astonished as if they had seen a ghost.

"Standing in the air, Young Master Wentian, you really have reached the Spirit Transformation Realm!" At this moment, everyone couldn't help but gasp, as if they were meeting Lin Wentian for the first time.

It is really shocking that a person whose meridian has been ruined by rumors has suddenly become a strong person in the spirit transformation state, which makes people unable to react for a while.

Regarding the shock in everyone's hearts, Wentian didn't come to pay attention to it, and after nodding to Zhou Bo and Shi Zhong, his spiritual consciousness dispersed with all its strength.


With a flicker of his eyes and a sway of his body, he rushed into Lin's residence in an instant, because just now, he had already noticed where Meng'er was.

"Everyone, go back to the Lin Mansion!" Uncle Zhou shouted happily after seeing this.

At this moment, those stupefied Lin family guards came back to their senses.

Immediately everyone's eyes flashed with excitement, because they knew that since then, no one in Chiyue would dare to say that their young master is a dandy or a waste.

If someone who is less than 17 years old is still a waste, then there is no such thing as a genius in Tianyuan Continent.

As soon as he entered Lin's mansion, Wentian ran directly to Menger's room. At this moment, he couldn't help feeling uneasy, fearing that something might happen to Menger.

He landed in front of Meng'er's room, and hastily pushed open the door with a hint of uneasiness.

The door was opened, and a blue figure was lying on the bed. At this time, she opened her eyes wide and looked at him with vigilance.

However, soon, he heard an exclamation of joy: "Master, you are back!"

"If the young master doesn't come back, I'm afraid no one in Nuo Da's Lin Mansion will be able to cure you." Wentian's tone seemed a bit serious.

"Woooo...Young Master, it's Meng'er who's not good, and it's embarrassing for you." Maybe Wen Wentian's words were so serious that Meng'er's eyes suddenly turned red, and she began to whine and twitch.

In response to this, a bitter smile instantly appeared on Wentian's face, he shook his head lightly, with a trace of helplessness in his eyes, and approached Meng'er's bedside.

"Okay! You're 16 years old, and you still look like a crying bag. You don't feel shy, the young master does. Come on, sit down, and show the young master your injuries." Wentian's voice returned to gentleness.

"Ah!" Meng'er heard the words, and she realized it instantly. Immediately, her white neck began to turn red, and her face showed a hint of embarrassment.

"Young master... what does he want to do to me?" Unknowingly, this little girl began to think wildly.

Seeing Menger like this, Wentian glanced at him angrily, and said, "Sit down quickly!"

"Ah!" Meng'er regained consciousness, lowered her head, and glanced at Wentian out of the corner of her eye.

After discovering that Wentian's expression was normal, she calmed down a little, and immediately sat up cross-legged.

(End of this chapter)

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