Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 721 The "Emperor" of Zhigu Clan?

Chapter 721 The "Emperor" of the Zhigu Clan?
Unknowingly, the black sun and the green moon in the sky slowly overlapped, and after only one tenth of the fusion, a strange purple awn shot out.

At the same time, an inexplicable aura gushed out from the entire world of life and death, full of ominous aura.

Especially being illuminated by that purple awn, it makes people shudder and shudder, as if this purple awn shouldn't have appeared in the world, it seems to be beyond life and death.

In other words, it is a special substance between life and death.

"On the day when the sun and the moon exchange, the ten-thousand-year blood curse will be lifted, the emperor of the Zhigu clan will be reborn, and all invaders will perish."

"Not good! This is a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain!" Wentian exclaimed.

boom!The left eye is green, and the right eye is black. It is impressive to see the twin pupils of life and death.

In an instant, his pupils returned to normal, and he shouted loudly: "Senior Brother Wukong, come with me, we must not revive the emperor of the Zhigu clan."

Just a moment ago, through the pupil of life and death, he sensed a strange aura in the distance, which was gradually waking up, it was an astonishing monster aura.

But the weird thing is that he seems to sense the breath of the god of the human race amidst this monster energy.

"Is that Wu Feng?" He thought to himself.

Peng!His cultivation base exploded, and when his figure flickered, he turned into a long rainbow and rushed out.

"Seventh Junior Brother, wait!" Wukong came back to his senses, he let out a bang, a gust of wind swept through, and the lightning flashed out from under his feet.

In an instant, only Yichen from Spirit Pill Peak was left in the entire void, but his eyes flashed, and he turned into a beam of light to catch up without thinking too much.

It is still the ancient forest transformed by a monstrous tree, here in the center, the huge flower bud is in full bloom, and a monstrous man stands above the flower bud.

And not far away, a man whose clothes were stained with blood sat cross-legged on a sturdy tree trunk.

If they were seen by Duan Jiu and others, they would definitely growl wildly, because the person in front of them was the disciple of Immortal Peak, that is, Wu Feng who set up a scheme to attack and kill them before.

At this moment, he slowly opened his eyes, and the depths of his pupils were full of ruthlessness. He said coldly: "My business is done, what about what I want?"

"No rush! It will naturally appear when it should appear!" the strange man said indifferently.

His pupils looked extremely deep, with a sense of vicissitudes, and he didn't know what he was thinking at this moment.

Wu Feng heard that he frowned, showing dissatisfaction, but he still didn't refute, but just looked thoughtfully not far away.

In his line of sight, two flower buds with a height of one foot were hanging from the tree trunk. They were surrounded by mysterious talismans, and they even glowed strangely, which looked very strange.

But not only that, where his gaze passed, many strange flower buds appeared one after another.

"Plop flop..." What made him feel serious was the sound of heartbeats coming from these flower buds, as if some living body was about to burst out of the buds.

Just when the green moon and the black sun merged, the mysterious purple awns shone on these flower buds, and a strange scene appeared.

I could only vaguely see the shadow of human beings hidden inside the flower buds.

However, he knew that these were definitely not human beings, because these flower buds were entwined with a demonic aura, and it was obvious that there were demons bred inside.

This is probably the people of the Zhigu clan.

"The emperor of the Zhigu clan!" He thought to himself, and immediately set his sights on the strange man.

The strange man here has his eyes closed, his long hair fluttering, and a strange aura emanating from his body. It is an astonishing monster aura, but it also seems to be mixed with a trace of god's aura.

The next moment he raised his hands slowly, and saw blood beads suddenly gushing out from the ground below. These blood beads not only contained divine power, but also seemed to contain soul power.

Under the control of this strange man, these blood beads poured into his body one after another. Immediately, his body was glistening with blood, and the breath on his body became stronger and stronger.

Not only that, the strange purple light from the sky shone on him, and his whole body was covered with expression runes. Suddenly, he opened his double pupils, and those double pupils seemed to be able to absorb people's souls.

"Om!" Suddenly a purple awn bloomed on his forehead, followed by an astonishing coercion, and gradually, a mysterious imprint appeared between his brows.

This is a mysterious mark where the half sun meets the half moon.

Just when the imprint appeared, the corners of his mouth raised, forming an inexplicable smile.

"Prophecy? That's just a joke. Let alone the human race, even if the fairy race reappears, it can no longer stop the emperor's footsteps." He sneered.

Immediately, he raised his head suddenly, with a playful look in his eyes: "Have these fish that slipped through the net finally come? If so, I will let the emperor prepare a huge feast for you."

At the same time, there was a flash of light in the void, and three figures appeared, the leader was Wentian, followed by Wukong and Yichen.

"Such a large ancient forest, why haven't we discovered it before?" Looking at the seemingly endless ancient forest, Wentian frowned and said, his expression was full of dignity.

"This is a forbidden place. It is impossible to find it without a special method, because it will keep moving. It existed when I was born with wisdom."

Suddenly, the sound of the seven-leaf beast spirit grass rang in his head.

Wentian heard this, and he frowned: "In this way, the Zhigu clan's lair is probably here, and even all the secrets of this world of life and death are hidden here."

"Senior Brother Six, take these and recover as soon as possible. I'm afraid we will have a fierce battle next." After saying that, he waved his hand suddenly.

Wukong took it, but when he opened his palm, there were some pills, he swallowed them without any hesitation.

"Om!" Immediately, his whole body burst into radiance, and his pale face instantly returned to rosy, as if he had reached its peak again.

Seeing this, Na Yichen's hand flickered, and some pills appeared, and he swallowed them decisively.

Then he closed his eyes and rested his mind. When he opened his eyes again, the eyes were full of energy, and he obviously recovered.

Wentian didn't seem to be surprised by Yichen's pursuit. Although they didn't have much contact with each other, they seemed to agree with each other's existence.

It was also because of this that when the crowd besieged Wentian, Yichen did not make a move, and when Wentian broke through, he did not forcibly devour his power.

Between men and men, sometimes many things do not need to be explained.

Wentian nodded to him, and immediately, the three of them rushed into this dense forest full of unknown and ominous.

quiet!Just when they rushed into the dense forest, they found that it was eerily quiet!There didn't seem to be any living things, but the more so, the more dignified their hearts became.

Especially Wentian, since he entered this dense forest, he felt intense anxiety and his heartbeat accelerated.

But it was very strange. He felt that in the depths of the dense forest, there seemed to be something calling him.

"Is it an illusion?" He thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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