Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 739 Fang Nan's Fear

Chapter 739 Fang Nan's Fear

Not to mention them, even Fang Nan, who had always looked contemptuously, changed color in an instant, his eyes filled with deep disbelief.

"How is it possible? You are only the peak of a true god!" He yelled.

Wentian was still as motionless as a mountain, his breath was steady, and he didn't let out a torrent of air.

But the more this happened, the more frightened Fang Nan became. He vaguely felt an inexplicable aura from the person in front of him.

Until now, he has only felt this kind of energy from one person, and that is his elder brother Fang Yun, who is also the sacred son of Daozong.

"'s impossible. He's just an ant, how can he stand shoulder to shoulder with Brother Fang Yun? He is the sacred son of Dao Sect, and he is destined to dominate the entire human race in the future." He roared in his heart.

"The people of the Fang family only have this ability? It seems that the so-called holy son is not much stronger." Wentian's figure flashed, and Ling stood in front of Fang Nan only Baizhang.

Not to mention the ancient realm, even a true god and strong man can reach a distance of one hundred feet in one breath. This is a very dangerous distance, especially when facing an ancient realm like Fang Nan.

But he was surprisingly calm, as if he didn't put the other party in his eyes from the beginning to the end.

contempt!This is absolutely contempt!

As a strong man in the ancient realm, and a rare emperor in the younger generation, he has never been so despised by others, not to mention that the other party is only at the peak of the true god, and he was born in this wild land.

In an instant, Fang Nan's heart was burned with raging anger.

"I'm going to kill you!" He roared, the vicious light in his eyes was as creepy as a poisonous snake.

Immediately, his aura surged, a sign that he was about to break through to the late stage of the ancient realm.

The entire sky became extremely gloomy because of him, and the coercion transmitted made countless people feel suffocated.

"Puff puff!!"

Under this divine power, the complexions of those cultivators of the Three Kingdoms who fell to the ground and were already seriously injured changed drastically.

The next moment, their entire bodies exploded, blood staining the ground and nothingness.

Hiss... You must know that this is an army of hundreds of thousands. Although most of them are only in the Shenyuan realm, they are still lives.

Fang Nan kept moving his hands, and suddenly, countless runes poured out, and instantly turned into a black crow, which looked sinister and sinister, making people shudder and trembling.

"Sorcerer?" Not far away, Lin Yefeng called out, with a panicked look on his face.

"Lin Wentian, die for this young master!"

"Croak!" When Fang Nan roared, the black crow let out an ominous cry, like a messenger of death.

It flapped its wings fiercely, and charged towards Wentian with a jet of black. Its speed was astonishing, plus it was only a hundred feet away, and it shot down on Wentian in an instant.

Immediately, like a cursed black air, it wrapped around Wentian's body, seeming to devour his vitality.

"The ancient emperor!"

"Wen Tian!" Everyone roared, wanting to get closer, but Fang Nan's powerful divine power prevented them from getting any closer.

After all, there is an insurmountable barrier between the Real One Realm and the Ancient Realm. The two are not separated by a small realm, but a big realm, just like a mortal and a god.

"Haha! You're so stupid, you really think you're invincible? It's just a joke."

"I might as well tell you that this forbidden technique, my young master, came from Daozong. It was a unique skill of a ghost king back then. It was finally comprehended by a strong Daozong. Its power is astonishing."

"Don't say it's you, even if your Thunder Cloud Sect elder is hit, there is only one way to die. It will devour all the vitality in your body, and finally turn it into less expensive power."

Fang Nan laughed wildly, as if Wentian was already a dying person in his eyes.

"Is the ghost king's forbidden technique?" Wentian murmured, staring at the black energy on his body, he became thoughtful.

"If this is really the ghost king's unique skill, it would be too weak." But at the next moment, he shook his head slightly.

Forehead!Seeing this, everyone was dumbfounded, and unbelievable thoughts flashed in their minds.

"Could it be that this forbidden technique of the ghost clan has no effect on the ancient emperor?" Thinking of this, they were short of breath, and their souls trembled.

As if to test their thoughts, Wentian raised his hand, and then his five fingers formed claws.

Immediately, the rune in his palm opened backwards, spinning strangely, as if the sun, moon and stars were faintly rotating.

Star Picker!

The supernatural power in his palm turned faster and faster, and a powerful devouring power erupted. In the eyes of everyone in shock, they saw that the black energy in his body was swallowed by the vortex at an astonishing speed.

In the blink of an eye, the vortex in his palm disappeared, replaced by a black sphere.

His expression remained as usual, just like the ghost king's forbidden technique before, which couldn't do any harm to him.

Hiss... Everyone looked at this scene, they were all stupefied, they couldn't help gasping, as if they couldn't believe that the scene before them was real.

"'s impossible..." Especially Fang Nan he yelled, his wide eyes filled with extreme fear.

That's right!It is fear!
As the proud son of heaven, he is a rare young emperor, but now facing the person in front of him, he is extremely afraid. If this is said, it will definitely cause a sensation everywhere.

"Is this your strongest method? I'm so disappointed!" Wen Tiandan said, looking at Fang Nan like looking down at an ant.

When Fang Nan was frightened, another strong anger surged in his heart. You must know that this is a forbidden technique he is proud of, and he obtained it from Fang Yun, who is the son of God.

But now he was easily broken by the opponent, and his previous self-confidence was instantly hit.

"Damn it, I, Fang Nan, are the geniuses of the Fang family. If I can practice my supernatural powers and secret techniques, I don't believe I can't kill you." He became furious and yelled wildly.

But at this moment, Wentian's expression suddenly became icy cold.

boom!A terrifying murderous intent erupted from him like a volcano, causing the surrounding world to buzz.

"You..." Sensing the murderous intent, Fang Nan, who had just brought up the idea of ​​killing, yelled again, his face pale as snow.

"Om!" Also at this moment, Wentian took a step forward, and this step was a hundred feet.

Before Fang Nan regained consciousness, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and the black sphere in his hand slammed into the opponent's body.

"Don't..." Suddenly, Fang Nan let out an astonishing scream, his expression reaching an unprecedented level of fear.

Although the black energy was exerted by him, he couldn't control it as he wished. This is a double-edged sword.

But now...

Feeling the rapid dissipation of vitality in his body, his eyes were extremely vicious, and he let out a heart-piercing roar: "Lin Wentian, you will regret it, my Fang family and Brother Fang Yun will definitely avenge me."

"Hmph...Fang Yun, the holy son? You don't need them to come to me, I, Lin Wentian, will settle accounts with them." Wentian said coldly.

Amidst Fang Nan's shrill screams, his body was finally completely swallowed by the black air and turned into a mummified corpse.

The people in the distance looked at this scene, and their hearts were filled with turbulent waves.

"It's time to change the situation of the Tianyuan Six Kingdoms, but before that, I have to do one thing first." Wentian looked at the direction where the Yaomanhuang left, his eyes flashed coldly.

The next moment he suddenly raised his head, and then disappeared from where he was.

"Third uncle, don't worry, you take them back first, I still have something to do." Only his voice echoed throughout the blood-stained battlefield.

At this time, everyone came back to their senses, but found that they could not perceive any trace of his aura, and he seemed to have evaporated from the world.

(End of this chapter)

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