Chapter 749
"Huang Lei Tian Jie, how is this possible?"

"Oh my god! Does this Lin Wentian have the potential to become a god emperor?" Someone screamed, his expression was extremely shocked, and his mind buzzed.

There have always been rumors that whether it was the Spear King, the Nine Suns God Emperor, Ji Zu, or even the Immortal Patriarch, they all survived the thunder and sky calamity when they were young.

Because there was a saying in the human race that if you want to become a god emperor, you must go through the emperor's thunder and sky calamity. Although this is a death calamity, if you can survive it, you will definitely soar into the sky.

Rumor has it that a few years ago, Dao Xing shocked the world with thunder, turning a thousand miles around into a thunder prison, which can be described as shocking.

When the thunder disappeared, let alone thousands of miles around, even if it was thousands of miles around, there was no sign of life at all.

It is also because of this that there are rumors that Fang Yun, the sacred son of Taoist sect, is suspected of having survived the emperor's thunder and sky calamity, but it has not been confirmed by anyone.

Not only that, two years ago, some hidden places in Tianyunhai also landed monstrous thunder, and it was suspected that someone was going through the thunder disaster.

And that thunder power is terrifying, just getting close to a hundred miles away will make people's fur explode and their souls tremble, but until now, no one has confirmed who is going through the thunder disaster.

Some people say that it is the Thunder God's Son of Thunder Cloud Sect, the Ancient Sword of Sword Palace, the Heavenly Son of Yitian Sect, and the recently mysteriously risen Desolate Son, and some even say that some ancient realm peak powerhouses are breaking through the realm.

Anyway, rumors abound.

When everyone heard the word Huanglei Tianjie, they couldn't help feeling a chill in their hearts.

"Run away! This is the World Extinguishing Thunder Tribulation."

Boom!In an instant, many people panicked and ran away roaring wildly.

At the same time, those powerful elders who wanted to escape suddenly changed their colors, and they couldn't help but chatter all over their bodies.

"Damn it! This guy actually attracted the emperor's thunder."

"Run away! Don't get caught in this lightning calamity, otherwise even we will die without a whole body, because this is a death calamity." They were frightened and hissed.


Boom boom boom! !
At this moment, the thunder that shook the sky descended from the sky like a wild beast, wanting to completely destroy this land.

In the space of breath, wherever the weather is covered, it will be roared by divine thunder, turning into a terrifying thunder prison, and the scope is still expanding.

"not good!"

"Damn Lin Wentian, stop this old man!"

"Ah... monstrous, this old man swears that your life will be worse than death, and your seven souls will be tortured by soul fire forever."

The monstrous thunder prison was filled with the screams and roars of those ancient elders.

"What a brat, even the old man is swayed by you, but even if it is the Emperor Thunder Heaven Tribulation, he will never want to kill the old man." A roar sounded to stop Xingyun, it was the second elder of the Fang family.

boom!A strong aura erupted from his body, forming a barrier to protect him.

As for the people who had fled to a distant place, looking at the World-Destroying Divine Thunder covering thousands of miles, there was a thunderbolt in their minds, and their expressions reached an unprecedented level of fear.

"Wow! Is this the Emperor Thunder Heaven Tribulation that is rare in a thousand years?"

"Not to mention the peak of the true god, even the peak of the ancient realm, it is impossible to survive this calamity, because this is an unsolvable death calamity." Someone said solemnly.

The heaven-shocking divine thunder fell ruthlessly one after another, like a cruel trial, trying to wipe out all the people who defied the sky in the world.

However, Wentian's expression was as cold as ice, without a trace of emotion, as if his love and intention had already been cut off from his heart.

"Hmph!" Trapped among the Ten Thousand Thunder Gods, he was still extremely domineering, and he never even frowned.

What is unbelievable is that, at this moment, his eyes were closed, and he was sitting cross-legged in the land of ten thousand thunders, giving up all his spirit, and only using his flesh and blood to overcome the calamity.

"Hiss..." Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes widened, and they gasped in horror.

"What? Could it be that he wants to use his flesh and blood to survive the Heavenly Tribulation of the Emperor Thunder?" Someone screamed strangely.

"Hmph! An arrogant person, not to mention only using his physical body to survive the catastrophe, even if he uses all his strength, he may not be able to survive safely." Someone sneered, with a hint of disdain on the corner of his mouth.

After all, such a catastrophe as the Emperor Thunder Heaven is a catastrophe that is hard to see in a thousand years. Although it is a catastrophe of obliteration by the Dao of Heaven, it may not be a kind of recognition.

Once they pass through, they will have the potential to become a god emperor in the future, which is enough to eclipse countless Tianjiao, and because of this, jealousy wells up in their hearts.

But soon, these people opened their eyes in fear and yelled in disbelief.

"'s impossible!"

"Look at his body, are those purple runes the legendary fairy runes?"

"Could it be that what he cultivated is an immortal body?"

Boom!Not to mention their disciples, even Elder Wang and the elders of other powerful forces were moved, with shock in their eyes.

"Immortal, could it be that he..." Thinking of something, the Thunder Cloud Sect Elder's body trembled, and his mind went blank.

Amid the shocked, jealous, and unbelievable eyes of everyone, Wentian sat cross-legged in a thunderous place, with his eyes closed and his breathing very even.

His whole body's spiritual energy has long been restrained, and he only uses his flesh and blood to resist the shocking divine thunder, but even so, his flesh and blood are still intact.

The mysterious Immortal Immortal Mantra continuously transformed the violent thunder into pure power, which was absorbed by his body.

He sat there cross-legged with long hair dancing wildly, and looked at the world with arrogance, no matter how violent the divine thunder was, it seemed that he could not hurt him at all, it was like the reappearance of the divine emperor in thunder.

In contrast, the elders of Wanshouzong, Lieyangzong, Guangming Family, etc. were constantly bombarded by lightning. Although their cultivation levels were completely violent, they also made screams, which made people shudder.

What scares them the most and makes them hate the most is that they are trapped in this thunder disaster. No matter how they struggle, they cannot escape from the Wuzhi Mountain of thunder disaster.

"Damn, kill him!"

"Only by killing him, this thunder disaster will naturally disperse!" Someone shouted.

"Bang bang bang!" But before they got close to Wentian Qianzhang, the even more frightening Lei Wei blasted them away, and when the flesh and blood flew, there was a burst of burning smell.

"How is it possible?" They opened their eyes in fear, their expressions full of disbelief.

Because they discovered that Wentian, who was in the center of Wanlei, received more than ten times the power of the thunderbolt than them, yet the opponent was not damaged at all, this is simply a miracle.

Suddenly, Wentian opened his eyes angrily.

With a "kuang", a gleaming silver metal sphere flew out of his body and began to devour the lightning from all directions.

"Roar!" An astonishing roar burst out.

I saw that the thunder beads and thunder lights were shining brightly, and in an instant, a huge monster was condensed. It was the king born in the thunder, the thunder beast.

I saw that as it devoured the divine thunder, its body became more and more solid. Even if it was separated by hundreds of miles, the powerful aura still made some people jump in fear.

"That's the Sky Thunder Orb!"

"No! Its power is increasing rapidly. Could it be that it is trying to evolve into an ancient treasure?" Someone screamed in shock, their eyes full of disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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