Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 751 Young God King?

Chapter 751 Young God King?

Xuanwu, this is one of the four heavenly king beasts, the guardian beast of the human race, but now when this mysterious man made a move, he actually condensed two Xuanwu heads, one wind and one thunder, which made countless people's eyes widen in disbelief.

The appearance of Shenlong and Xuanwu is absolutely shocking. Even if it is not a real dragon or real Xuanwu, when it disappears and spreads, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

After all, even if the four heavenly king beasts are illusory, they cannot be controlled by ordinary people, especially the Xuanwu clan.

It is said that in ancient times, when two races fought against humans and monsters, the Xuanwu clan suffered heavy casualties. The originally small number of them were in danger of genocide. Until now, the Xuanwu clan has disappeared for many years.

"Oh my God! Lin Wentian is the emperor of a country, and he is the son of a dragon, so he possesses the power of a true dragon, but who is this mysterious man?" Someone yelled strangely.

Not to mention him, even those experts in the ancient realm were shocked and full of doubts.



The four divine beasts roared, the astonishing power of the beasts was simply incomparable.

Just his roar made some weak monks look pale, and the blood in their bodies churned, spurting blood from their hearts.

"Boom boom boom!"

One ice, one flame, two dragons and one wind, one thunder, two basalts, launched an astonishing collision, causing nothingness to collapse continuously, rumbling continuously, earth-shattering.

In particular, the remaining prestige is overwhelming, as if it is about to stage a battle for hegemony between gods and beasts.

Wen Tian's expression was solemn, the other party gave him the feeling that he was indestructible, like an eternal stone that could not be shaken.

"What about the power of Xuanwu? Let alone Xuanwu, even if a phoenix and a unicorn appeared together, I, Lin Wentian, would not be afraid." He roared like thunder, and with a bang, he rushed out like a bullet.

Vajra Fist, Star Picking Hand, Yinyue Xiaotian and other supernatural powers were sacrificed by him one after another.

But that mysterious man was also unbelievably strong, and he didn't lose the slightest bit in a fierce battle with him, no... it should have the upper hand faintly.

"My God! Who the hell is he?"

"This person is transformed by the rules of heaven, that is to say, he has appeared in this world before, so he is definitely a copy of a certain big man." Someone said in shock.

Suddenly, Wentian's heart beat violently, and his body retreated rapidly.

At this moment, the mysterious man stretched out his hand and gently shook nothing.

"Bang!" The nothingness within a radius of a hundred miles exploded strangely, forming a huge void. The powerful devouring force swept up countless broken stones, and the momentum was mighty.

"Wow... puff..." His throat was sweet, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Unexpectedly, he was besieged and killed by all the ancient realm powerhouses before, and he was not injured in the slightest when he was bombarded by the gods, but now he just spat out blood after just a moment of fierce fighting with the person in front of him.

"Hiss..." Seeing this scene, everyone in the distance was stunned and gasped.

"Lin Wentian is injured!"

"To be able to injure him at the same age, that mysterious person must be the proud son of a certain era, maybe a copy of some god kings and strong men when they were young." Someone's eyelids jumped out.

"What? Young God King?"

"So, he is competing with the God King?"

Countless people were shocked, and when their minds were terrified, the blood in their bodies seemed to be ignited again, and their eyes showed astonishingly hot lights.

God King, that is a giant in the Seven Realms, besides God Emperor, is the existence standing at the top of the pyramid, which is enough for countless people to look up and admire.

Wentian's eyes flashed, and then the fairy talisman all over his body was shining brightly. As soon as the power of returning to the beginning came out, the injuries in his body recovered instantly.

"No matter who you are, don't try to stop my footsteps." He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said coldly.

As soon as the words fell, the dragon mark between his eyebrows was extremely bright, and at the same time, his black hair instantly turned into gold, looking majestic and majestic, like an ancient holy god descending into the world.

"Plop!" The heart in his body was beating wildly, and the powerful vitality was simply jaw-dropping.

The naked eye can see that the skin of his whole body is flushed, and when the blood boils, the bones in the body can even hear clucking sounds.

"Hoho!" From the depths of his dragon mark, two majestic dragon roars came out.

Two divine dragons, one golden and one colorful, condensed on his back, entwining his left and right arms. In an instant, the dragon power on his body was astonishing, and a frightening aura exploded.

Obviously this is the power of luck and merit.

Unexpectedly, in order to deal with the person in front of him, he would actually use luck and meritorious power, which shows how strong the opponent is.

"Longyou Taixu step!"

"By the Dragon Emperor's will, the order of the Dragon Son, I grant you the appearance!" With a domineering expression, he yelled violently.

At this moment, he took a step forward.

"Bang!" Suddenly, the nothingness under his feet hummed rapidly.

The next moment, a thousand-foot dragon took shape. He stepped on the dragon's head, wrapped his arms around the golden dragon and the colorful dragon, and looked extremely mighty, as if he wanted to surpass everything.

"Kill!" He roared like thunder.

"Ho Ho!" When the dragons roared, he squeezed his dragon fist and swung it violently.

Boom boom boom!
The power of his fist is so powerful that it not only contains the invincibility of Vajra Fist, but also contains the will to destroy life. Wherever the power of the fist passes, nothingness is directly bombarded, and the power of rules is bombarded one after another.

For a moment, nothingness continued to roar, and black holes appeared one after another, devouring the world in all directions. The terrifying aftermath had already made everyone change their faces, and their souls trembled.

"Oh my god! This Lin Wentian didn't try his best before, how is this possible?"

"His strength is definitely beyond the normal late stage of the ancient realm, and he is probably very close to the peak of the ancient realm."

Especially the elders of Sword Palace, Demon Soul Sect, Anye Clan, etc., their hearts set off turbulent waves.

Ten moves, one hundred moves, in the blink of an eye, Wentian and the mysterious man had fought fiercely for three hundred moves.

Although the two kept coughing up blood, they would rush out again in the next moment, as if they were going to kill Jiuchongtian, vowing to decide the winner.

"Kill!" Wentian yelled angrily, he was already jealous, and there was only one thought left in his heart.

He kept coughing up blood, and his body cracked countless times. If he hadn't possessed the immortal power of returning to the beginning, if he hadn't been physically strong, he might have collapsed already.

But he is unyielding!

Especially if the opponent is a person of the same generation, let alone the young god king, even the young god emperor, he will fight to the end, because this is the heart of the strong.

"Bang!" The nothingness above his head split open, and a golden void appeared.

A special unique cave.

Immediately, a flash of madness flashed across his eyes: "Flames, ice, lightning, ancient mountains, forests, sun and moon, help me."

"One finger to kill the god!"

With an unyielding heart, integrate all the different powers in the entire cave, and cast the killing finger.

This Killing God One Finger has a characteristic, that is, the more power it fuses, the more astonishing its power will be.

boom!Immediately, a beam of colorful light blasted out, its power shocked the world, and seemed to frighten the demons in all directions.

"Not good! Run away!"

"Boom boom boom!" The whole world was bombarded.

Under this finger, the elders of the Guangming family and the Wanshou sect showed panic. When they screamed, they were affected by the remaining power, bang bang... turned into a blood mist.

" it over?" Wentian coughed up blood again, his face extremely pale.

At the same time, Elder Wang, Elder Chen and others were so shocked that they could not speak. Their wide pupils seemed to be in disbelief that the scene in front of them was real.

"Xuanwu Seal!" But at this moment, a voice full of ice-cold sounded from nothingness again.

In an instant, Wentian's expression changed suddenly, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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