Chapter 756
"Not good! Go back!"

"Oh my god! That Lin Wentian is not dead yet, he has successfully survived the Heavenly Tribulation of the Emperor's Thunder and became a strong man in the Ancient Realm."

The sudden change caused countless people's expressions to change, and their hearts set off turbulent waves.

The sky and the earth calmed down, and everyone was dumbfounded, only to see that the second elder of the Fang family who had been laughing wildly before had been completely annihilated here, turning into a cloud of blood and disappearing between the sky and the earth.

"Hiss..." Everyone couldn't help but gasped.

"Dead! The second elder of the Fang family is dead!"

"Not only is he dead, but all the disciples of the Fang family in Heiyao City are also dead."

"No, there are also elders and disciples of Wanshouzong, Yitianzong, Guangming Family, Xuan Family, etc. who have all fallen."

Boom!Everyone felt a thunderbolt in their hearts. Looking at the ruins, a terrifying chill came from their backs.

"Hmph! This matter is not over yet!" However, at this moment, there was a cold snort that sounded like it came from hell.

I saw Wentian descending from the sky, his long hair was flying, his expression was extremely domineering, especially the gaze from his eyes, it seemed as if it could pierce the hearts of everyone, making them uneasy.

"Hum!" In the shocked and terrified eyes of everyone, his figure twisted and disappeared from the original place in an instant.

"Did he leave?"

"Something's wrong! With his character, I'm afraid he won't let it go, so..."

"Not good! Hurry up to the camps of those big forces." The elder of Nalan's family changed his expression and exhaled loudly.

"What? Does he still want to..." Suddenly, countless people screamed strangely, with expressions of disbelief.

Boom!Everyone was full of chatter, and flew at high speed to the camp of Yitianzong, Guangming Family and other big forces in Heiyao City.

At this time, the disciples of Blade Sect and Thunder Cloud Sect were all excited, feeling extremely elated, as if the blood in their bodies was burning.

"Haha! They died well!"

"The Fang family gave birth to a holy son, Fang Yun, but my Thunder Cloud Sect also has a dragon son, Lin Wentian."

"That's right! As long as he grows up, he will one day be the guardian of my Blade Sect." They laughed wildly, their hearts extremely excited.

"To be able to defeat the Immortal Patriarch of the same year, this son is probably the reincarnation of the Patriarch, no wonder he was able to walk out of the world of life and death, and obtained that peerless exercise."

The elder of Leiyunzong was trembling all over, extremely excited, he seemed to be decades younger all of a sudden.


The sky above a mining area suddenly twisted, and the next moment, a slender figure appeared, looking at the mining area below, Wen Tian's eyes flashed coldly.

"Bastard! Who is so bold, dare to break into my Yitianzong's camp!"


"Give you three breaths of time to leave, otherwise you will die without a place to bury you."

He had just appeared, and dozens of figures rushed out from below, and the opponents looked extremely arrogant.

Even though Wentian's aura was astonishing, they were still unafraid, and uttered threats arrogantly.

Not because of anything, but because they are members of the Yitian Sect, the head of the Seven Sects.

They are all people staying here, and they don't know anything about the Fang family's camp, otherwise, even if they have ten guts, they would not dare to speak wildly.

"Yi Tianzong?" Wen Tian raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a sneer.

After finishing the words, he raised his right hand and pressed it hard against the ground below.

"Puffy!" Immediately, countless purple flames erupted violently, turning into a sea of ​​flames and swallowing towards the camp below.

Not to mention the True God Realm, with his current cultivation base and Zi Yan's extraordinary, even a strong person in the Ancient Realm can be burned to ashes.

"Not good! The visitor is not kind!"

"Bastard! Stop, we are disciples of Yitianzong."


There were continuous screams in the sea of ​​flames, but they stopped abruptly because they had been burned to ashes and disappeared from this world.


Looking at the sea of ​​flames below, Wentian's expression was still extremely cold, and when he finished speaking, his body turned into an illusion and disappeared into countless light spots.

Not long after, someone arrived, and when they saw the purple flames in the entire camp, they were dumbfounded and felt terrified.

"Oh my God! This Lin Wentian is too bold, not to mention destroying a camp of the Fang family, but still dare to openly provoke the Yitian Sect." Countless people screamed, their faces pale as snow.

"This kid is cruel and ruthless. Unless you have the absolute strength to crush him, you must not provoke him." An older monk said, his eyes full of jealousy.

The camps of Guangming Clan, Wanshou Sect, Xuanyuan Clan, Lieyang Sect, etc., were all filled with fireworks in a short while, turning into a hell of flames.

When everyone arrived, they seemed to be numb.

They knew that in the near future, what happened in Hei Yao City would shock the entire human race.

Whether it was the Heavenly Tribulation of the Emperor Thunder, or the killing of disciples and elders of many powerful forces by one person, or even the second elder of the Fang family who had reached the half-step realm, each of these things could cause an uproar.

"It's changed!"

"I'm afraid it won't be long before there will be a bloody storm in the entire Tianyunhai." Everyone was in an uproar, extremely shocked.

"Three years later, Lin Wentian's name will once again stir up the entire human race. His name is as powerful as Thunder God's Son Lei Ting, Sacred Son Fang Yun, Heaven's Son Tian E, Sword Dao Wizard Gu Jian and others."

"No... In the battle of Heiyao City, his name may be able to suppress other Tianjiao." Some people said that it seems that they are still in shock until now.

Sure enough, within a long time, this shocking news spread through the entire Tianyun Sea in an instant, even the three holy places.


In a place where the wind and thunder were blowing, a man was sitting cross-legged, but at this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, and a wicked smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth.

"What a Lin Wentian, you really didn't disappoint me, you are not only the seventh son of Immortal Peak, but also the seventh son of Dao."

"The stronger you are, once this seat fuses your Dao blood, then the whole human world will tremble because of this seat."

"And at that time, this seat can even transcend life and death, and completely get rid of the control of the main body." A strange bloody light flashed in his eyes.

He was Shangguan Chong, and now he was a true Daoist, with the blood of the other five quasi-Daoist fused in his body.

But... his bloodline is still incomplete because of the existence of Wentian.

"Buzz!" The sky above him suddenly split open, and suddenly, the violent wind and thunder force was sucked into a cave, and when the sky calmed down, he had disappeared without a trace.


At the same time, in a remote place on Dao Xing, there is a small village with a small population of about a hundred people.

Although Dao Xing is the star of Dao Sect, there are also many mortals here. Of course, there are not a few small villages like this.

"Come back soon, baby, it's going to snow heavily!" Suddenly there was a cry from an old wooden house, and an old couple came out of the wooden house.

"Grandma! Grandpa! The baby knows!" Just then, from a tree not far away, a milky voice sounded.

I saw a girl with a red face and star-like eyes. She actually climbed a tree and looked up into the distance, not knowing what to look at.

"Be careful baby!" the old couple exclaimed.

Unbelievably, the three-year-old girl turned over and jumped off her body with ease.

She has a name, Nianyun.

(I'm busy with work at the end of the year, so there are two nights left)
(End of this chapter)

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