Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 760 1 enemy 3

Chapter 760: One Enemy Three
The moment Elder Shi of An Wufeng appeared, he had sensed the other party's cultivation.

The peak of the ancient realm is probably one of the best even among the many elders. No wonder this person is so arrogant.

If you were an ordinary person, you would definitely be afraid of the name of Elder Shi, but...

Wentian's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he raised his footsteps towards Yitiao.

It seemed like an ordinary step, but at this moment, his aura exploded, causing clouds to move in all directions, and he rushed out with an overwhelming momentum.

This powerful coercion was on Elder Shi's body, and his expression changed in an instant, and his expression was instantly gloomy to the extreme.


"You are just an elder, but I, Lin Wentian, am the emperor of a country, how dare you openly provoke the emperor and kneel down to me." Wentian roared, his eyes sharp as a blade.

boom!Immediately, his whole body burst into aura, and his spiritual consciousness, cultivation base, and physical body merged together, forming an extraordinary coercion.

Not only that, the imprint of the dragon pattern appeared on his forehead, and the dragon power of the emperor of all beasts on his body was astonishing, as if it could crush all things in the world, which was the meaning of the dragon emperor.

Even though the other party had the peak cultivation base of the Ancient Realm, that Elder Shi's soul trembled, and a strong sense of fear surged from the bottom of his heart.

That's right!As the elder of Thunder Cloud Sect and his extraordinary strength, he actually felt terrified.

With a sound of "step", he couldn't help taking half a step back.

But it was this small half-step that left countless disciples dumbfounded, and even some elders who rushed over were short of breath and extremely solemn.

After frightening the An Wufeng Elder Shi with astonishing coercion, Wentian snorted coldly, rolled up his sleeves, and rushed out like a gust of wind.

"Oh my god! He actually shocked Elder Shi?"

"Lin Wentian broke into Tianhuo Peak, what exactly is he trying to do?" Everyone came back to their senses, all shocked.

"Old ghost Lengjiang, get out!" Wen Tian yelled violently, and that powerful divine sense rushed out, covering the countless mountains in front of him with overwhelming momentum.

Suddenly he seemed to sense something, his eyes suddenly shrank, and his face was extremely gloomy.


"Lin Wentian, you are so bold that you dare to trespass on my Tianhuo Peak, do you really think that this old man is afraid of you?" An angry voice of gnashing teeth suddenly came from the depths of Tianhuo Peak.

"Boom!" I saw a flame soaring into the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge ring of fire, hitting towards Wentian.

"Look! That's Elder Leng Jiang's true weapon, the flame ring." A disciple exclaimed.

Boom!This ring of flames carries astonishing warmth, and the coercion of the true artifact is even more extraordinary, and it can definitely crush ordinary ancient realm powerhouses.

Wentian's expression was as cold as ice, and just as the flame ring rushed towards him, a thunder flashed in his hand, and he sacrificed a silver bead instantly.

"Crack, click!" Although this bead is small, it contains the power of violent thunder. In an instant, it is thunderous and turns into a huge thunder beast, roaring and rushing out.

That's right!It was the Sky Thunder Orb.

After surviving the Heavenly Tribulation of the Emperor Thunder, its power became even stronger. Although it has not been transformed into an ancient treasure, it is already the pinnacle weapon of the true god.

Boom boom boom!Immediately, the Sky Thunder Orb collided with the Flame Ring, and there was a huge rumbling sound, especially in this mountainside, constantly reverberating in everyone's minds.

"Niezi, you are looking for death! Even if the punishment comes today, I will teach you a lesson." A vicious roar sounded.

Seeing that Elder Shi finally came back to his senses, he roared wildly, his face turned from shame to anger, especially his claws glowed with a demon light, which made people shudder.

"Hum!" His figure flashed and disappeared instantly.

The next moment, the sky above Wentian cracked, and a circle of broken space appeared, and in an instant, a huge, eerie bone claw grabbed at him fiercely.

It seemed that this grab wanted to pinch his whole body violently and turn it into blood mist.

"Elder Shi, I will also help you."

"Boom!" A divine light soared into the sky, and immediately countless array symbols poured out, breathing effort has turned into a huge array, enveloping Wentian.

As the core disciple Yueli, he finally made another move.

"Lin Wentian, even if I can't kill you today, I will take this opportunity to seriously injure you. In this way, no one will be able to touch my position as a core disciple." Thinking in his heart, his face was extremely hideous.

Now is a golden opportunity, how could he miss it.

"In that case, today the three of us will work together to kill this son and eliminate harm for my Thunder Cloud Sect." A powerful aura erupted, and Elder Leng Jiang finally appeared.

His eyes are as sharp as an eagle, especially the eyes looking at Wentian, not only with strong viciousness and hatred, but also a fear hidden in the depths.

"Puff!" His whole body was filled with flames, turning into flames and condensing into a huge burning man.

Especially at this day's fire peak, his strength has increased, and he is faintly about to break through to the peak of the ancient realm.

The flames on his body were astonishing, causing countless disciples to turn pale, and their foreheads were covered with sweat.

Everything happened in that instant, but Elder Leng Jiang, Elder Anwufeng's Shi, and Yue Li, who was the core disciple, took action with such lightning speed that it was almost impossible to guard against.

The faces of the disciples of Guyun Yimai, Lingdan Peak, and Immortal Peak changed drastically in an instant, and their wide-open pupils were filled with fear and anxiety.

"Brother Lin, be careful!" Many people exclaimed in unison.

However, to everyone's shock, even though the three of them came to kill him, Wentian's face remained unchanged, but the murderous intent on his body became stronger and stronger.

"You are courting death." He yelled, his long hair dancing wildly, and an invincible aura that looked down on the world leaked from his body.

Immediately, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and in the shocked and terrified eyes of everyone, he raised his right leg high, and shot down fiercely with the momentum of breaking the sky.

"God-destroying legs!"

"Boom!" Immediately, the entire void erupted with a loud noise, and when the wind howled, the formation that Yueli used was instantly broken.

You must know that this is the formation of the peak of the heavens. Even if the elders of the big forces want to break it, it will take some time, but now they have been blown out by him.

Suddenly, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Presumptuous!" A roar came from above the head, and there was a buzzing sound, and the white bone claw full of evil aura was extremely fierce because it was within three feet of Wentian.

"The Demon Bone Claw, this is Elder Shi's unique skill!"

"It is said that this claw has been refined to the highest level and can be compared to ancient treasures. Let alone the late stage of the ancient realm, even if it is caught by this claw at the peak of the ancient realm, it will instantly splatter blood on the spot." A core disciple said with a serious expression. .

"Buzz!" But at this moment, Wentian's body was shaken, and a huge beast shadow loomed behind him, it was domineering and invincible, as if it was roaring crazily.

Although it is only a phantom, everyone is still terrified.

"Wow! That's a pure-blooded beast, Vigorous Vajra Violent Ape." Someone exclaimed.

At the same time, the veins of Wentian's right fist bulged violently, and he swung an extremely violent punch.

"Immortal Vajra Fist!" he roared angrily.

(If you don’t change before ten o’clock today, you will change twice, and tomorrow you will change four times. Today, the company has a reunion dinner.)
(End of this chapter)

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