Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 768 2 Great Divine Artifacts

Chapter 768

"The Immortal Immortal Seal, that is the Immortal Patriarch's Divine Emperor's Artifact. It is rumored that this seal is powerful and has killed immortals. It is the strongest foundation of my entire Thunder Cloud Sect."

"Oh my god! This time, Sect Master Lei Guangxuan actually used the Immortal Immortal Seal."

"Once the Immortal Immortal Seal comes out, no matter the monsters or immortals, they will be suppressed."

Boom!Some elders and core disciples looked at the Immortal Extinguishing Seal and cried out, their expressions full of shock and fanaticism.

"Not good! The suzerain actually used the Immortal Extinguishing Seal. In this way, the peak master is definitely no match for him." Elder Jia and the three were pale, and their eyes were full of panic.

Not to mention them, even the other giants looked extremely dignified.

"Sect Master! This is just a competition. It seems a little inappropriate for you to use the Immortal Extinguishing Seal." Pill Master frowned, and he was the first to speak.

One must know that this is the Immortal Patriarch's Divine Emperor Artifact, which is the strongest foundation of Thunder Cloud Sect, but at this time, the other party actually used it and wanted to do something to his own people, which made him feel dissatisfied.

"Jie Jie! What's wrong?"

"The Immortal Immortal Seal has been under the management of the Master of Thunder Cloud since the past dynasties. This is a symbol of the status of the suzerain, and naturally it belongs to him." The master of Anwu Peak sneered.

"Haha! Xingguan, this time I want to see how you protect this kid." The master of Wanchongfeng also laughed wildly, looking at Wentian like a prey.

"The Immortal Immortal Seal, that is the Immortal Patriarch's Divine Emperor Artifact." Wentian was serious, looking at the suzerain who was surrounded by immortal energy, his eyes were full of cold light.

"Punishment! Take action!"

"哐!" Suddenly, countless ancient runes exploded, the Immortal Immortal Seal shone brightly, and a powerful aura that seemed to be able to dominate the heavens and all realms was gradually waking up.

With the power of being infinitely close to the god king at the peak of the six realms, it is enough to activate this god emperor weapon and destroy the immortal seal.

In an instant, a shocking coercion was placed on everyone, making those elders and core disciples look pale, and blood oozes from the corners of their mouths.

Hiss... The Immortal Immortal Seal is so terrifying, it's like the Immortal Patriarch visiting in person.

"Peak Master!" the three elders, A, B, and C, shouted.

"Get back!" Xing Guan yelled violently, even though his opponent was holding the Divine Emperor Weapon, he still danced wildly with black hair and his eyes were sharp to the extreme.

"No one can deceive me as a prisoner." He roared up to the sky.

Boom!Immediately, his body was shaken, nothingness continued to roar, and the aftermath swept the world.

The runes of his flesh body are against the sky, and the momentum on his body is constantly increasing, causing clouds to move in all directions, especially the sharp eyes, like two heaven-shaking swords.

"Not good! Go back!"

"Oh my god! This is the power of sanctification of the flesh." Countless people exclaimed, looking at the two people in the center of the field, a thunderbolt burst in their minds.

"What a punishment. If that's the case, then don't blame senior brother for disregarding fellowship." The suzerain said coldly, and at this moment, the fairy light on his face dissipated, and finally his true face appeared.


His eyes were one black and one gold, which looked extremely strange.

"Half God, Half Immortal?" Wentian's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help gasping for air.

"Extinguishing Immortal Seal! Suppress it!"

"Boom!" Immediately, the Miexian seal was invincible, and it surged at a crazy speed. In an instant, it turned into a huge stone seal, suppressing it like a god from the sky.

"The three of you take this opportunity to take him away!" At the same time, the roar of Xing Guan rang in the heads of A, B, and C.

Facing Immortal Immortal Seal, he also knew that he was invincible.

Immediately, the three of them came back to their senses quickly.

"Leave with us quickly." The voices of the three rang in Wentian's mind.

However, at this moment, Wentian didn't pay any attention to their intentions, his body was shining with golden light, his aura continued to erupt, and his expression was tinged with madness.

"Boom!" In the shocked and unbelievable eyes of everyone, he suddenly jumped up and rushed straight into the battlefield.

"Not good! Stop him!" The expressions of the three elders A, B, and C changed drastically, because in their eyes, Wentian's move was completely hitting a stone with an egg.

Don't say anything, just the power of the Immortal Immortal Seal can crush his body. You must know that it is the Emperor's Weapon, the strongest weapon of the human race.

"Haha! You can't control yourself."

"In my opinion, it's moths flying to the flames, and mantises are like chariots." Many people sneered, especially Elder Shi and core disciple Yueli, his eyes were full of cruelty.

The two of them seem to be able to see that at the next moment, Lin Wentian in front of him will die violently, completely wiped out.

But in this flash of lightning, Wentian frantically formed seals with both hands, and the ancient spirit scriptures were fully circulated in his body.

"Bang!" Immediately, a five-star formation condensed behind the back, bursting with a strong light.

This is Xianmang!

It is a powerful fairy light that surpasses gods, demons, demons, ghosts, Buddhas and other races.

"The first shot of the human race, the Overlord's Divine Spear, shoot it!" He looked crazy and roared to the sky.

"Buzz!" Immediately, the Overlord's Divine Spear among the six weapons solidified, he held it in his hand, and threw it at that critical moment.

"Master! Catch it!" He roared like thunder, his voice full of determination.

Originally, he didn't want to reveal that he possessed the Overlord's Sharpshooter, but for his sake, his master Xingguan shot without hesitation, how could he remain indifferent.

No... he couldn't, and he couldn't.

With a sound of "chi", the shadow of the gun flashed past, its speed was astonishing, especially where the light from the tip of the gun passed, the void was pierced through, it was extremely fierce.

"That is?"

"What? That's impossible?"

"Oh my god! That's the first spear of the human race, the Overlord's Divine Spear, the god emperor's weapon of the mighty spear king of the human race!"

As soon as the Overlord's Divine Spear was released, it was quickly recognized by others. In an instant, countless people were shocked, even though those giants of the Nine Peaks also opened their eyes wide, and their expressions were full of inconceivable.

You must know that the Overlord's Divine Spear disappeared countless years ago, and there are even rumors that it was damaged long ago, or it was destroyed by the emperor of the two races of demons.

But now it appears in front of everyone, which is simply unbelievable.

"Huh?" Xing Guan looked stunned, but what a character he was, he had already reacted in a flash of thunder, and took the sharp spear that was thrown steadily and accurately.

"Boom!" Immediately, an extremely fierce force, like the reappearance of the invincible aura of the Gun King, erupted from him, causing distant stars and meteorites to be blasted away.

With a gun in hand, if it has the power to challenge the sky and the power to pierce the ground, it is extremely domineering.

With Wentian's cultivation base, he couldn't display the power of the Overlord's Divine Spear at all, but his punishment was different, he was a powerhouse at the peak of the Six Realms, and he was even physically sanctified.

His eyes flashed coldly, and ancient runes appeared on his sanctified body, especially his arms with bulging veins, which seemed to contain divine power that would destroy heaven and earth.


A spear pierced out, and a long rainbow pierced through the spear, seeming to pierce through the sky. That terrifying aura caused countless people to fly upside down, blood flying violently.

"Boom!" The two gods and imperial weapons fought, and the entire nothingness exploded, and everyone's minds buzzed.

(End of this chapter)

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