Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 778 Dan Cheng Phoenix

Chapter 778 Dan Cheng Phoenix
In the sky above the Tianxi Region, there are 22 figures standing here, their expressions are arrogant, their bodies are aggressive, and some of them look extremely excited.

That's right!They were the twenty selected young geniuses. Of course, Elder Feng and Qian Jinyin were also there.

Many people looked at Qian Jinyin with a strange look in their eyes, and even faint hostility.

After all, Shangguan Chong, Taoist son of the Taoist sect, has recently become famous, and seems to want to surpass Fang Yun, the son of the divine.

Today, they can be regarded as the followers of Fang Yun, the son of the divine, and naturally they are eyeing this silver, gold and silver.

After all, one mountain cannot hide two tigers, and besides, there are two male tigers.

Twenty places, Hong Jin, Baidu Xianzi, the third son of the Zhu family, etc., naturally occupy a place, not to mention Wentian and the big man in the wine.

The rest of the people are all astonishingly talented cultivators, even those with nine-star talent are no longer in the minority.

This is definitely a newborn army, even if it faces the prince of the demon clan and the princess of the demon clan, it will not be afraid at all.

"It's about time, it's time to start!" Elder Feng squeezed his beard with a smile on his face.

After the words fell, he suddenly waved.

With a sound of "哐", in the shocked eyes of everyone, nothingness split open, and a huge crack continued to spread for tens of miles.

"Wow! Could this be boundary power?"

"This is probably Elder Feng's small world." Someone exclaimed.

Boom!Boom!Immediately, a huge metal spaceship flew out from the crack.

"My God! Such a big spaceship, could it be an ancient treasure?" Someone shouted, and even Wentian shrank his eyes.

"An ancient treasure! This is definitely an ancient treasure! Such a Taoist sect, worthy of being one of the three holy places of the human race." He thought to himself, feeling more and more that the background of the Taoist sect was unfathomable.

"My Dao sect is located on Dao Xing, but Dao Xing is hundreds of millions of miles away from the sky and sea of ​​clouds. Even if the ancient realm is strong, it will take half a year to reach it."

"This is my Daozong's ancient treasure starship. Not only is it extremely hard, but its speed is even more astonishing. It only takes 20 days to ride on this ship, and we will be able to reach Daoxing."

"Of course, neither the space ring nor the cave can store this starship. Therefore, the person who can use this starship must be a realm."

Speaking of the huge ship in front of him, Elder Feng beamed with joy, his expression was full of pride, because such an ancient treasure, not to mention ordinary power, could not be owned by even the five clans and seven sects.

Everyone looked extremely shocked, and their eyes were even more fiery.

To know how ordinary people would have the opportunity to ride such an ancient treasure, this is definitely a great opportunity for them.

As soon as the ancient treasure crossing the starship came out, the monks in the entire Tianxi region were dumbfounded, and there was a thunderbolt in their minds.

"Let's go!" Elder Feng laughed.

Immediately, under the envious and jealous eyes of countless people below, including money, gold and silver, 21 young and talented young people stepped into this ancient treasure from the Taoist sect and crossed the starship.

Although they are in the boat, what is shocking is that everyone can clearly see the outside world, which is really unimaginable.

"What a starship. If my ancient country possesses this ancient treasure, it will be able to travel easily through the sea of ​​clouds." Thinking of this, Wentian's eyes flashed with fiery light.

The inside of this ship is huge, not only there are weapon rooms, but also exercise rooms, alchemy rooms, etc., and the aura of heaven and earth in the ship is actually ten times that of the outside world.

In other words, one day of practice here is worth ten days of practice outside.

After realizing this, many people looked extremely excited, and they all buried their heads in hard work, because such an opportunity is rare in a hundred years.

Of course, Wentian is no exception.

He deliberately found an alchemy room, and began to practice alchemy hard.

In fact, he had been able to refine the earth-level elixir long before, especially after receiving the guidance of his second senior brother, he suddenly realized it.

"Pfft!" He breathed out lightly, and suddenly, a group of pale green flames rose up, which was the special pill fire of alchemists.

Looking at the pill fire in front of him, his eyes flashed, and when he waved his hand, he began to change rapidly.

Time, just like this little by little...

In the blink of an eye, eighteen days have passed, and there are only two days before reaching Dao Xing.

In these eighteen days, many people have made breakthroughs in cultivation, which can be described as extremely exciting.

The strange thing is that in the past eighteen days, the man of wine and meat is still rich in fish and meat. Although the conditions here are good, he has no idea of ​​​​cultivation at all.

After eating and drinking enough every day, he lay down at will and began to sleep soundly, like a reckless man in the mountains.

"It's been eighteen days. That Lin Qi stayed in the alchemy room and didn't take half a step. With such a mind, as long as he cultivates it well in the future, it is inevitable to become a heavenly alchemist." Elder Feng squeezed his beard and smiled. , he really looks more and more pleasing to the eye.

Because among these 20 people, there are not a few Tianjiao in the ancient realm, but there is only one alchemist at the prefecture level.

In the alchemy room, Wen Tian was sweating profusely, his face turned pale, it seemed that he had consumed a lot of his mind.

He saw a large cauldron spinning in front of him, but this was not a black and white cauldron, but a real artifact.

Suddenly, he closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his left eye was blue and his right eye was red, which were yin and yang pupils.

Right under his yin and yang pupils, Dao marks began to appear, and they began to intertwine, and finally turned into a special net.

Right in the center of this special net, suddenly there is a gathering point, and this point starts to become brighter and brighter.

"Dan Cheng!" He drank heavily.

"Boom!" Immediately, flames erupted in the entire hall, and three beams of light flew rapidly. In an instant, an extremely strong fragrance of alchemy filled the entire alchemy room.

He stretched out his hand to grab it, and he grabbed three pills that seemed to come together in one piece.

Ancient God Pill.

That's right, the elixir that he spent [-] days to refine is exactly the elixir of the prefecture level, the ancient god elixir, that can allow people to break through from the peak of the true god to the ancient realm.

That is to say, he who can refine the ancient god pill is already a top alchemist at the prefectural level. If this news reaches the Spirit Pill Peak, it will definitely cause a huge sensation.

Because let alone the current Alchemist, even the old man Danxin back then did not have his amazing talent. He is definitely the number one alchemy genius since Lingdan Peak.

Although this ancient god pill can make people break through, it has a flaw, that is, it is difficult for those who take this pill to improve their cultivation in the future.

In other words, if there is no chance, then the cultivation of the user will stop at the early stage of the ancient realm.

But for some senior monks, or those with limited talent, this ancient god pill still has an astonishing allure. After all, when the cultivation base breaks through to the ancient realm, the lifespan will also increase accordingly.

"Boom! Boom!"

However, just when he was rejoicing, the whole ship shook violently like a star crossing, as if it was under some huge attack.

"What happened?"

"Not good! Look outside."

"Damn it, that's the demon clan, and it's still the blood demon clan."

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and there was an uproar.

In front of them, a huge bird was hitting them at an astonishing speed.

"Phoenix, that's the real phoenix, one of the four heavenly kings and beasts." Someone yelled, his pupils filled with shock.

(End of this chapter)

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