Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 79: The Power of the Sword

Chapter 79 The Power of a Sword

Bright runes suddenly flashed from the body of the hammer, making the giant hammer look full of mystery, and as the fourth prince swung the hammer, a thunderbolt suddenly exploded into the void.

With a bang, the giant hammer exploded with a mighty force that seemed unmatched, and struck out.

"Mysterious high-grade weapon?" Sensing this berserk blow, Wentian's expression suddenly changed.

With his physical strength now, some low-grade and middle-grade weapons at the Mysterious level would not pose much threat to him at all, but high-grade Mysterious-level weapons are different.

Because the weapons above the top grade of the mysterious grade have begun to possess spirituality, and can emit power far exceeding that of the middle grade weapons of the mysterious grade.

Therefore, even if his physical body was stronger than him, he would not dare to forcefully fight for a high-grade Xuan-level weapon.

In that instant, his eyes flashed suddenly, and he shouted in his mouth: "Broken Star!"

hum! !Purple awns suddenly bloomed, and a long sword with a deep purple body was held tightly in his hand.

However, the moment Broken Star appeared in his hands, his expression suddenly changed, and his eyes showed a look of horror.

boom! !The giant hammer in the air has been hammered down from above his head.

In a moment of desperation, his eyes flashed fiercely, the veins in his arms bulged, and he held a broken star in his hand, and he blocked it with a quick turn.

Clang! !The sledgehammer collided with the long sword, emitting intense and dazzling sparks.

Wentian suddenly felt a huge force coming, and accidentally, the broken star in his hand was shaken off, with a clang sound, the broken star left his hand and stuck in the ground below.

Boom! !The Broken Star was inserted in the place, as if carrying the might of a star, where it landed, it suddenly shattered inch by inch, as if it could bear the power of its sword.

"How could this be?" He opened his eyes wide, full of unthinkable, and his heart was even more turbulent.

"Being able to die under this king's thunder hammer is also your blessing, die!" However, while he was in a daze, the fourth prince came over with the hammer, and with a bang, he picked up the giant hammer and slammed towards Wentian.

Wentian's expression changed drastically, and he thought to himself, "Damn it!"

At this moment, he swung his right palm, and with the strength of his flesh and blood, directly hit the giant hammer hard.

There was a loud bang that completely buzzed the air.

With the force transmitted from the hammer, Wentian's figure quickly exploded and landed beside Broken Star.

A hard hit with the giant hammer caused blood to ooze from the corner of his mouth, the tiger's mouth in his right hand was split open, and the bright red blood flowed down the palm of his hand, staining the sars below with blood.

Immediately, his eyes flashed, and his bloody right hand was tightly grasping the handle of Broken Star Sword.

"Drink!" He shouted heavily, and with a huge force in his hand, he directly pulled Broken Star out of the ground.

In an instant, the blood flowing from his tiger's mouth flowed down the hilt of the sword, and flowed onto the body of the broken star purple sword.

In his horrified gaze, his blood, which was much redder than ordinary people, was instantly swallowed by Broken Star, and immediately, Broken Star's body trembled suddenly, and a strange purple glow appeared.

The purple awns flickered, and finally turned into a line of writing, passing by in a flash.

"Broken Star, weighs [-] catties!"

When he noticed the handwriting, he was horrified in his heart, as if he couldn't calm down at all.

No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't figure out why the Broken Star, which was originally only 980 kilograms, suddenly turned into a shocking epee weighing [-] kilograms.

"Could it be because of the breakthrough of my physical body that it also changed?" An incredible thought flashed through his mind.

When he summoned Broken Star just now, it was because of its shocking weight that he couldn't get used to it for a while, so the scene of taking the sword out of his hand appeared.

After all, he never thought that the weight of Broken Star would suddenly increase tenfold.

"I want to see how much your physical body can resist my hammer." The fourth prince roared like thunder, and danced wildly with the giant hammer in his hand, making the wind howl, the sun and the moon pale, as if he had the power to shake mountains and rivers.

Boom! !When the sledgehammer slammed down, there was a thunderous thunderous sound in the void, as if it wanted to smash Wentian into pieces.

"Kill!" Wentian yelled wildly, his body was shining with golden light, and if he was blessed with divine power, his combat power would increase violently. Holding a [-]-jin broken star in both hands, he slashed at the giant hammer angrily.

"It's just a mere mortal weapon, don't try to compete with my Thunder Hammer!" The Fourth Prince roared angrily, with even more disdain in his roar.

boom! !The two weapons collided again, and there was a shocking bang. However, the fourth prince, who was originally full of air, suddenly opened his eyes in fear and shot a terrifying look.

"This is impossible!"

boom!As soon as he roared, his whole body was suddenly blown away like a cannonball.

His Thunder Hammer is a high-grade mysterious hammer, and it is also a heavy weapon. Coupled with his cultivation at the peak of transforming spirits, it can smash even mountains.

But now, when he collided head-on with the opponent's long sword, he actually felt like he was hitting a rock with a pebble, and his whole body was bounced hundreds of meters away. If he said this, no one would believe it.

That's why he was so terrified.

"Impossible, I don't believe it, you are just an early stage of spiritual transformation, an ant that I can easily crush to death, I will kill you!"

He roared crazily, with an incomparably ferocious expression, his eyes were blood red, he swung the sledgehammer in his hand again, and blasted towards Wentian.

The madness in the void is rampant, the thunder and lightning are violent, as if it has evolved into an ancient battlefield, but at this moment, Wentian suddenly closes his eyes lightly, as if he was caught in a feeling.

The passage of time seemed to be slow, but in fact, it took less than half a breath. At this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of light.

"Concentrate energy, be as steady as a mountain, and be as violent as thunder..."

Suddenly, a powerful aura exploded from his body, causing the surrounding space to vibrate. His black hair fluttered with the wind, revealing a boundless aura of domineering. His eyes seemed to have divine swords out of their sheaths, and there was a savage gleam. machine.

At this moment, the veins in his arms bulged, and he held up the broken star glowing with mysterious purple light. With an inexplicable momentum, he shouted angrily: "Storm-thunder-style!"

With a single swing of the sword, it was as if there were thousands of troops and horses. With extreme violence, it cut out some purple sword lights ten feet long, and rushed towards the fourth prince whose expression suddenly changed.

At this moment, the entire sky seemed to be frozen in place.

Until the "boom", a loud noise that shook the world and wept ghosts and gods completely resounded through the void, and the entire sky seemed to be cut, and a ten-foot-long crack appeared.


From the crack, the fourth prince's roar full of shock and unwillingness could be faintly heard, but soon, his roar disappeared completely.

At the same time, in a simple wooden house, a young man in a green shirt with a sword on his back suddenly opened his eyes as if he had sensed something, and there seemed to be hundreds of sword lights fighting in the pupils.

"He...has he finally appeared? The old enemy of my ancient sword!"

As he muttered, the long sword behind him buzzed, as if he was frightened or excited... (recommendation ticket requested)

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(End of this chapter)

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