Chapter 802
Just the moment before, he felt a sudden pain in his heart.

Immediately, his eyes flashed, and then his hands kept paddling.

"Om!" The power of true and false surged, and instantly condensed a clone, sitting cross-legged opposite him.

Not long after, the two began to rotate, forming a black and white formation, and countless heaven and earth runes poured out.

If a boundary giant sees this scene, they will definitely be dumbfounded, because this is obviously a calculation, but this is a unique ability of a boundary giant.

Of course, except for the people from Tianji Pavilion.

It is rumored that the old man Tianji who founded the Tianji Pavilion back then had the power to calculate the three lives of this life, the past life, and the next life, and was called the Lord of Heaven and Man by the ancients.

Today's owner of the Tianji Pavilion, who is known as the Celestial Master, may only get [-]% of his inheritance.

But even if this is the case, he has become a man of the sky in the sea of ​​clouds, and even the five clans and seven sects have to rely on him.

It is conceivable how amazing the old man Tianji's calculation skills were.

"Yin and Yang eyes!"

"Life and death pupils!"

"Break yin and yang, see life and death, both cause and effect are revealed." He shouted in a deep voice.

"Buzz buzz!!" Suddenly, countless ancient talismans surged, and they began to merge, and finally turned into a scene.

He vaguely saw a huge cave, and then the picture flashed, and a dark place appeared again, and he felt a chill all of a sudden.

"That's it?" Suddenly, his eyes narrowed.

"Bang bang!!" Just as he was about to see the picture clearly, all the scenes dissipated and the ancient talisman collapsed.

"Pfft!" His face was even paler, with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

"Forbidden...could it be her?" He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his wide eyes were full of strong shock.

At the same time, in the distant Ganshen Cave, an old woman's eyes flashed coldly, and she said coldly: "Someone is calculating my Ganshen Cave!"

She is Gan Lao, the person in charge of Ganshen Cave.

After saying that, she suddenly waved her hand, and suddenly some strange jade stones appeared out of thin air, and she saw her hands forming seals.

A strange formation appeared with her as the center. It was obvious that she was trying to follow the clues and figure out the opponent.

However, it didn't take long for her expression to change drastically.

She spurted a mouthful of blood, her pupils widened, full of intense disbelief.

"How is it possible? What kind of cultivation is this person? Could it be that he is a strong god king?"

There was a thunderbolt in her heart, and a stormy sea was set off in her heart.

Unexpectedly, she didn't figure out that the other party didn't say anything, and was bounced back by an invisible force, causing her to be seriously injured.

You must know that although she has not reached the level of a god, she has five small worlds condensed in her body, and she is the peak of the gods.

Fortunately, no one saw this scene, otherwise, it would definitely cause a huge sensation.


Wentian's deduction actually took three days.

During these three days, the entire Dao star was boiling, some people were solemn, some people were extremely excited, because there are still seven days before the Eight Great God Caves will hold the Eight Realm Martial Arts.

This incident not only caused a sensation in the Eight Great God Caves, but also the Immortal Phoenix Pavilion and the True Phoenix Pavilion of the two major divine pavilions. There were even rumors that Fairy Qinglian would show up.

In an instant, countless people were in an uproar and excited.

Because Fairy Qinglian in Xianfeng Pavilion is the veritable number one beauty of Dao Xing, and she is the existence that countless monks look up to in their hearts.

It is said that this woman's body contains immortal energy, she is a fairy from the nine heavens, and her cultivation base is unpredictable.

Although she has never been revealed in these years, some people secretly speculate that maybe her cultivation base and strength are not inferior to the sacred son Fang Yun and Daozi Shangguan Chong.

Of course, this is just speculation.

But Fairy Zhenlian, who stands shoulder to shoulder with her, is recognized as a strong man, the leader of countless female disciples, and the second beauty of Dao Xing.

She is the fairy of Zhenfeng Pavilion and the Taoist companion of the holy son Fang Yun.

There are rumors that she is the reincarnation of a real phoenix, with the blood of an immortal phoenix in her body. When she was born, the soul of the real phoenix neighed, alarming the entire Taoist sect.

It is also because of this that she has become a fairy of Zhenfeng Pavilion and will be the wife of the future master of Dao Sect. It can be said that she has countless auras gathered in one body, and her status and status are extremely noble.

And Fairy Qinglian's reputation can still faintly overwhelm her, so her strength is naturally impressive.

The Eight Great God Caves are ready to move, because they know that this time the Eight Regions Contest may not be that simple, and it may turn into a battle for the top of the Eight Great God Caves.

It is also because of this that many people have their own ghosts.

Duishen Cave, one of the Eight Great God Caves, is worried, because apart from the declining Qianshen Cave, they are the weakest in Duishen Cave.

The most important thing is that through this period of time, some giants have faintly noticed that Fang Yun, the son of the gods, seems to intend to make the eight gods merge into one.

In this way, with the strength of Dui Shendong, they may be easily annexed.

"It seems that Fang Yun's ambition is really not small." Someone secretly thought.

Ever since the news of the Eight Regions Contest came, even Zhenshendong, which has always been extremely arrogant, has restrained itself a lot.

Of course, everyone knew that they were recharging their energy and recharging their energy, trying to show their talents in the Eight Realms Martial Arts Competition, overwhelming other god caves, and trying to take the throne of the top of the eight god caves.

Another five days passed in the blink of an eye, and the time for the Eight Realms Martial Arts Competition was getting closer and closer. Not to mention those monks, even some mortals were very excited.

Because it's a huge feast.

It is also because of this that many mortals who have reached the Spirit Transformation Realm and Vientiane rushed to the center of the Eight Regions, which is the Eight Regions Martial Field.

This square is extremely huge, and it is said that it can accommodate hundreds of millions of people. There have always been rumors that the supreme Taoist sect was built at the height of the square.

But not to mention mortals, even the true God Realm, or even the ordinary Ancient Realm powerhouse, cannot see through the divine cloud and see the mysterious Dao Palace.

Because there may not be more than a thousand people who can enter the Dao Palace, and each of them is either amazingly talented or powerful.

There are actually no more than a thousand direct disciples of Daozong, plus the elders of the realm, but just like this, they have become one of the three holy places of the human race.

On this day, Genshen Cave, which seemed to have been silent for a long time, suddenly burst into a powerful aura from the secrets of one after another mountain peaks.

Boom boom boom! !The emptiness of the entire Gen God Cave was full of wind and clouds, countless divine lights emerged, and the cave sky opened one after another.

However, this is not an ordinary cave, but a huge cave that has reached the ancient realm and seems to be able to accommodate everything.

This cave is more than ten times larger than the one in the True One Realm.



In an instant, hundreds of huge caves appeared out of thin air, splitting the entire nothingness.

Their runes are against the sky, and their divine light is extremely bright, as if they are fighting each other.

"Hiss..." Some disciples in the Divine Origin Realm and True God Realm opened their eyes wide when they saw this scene, and couldn't help but gasp.

"Oh my god! When did Genshen Cave have so many ancient realm experts?"

"Look, it's Senior Brother Zhu, Senior Brother Tong and the others...they have broken through from the peak of true gods to ancient gods!"

Boom!Countless disciples were in an uproar, their expressions extremely excited.

(End of this chapter)

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