Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 804 Human Race Scum

Chapter 804 Human Race Scum (Fourth Update)
In the shocked eyes of everyone, a huge divine fan descended from the sky, exuding a terrifying coercion.

This fan has 24 folds, each of which depicts a rare and rare beast, especially those ancient talismans that are simply extremely profound, exuding an ancient atmosphere.

"Purple Gold Dragon Pattern Fan. This fan has a mysterious origin. It is said that it is made from the souls of 24 ferocious beasts, and then refined from the divine object Zijin. It is an astonishing treasure."

"It is rumored that the value of this fan is still on the starship in the Dao Palace. It is an ancient treasure given to Qianshen Cave by Taoist Qingfeng back then, and now the elder of Daozong Taishang." An insider said.

"What a purple-gold dragon-pattern fan. As long as I Zhenshendong can win the throne of the leader of the gods and unify the eight great gods, this purple-gold dragon-pattern fan will become my own possession." The eyes of Zhenshen Cave Master are full of Greedy rays.

In the crowd, the old Taoist priest looked at this mighty ancient treasure purple gold dragon pattern fan, his eyes lit up, and he rubbed his hands involuntarily.

"Good! Good! Good!" His expression became more and more excited, and he called three times.

Boom boom boom!Under the coercion of the purple-gold dragon-patterned fan, many monks stabilized their figures only after their divine aura surged and their cultivation levels surged, but their wide-open eyes still carried a deep shock.

"This old man has met the God Kun Cave Master!" A slightly hoarse voice came from the purple-gold dragon-patterned fan.

After the words fell, there was a hum, and the light spots in the void condensed and instantly turned into an old woman.

The current person in power in Ganshendong, the god general and powerhouse of the Five Realms, is Gan Lao.

When she appeared, she arched her hands and bowed to Kunshen Cave Master.

This prostration can make countless people dumbfounded and set off turbulent waves in their hearts, because this seemingly simple prostration contains countless layers of deep meaning.

You must know that she is the person in charge of Ganshen Cave, and her every move represents the entire Ganshen Cave.

"Oh my god! Could it be that Ganshen Cave surrendered without a fight?"

"The old man's move is undoubtedly bowing his head to Kun Shendong."

People were in an uproar, and even the other masters of the cave were extremely dignified.

Especially Cave Master Zhenshen, his face was extremely gloomy, as if water was about to drip.

"Dry God Cave! Let's wait and see!" The young master of Zhenshen Cave, who was dressed in black, had a cold voice and a cold light flickered in his eyes.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!!" All the disciples of Ganshen Cave flew out from the purple gold dragon pattern fan.

Their expressions were complicated, and they then cupped their hands and said: "I have seen the cave master Kunshen."

Cave Master Kunshen ignored these disciples, he drew a corner of his mouth, and looked at Gan Lao with an inexplicable smile.

Immediately, Gan Lao suddenly waved his hand.

"Buzz buzz buzz!" In an instant, the huge purple-gold dragon pattern fan burst into dazzling light, and in the next instant, an ancient fan fell into her hand.

But for a moment, everyone was stunned, their expressions were full of shock and disbelief.

This old man actually handed out the purple gold dragon pattern fan in his hand.

"Oh my god! Could it be that this purple gold dragon pattern fan is going to change hands today?" Someone yelled out loud, feeling a thunderbolt in his heart.

"Hmph... you guys are very smart!" Kunshen Cave Master didn't say anything, but Tian Kunzi who was beside him snorted softly.

In the envious, envious eyes of everyone, he stretched out his hand to take the ancient treasure in the hands of the old man, the Purple Gold Dragon Pattern Fan.

"What an old hag, what a kun god cave. In this way, Tian Kunzi is like a tiger with wings added. It's not easy to defeat him!" Kan and Li, the elder brothers of the two god caves, had gloomy eyes, as if they could squeeze out water.

The young master of Zhenshen Cave also gritted his teeth, his eyes flickering with murderous intent.

"Where is the person I want?" Tian Kunzi asked suddenly.

Immediately, everyone's expressions changed drastically, as if they had already guessed in their hearts.

Sure enough, at the next moment, Gan Lao smiled strangely: "Bring that bitch over here."

After the words fell, all the disciples and elders of Ganshen Cave gave way one after another.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of chains.

In an instant, many people frowned.

I saw a blood-stained figure being pulled out by two women with iron chains.

This woman was covered in blood, especially the welt marks all over her body, which was shocking. When many people saw this, they couldn't help but feel a chill in their backs.

"Bitch, raise your head up for Miss Ben." One of the women shouted coldly, pulling the iron chain in her hand even harder.

"'s her, Lin Yexiang, the former proud girl of Ganshen Cave, how could she..."

"What? She is Lin Yexiang who is said to be the third beauty of Dao Xing?"

When everyone saw the woman's appearance clearly, they were all stunned and shocked.

Lin Yexiang was already extremely emaciated, and the welt marks on her body made people feel sympathetic.

"Hey! It's a pity!"

"The proud daughters of the previous generation have fallen to this point now. This is the so-called ecstasy surrounded by thousands of people, and abandoned by thousands of people once they lose power." An older generation of monks sighed, with a hint of sadness on their faces.

"Lin Yexiang, do you still remember me?" Tian Kunzi smiled, his body was light, and he slowly approached Lin Yexiang.

Hearing the sound, Lin Yexiang's eyes gradually regained their color, but this was not the color of hope, but a kind of hatred engraved in his bones.

"Bah! Beast, even if I die, I won't let you succeed!" Lin Yexiang glared at Tian Kunzi, and spit out a mouthful of saliva.

Immediately, everyone's expressions changed drastically, especially the two women who were holding the iron chain. Their complexions were pale, and their eyes were full of fear.

"Bitch, you want to die!" Before Tian Kunzi got angry, the woman beside him yelled violently.

She froze and immediately stood above Lin Yexiang's head.

For a moment, a deep viciousness flashed in the depths of her pupils, as if she had some deep hatred with Lin Yexiang.

Immediately, under the watchful eyes of everyone, she raised her right leg and stepped hard on Lin Yexiang's face with sharp eyes.

"Pfft... bang..."

After being kicked, Lin Yexiang spurted blood, half of her face was red and swollen, and she was trampled down to the ground, splashing waves of dust.

"Hiss..." Seeing this scene, everyone looked at the woman standing in mid-air with a terrified expression.

"It turned out to be her..." Someone frowned, his eyes flickered, as if thinking of something in his mind.

Lin Yexiang kept coughing up blood, and the blood in her eye sockets fused, and her vision seemed to be blurred, but even so, she didn't cry out, as if she had lost all consciousness during this time.

If things had come to this point in the past, she might have made up her mind to die, but it was because of Granny Bai's words that a glimmer of hope burned in her heart.

Although she knew there was little hope, she still refused to give up.

"It's such a rose with thorns, but I like it, and if it falls into my hands, I won't believe it and I won't be able to conquer you." Everyone was surprised that Tian Kunzi was not furious, but smiled lewdly.

"What are the eight great caves, a genius with amazing talent and strength, so he is just a hooligan, no... It should be more appropriate to say that he is a prostitute or a scum of the human race." Suddenly, there was a laughing sound from nowhere.

"Who? Who is speaking?"

"Wow... this person is so courageous, he dares to humiliate Tian Kunzi in front of God Kun Cave Master!" Everyone was shocked.

"Who? Get out if you have the ability!" Tian Kunzi's face was gloomy, and the other Kunshen Cave disciples looked even more fierce, shouting domineeringly, and their eyes swept across the crowd one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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