Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 830 Sin Race

Chapter 830 Sin Race
After seeing off Wentian and leaving, Li Xiaoyao didn't hesitate at all. His eyes were flushed, showing deep love, and he stepped into the blood hole decisively.

hum!When the devil's blood head calmed down, his figure had already disappeared without a trace, leaving only Taoist Qingfeng with a complex expression.

"If I had helped the two of you to hide the truth from the past, maybe the situation today would not have happened. I did something wrong for the teacher..."

"Hey..." He sighed softly, and then his figure gradually faded until he disappeared completely.

The moment Li Xiaoyao stepped into the blood hole, in a blood prison, a woman was trapped by countless chains. Her hair was disheveled and her face was haggard.

Suddenly, she opened her pupils, her expression full of shock and excitement.

"Brother Li, is that you? Qin'er knew that you would not perish, and one day, you would come to save Qin'er..." She began to cry, and two lines of hot tears fell like this.

She is the daughter of the Emperor of Demons and Li Xiaoyao's lover back then.


Surrounded by divine light, Wentian shuttled through nothingness at an astonishing speed.

"Brother Li, you will definitely succeed." Wentian turned his head and looked at the passage behind with a firm expression.

Although he didn't get along with Li Xiaoyao for a long time, he already regarded him as his biological elder brother, not to mention, the other party rescued him many times.

He will always remember this kind of favor in his heart, and he will never hesitate to return it every day.

"Jie Jie, if you have time to worry about that traitor, you might as well worry about your own life." Suddenly, a sneer came into his mind.

In an instant, his expression changed suddenly.

"Who? Get out!" He shouted heavily.

"You little bastard, you're still so arrogant when you're about to die!" An extremely vicious voice came into his head again.

Boom boom boom! !The next moment, the entire space channel trembled violently, as if under a strong attack.

Until his mind was spinning, and then the entire passage was blasted, and the force of the violent turbulence hit him.

If his physical body hadn't reached the peak of Xiaocheng, just the power of this violent turbulent current would have crushed his divine body.

However, despite this, his complexion was still pale, he spurted blood wildly, and his eyes shot out a terrifying light.

"Little bastard, this time I want to see who else can save you."

"Kill my son, this hole mainly peels your skin and crushes your bones, so as to relieve the hatred in my heart." Two roars full of hatred sounded from the void.

hum!With a flash of divine light, two figures appeared.

"It's the two of you!" Looking at the two in front of him, Wentian gritted his teeth, his eyes flashing with murderous intent.

That's right, the two people who appeared here are none other than Zhenshen Cave Master and Kunshen Cave Master.

I didn't expect them to appear here, and even shot to blow up the space channel.

"Unexpected! Today is your death day next year."

"Without that traitor protecting you, you are no better than an ant in our eyes." The two Zhenshen Cave Masters sneered.

"If you want to kill me, Lin Wentian, you are not qualified enough!" Despite facing the two great gods, Wentian still didn't change his face.

"Lin Wentian, you are courting death!"

"Stop talking nonsense, kill him, or you will alarm Senior Qingfeng later." Zhenshen Cave Master roared.

After the words fell, the two roared and rushed out, and there were two monstrous attacks between raising their hands.

Not to mention the ancient realm, even the ordinary realm will be killed by the two of them, because they are the peak gods of the six realms, and their strength is enough to smash nothingness and blast the stars.

"You guys are the ones who died!" Wentian looked crazy and roared towards the sky.

boom!In an instant, a shocking divine light erupted from his body, causing the surrounding world to buzz, and causing nothingness to continue to shatter.

Because this is the power of the god king.

Of course, when he was leaving, Li Xiaoyao patted him on the shoulder, and injected a god-king power into his body, just to prevent someone from intercepting him halfway.

"Not good! This is the power of the god king!"

"Damn Li Xiaoyao..." The expressions of the two changed drastically, and they roared madly.

"The Divine King Tool, the Emerald King Staff!"

In that fleeting moment, with a touch of madness in their eyes, the two of them raised a jade scepter with a bang.

The Emerald King Staff, this is the god king weapon of the master of Dao Sect.

Unexpectedly, it would appear in the hands of the two of them. It seems that in order to be safe, the master of the Taoist sect lent his divine king weapon to the two of them.

Boom boom boom! !
Immediately, the entire nothingness continued to explode, completely annihilated within a radius of ten thousand miles, forming a "nothing" space.

I don't know how long it took, the two groups of blood continued to surge, and finally the flesh and blood were reborn, turning into two people, they were the Zhenshen Cave Master and the Kunshen Cave Master.

"What a happy God King, it's just a god king power, but it has such power. If the suzerain didn't lend us the Jade King Staff, I'm afraid we will be in trouble this time." Kunshen Cave Master said gloomyly.

"This kid should be dead, right?" Cave Master Zhenshen said, his eyes still filled with fear.

"Hmph... With both of us' cultivation levels being blown out of our bodies, how can that kid survive in the ancient realm." Kunshen Cave Master said disdainfully.

"Haha..." Immediately, Zhenshen Cave Master laughed wildly, his expression full of joy.


In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

On that day, Lin Wentian, the seventh son of the Immortal Peak, crushed and killed the disciples of the Taoist God Cave with his own power, and defeated Qing Ba, a disciple directly under the Taoist Sect. The news had already spread and caused a sensation.

The most shocking thing is that there is another Happy God King from the human race. Although he has just broken through the Seven Realms, his strength still seems to be higher than that of the master of Dao Sect.

Immediately, countless monks were alarmed.

"Hey! It's a pity!"

"The God King Xiaoyao was trapped by love, and entered the Dao Prison for the daughter of the Demon Emperor. I don't know if he will have a chance to come out in this life. Otherwise, if we add a God King to our human race, our strength will definitely increase."

In a city, several monks sat in a teahouse and sighed.

Suddenly, the sound of chains came from the front, but the people in this city were not surprised by this at all. They raised their heads and looked at a group of prisoners with indifference.

There were about a hundred of these prisoners, old and young, all bound by chains.

They wore white prison clothes and bare feet. Some children had blisters on the soles of their feet, which were worn out and blood flowed out. They walked around and turned, staining the ground red.

But these are not the main points. The most shocking thing is that there is a "sin" imprint on their foreheads, as if they were branded in their blood since they were born.

"Hmph... a group of sinners, I still think, it's better to wipe them out completely, so as not to harm our human race again." A monk said coldly, with a deep boredom on his face.

"Who are these people?" Someone asked in confusion.

"This little brother doesn't know something, these people are sinners!"

"It is said that in ancient times, their ancestors did something that shouldn't be done, which led to a war between humans and monsters. Our human race sacrificed many monks. They are human traitors." A monk answered.

Immediately, the young monk who asked the question also showed hatred on his face: "You deserve it for betraying my human race!"

(End of this chapter)

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