Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 837 A person who relies on Tianzong?

Chapter 837 A person who relies on Tianzong?
"Clatter! Crash!" The sound of chains resounded from the main street in the city.

When these chain sounds appeared, some people didn't pay any attention to them, as if they had long been used to hearing them, but some people suddenly raised their heads with deep contempt and boredom on their faces.

"Look, that's the Eighth Envoy." A female monk exclaimed, looking like she wanted to throw herself into her arms.

After all, although Lincheng is large, there are only nine envoys, and each envoy holds great power. Even if disciples from five clans and seven sects come here, it depends on their expressions.

This city of burying demons is not the forces of the five clans and seven sects, but an anti-magic force formed by the entire human race to fight against the demons.

It can be said that even if the suzerains and patriarchs of those powerful forces come in person, they will not be able to suppress these lords of the nine cities with their status and status.

Of course, the strong strength is excluded, because in this world, the strong will always be respected.

"Damn it, it's these sinners again!" In a private room, a man in gorgeous clothes, looking arrogant, said coldly with a dissatisfied expression.

"Young master, please calm down!"

"In my opinion, this sinner should have been put to death long ago, why should he stay here to embarrass himself." The two monks who seemed to be followers said with a cold expression.

"Brother Tianfeng doesn't know. Although the sinners are hateful and should have killed the nine clans, they are the best miners in Lincheng." A man in white said with a smile while holding a cup of tea.

"Brother Chiyang, what do you mean by this? Could it be that a mere group of ants will be useful?" The man in gorgeous clothes, who was called the young master by his followers, raised his eyes and looked contemptuously.


This smiling man in white clothes turned out to be Chi Yang, the sixth envoy of Lincheng.

This person can be said to be extremely talented, and he is also the youngest among the nine ambassadors in Lincheng, but despite this, he is still ranked sixth.

Because he is powerful and his cultivation has reached the peak of the ancient realm, he is a veritable young arrogance.

And the status of those who can sit with him will not be low.

This man in gorgeous clothes, with an air of arrogance, is a disciple of Yitian Sect, the head of the Seven Sects.

The most important thing is that he is the youngest grandson of the master of Yitian Sect, and his elder brother is famous. It is rumored that he can compete with the son of Thunder, Gu Jian, the son of the sword, Fang Yun, the son of the sacred, and the holy monk of Wukong. Son of Heaven, Tian E.

It was also for this reason that the sixth envoy from Lincheng sat with him, hoping to establish a good relationship.

"Brother Tianfeng, do you know why this city of burying demons is fighting against the demons all the year round?" Chi Yang said with a smile on his lips.

"That goes without saying, of course it's the crushing power of the nine city lords." Tianfeng said without thinking.

"No! No!"

"The strength of the nine city lords is unfathomable, but based on the words of the nine of them alone, it is still difficult to compete with the demons. After all, the background of my human race is still inferior to the demons."

"Brother Tianfeng, have you heard of the Devil's Cave?" Chi Yang, who was the sixth envoy, asked again.

"The devil's lair? It's a place where the devil is pervasive all the year round, but there are a lot of spirit stones under the ground?" Tianfeng frowned.

Speaking of the land of the magic mine, he rarely showed a touch of fear.

"That's right! It's the land of the magic mine!"

"This place is called the Devil's Cave. In the entire city of burying devils, among the nine major cities, it is also a place that is frightening. However, there is a huge spiritual vein under the ground. Not only are there many high-quality spirit stones, but also There are a large number of top-grade spirit stones."

"Ordinary monks, not to mention going into the depths to get stones, even if they step half a step into this devil's cave, they will be invaded by the devil's energy. If they are light sided, they will be enchanted by the devil, and if they are heavy sided, they will die instantly."

"Other people cannot take stones, but there is a group of people who can, and that is the sinners."

"That's why they have survived until today, otherwise, they would have been executed by the nine city lords long ago." The sixth messenger said slowly.

When Tianfeng heard this, his eyes widened immediately, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Traitors of the human race should be punished by heaven and earth!"

"Get out! Get out!"

Suddenly, there were bursts of insults from both sides of the street.

Bang bang bang! ! !

The next moment, some people picked up teacups or stones in their hands and threw them at Xiao Jiu and the others.

Among these people were monks and many mortals. Their expressions were filled with hatred, and their pupils were full of viciousness and viciousness.

Seeing this, the old patriarch and others did not dare to say anything.

They lowered their heads, dragged heavy chains, held shovels in their hands, and carried iron buckets on their backs, just like that, walking past countless cold eyes.

"We are not sinners! Don't hit my mother!" Xiao Jiu raised his head suddenly, his eyes were red, and he yelled angrily.

Not only that, but he even picked up a stone from the ground and threw it viciously.

"Xiao Jiu, don't..." Seeing this, the expressions of the others changed drastically, and extreme fear appeared in their pupils.

"Bang!" The stone thrown by Xiao Jiu seemed to contain amazing power, and it directly smashed the door and window of a box.

"You little bastard, you are looking for death!" From the box, there was an angry voice in an instant.

With a chirp, a divine light shot out sharply, hitting Xiao Jiu's eyebrows directly.

Obviously, it was to take his life.

"Little Nine..."

"Sir, please forgive me!"

As soon as this divine light came out, Xiao Jiu's mother exclaimed, her face pale as snow.

Seeing that Shenguang was about to shoot down Xiaojiu's eyebrows, Xiaojiu's face remained unchanged, revealing a stubbornness in his bones.

"Hmph..." A cold snort suddenly came from the air.

A shocking scene appeared.

I saw the divine light that killed Xiaojiu quickly, it returned to the disease strangely, and its speed was more than three times faster than before.

"Pfft!" Immediately, a flower of blood splashed from the window of the box, followed by a body falling down, and hit the street with a bang.


Looking at this scene, countless people's expressions changed drastically, and their legs couldn't help but retreat.

"Presumptuous! Who is so bold, dare to kill this young man?"

"Bang bang!" In an instant, several figures rushed out from the window of the box.

I saw Tianfeng and several followers, their expressions were gloomy, with murderous intent in their eyes.

That's right!The person who died was a follower beside him.

Although his cultivation base is not high, he has reached the peak of a true god, and he was unexpectedly killed by someone now.

In an instant, as the little grandson of the master of Yitian Sect, he was filled with great anger.

"Huh! It's that trash, this time there's a good show to watch." In the box, the sixth envoy picked up a cup of tea, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

Everyone in Lincheng knew that he had always been at odds with the eighth envoy, because he was able to become an envoy because of his real skills, but the other party had a good uncle who was the city lord.

Naturally, he felt disdain in his heart, and even stronger jealousy.

Thinking about how much he sacrificed and how much blood shed for the position of envoy back then, he was definitely close to death.

"Look, that's a disciple of Yitianzong!"

"No...he is not an ordinary disciple of the Yitian Sect, he is the youngest grandson of the master of the Yitian Sect, and his eldest brother is the young Supreme Tian'e."

"There is news that not long ago, the Son of Heaven, Tian'e, has condensed out of the small world and broke through to the realm. His strength is close to that of the giants in the second realm." Seeing Tianfeng who appeared, everyone screamed.

As soon as Tianfeng's name came out, all the people of the ancient clan panicked and their souls trembled, because such a strong man could kill them with just raising his hand.

"A member of the Yitian Sect?" On the other hand, Wentian drew the corners of his mouth, revealing an inexplicable smile.

(End of this chapter)

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