Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 852 You Are Too Weak!

Chapter 852 You Are Too Weak! (three more)

"Jie Jie, what kind of young emperor is nothing more than that." A cloud of blood mist condensed, and then the blood demon reorganized its body.

He licked his lips, as if reminiscing about the taste before.

Both the blood poisonous centipede and the bone demon sneered, their expressions full of contempt.

"The human race is indeed as weak as ants, and they are not worthy of my prince's attack, especially Lincheng of the first city." The demon prince's eyes were full of cruelty.

"Puff puff!!" At this moment, all the cultivators of the human race in the field fell, and very few survived.

"Is this the only ability for the princes of the two races of monsters?" A cold voice suddenly sounded from the human camp.

"who is it?"

As soon as the voice came out, the expressions of both humans and monsters changed drastically.

When the words fell, a golden light flew among the crowd.

When the golden light converged, a man with a slender body, black hair dancing wildly, and a cold expression stood in midair.


"Oh my god! He is the seventh immortal son of Thunder Cloud Sect!"

"What? The Seventh Son of Immortality? So, he is the son of the dragon, Lin Wentian?"

When everyone saw the face of the visitor, they were dumbfounded, and their hearts were filled with turmoil.

"Is he Lin Wentian, the son of the dragon who is rumored to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the son of the holy, the son of Tao, the son of the sword, the son of desolation, and the son of heaven?" The ambassador's heart thundered.

The next moment, he was ecstatic.

"Lin Wentian, the emperor of the ancient country!" Tianfeng wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, looking at Wentian with murderous eyes.

The person in front of him was the one whom Yitianzong had been chasing and killing, and he did not expect to appear in front of him now.

"Falling as the eighth envoy and reappearing his real body, this golden cicada's plan to escape its shell is enough to completely cover up the eighth envoy's fall in the ancient clan."

"In this way, it will also save the ancient people a lot of trouble." Wen Tian secretly said in his heart.

Immediately, his fierce and arrogant eyes swept across the monsters without any restraint.

"Bastard! What is the immortal seventh son, what is the son of the dragon, he is just an ant in front of our demons."

"Roar!" A demon suddenly yelled, showing cruel eyes, his body froze, and a powerful demonic energy swept out.

"Kill, kill, kill!" At the same time, the other monsters came back to their senses one after another, staring angrily, and the evil aura was overwhelming.


"What kind of a strong man is he who bullies the less!" the cultivator of the human race said angrily.

However, the corners of Wentian's mouth were drawn, revealing a deep disdain.

The next moment, I saw him lift his legs and step forward.

However, this seemingly ordinary step made everyone's eyes wide open.

"Boom!" A powerful and domineering aura erupted from his body like an ancient beast.

In an instant, that terrifying divine power swept out a storm.


"Not good! Quick!"

Many monsters and demons screamed in fear, and before they could react, the powerful storm of cultivation had already bombarded them.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

"Puff puff puff..." Immediately, they were blown away, not only their expressions were extremely terrified, but blood was spattered, and the bones in their bodies seemed to be shattered.

"Half-step realm?"

"No... Although he is half-step realm, his aura is much stronger than some early stage realms." The fifth envoy of Lincheng exclaimed, his eyes full of shock.

Because although he is also a half-step realm, compared with the son of the dragon in front of him, he is simply a luminous desire to compete with the bright moon.

He felt suffocated under the breath of the other party, and felt that he was as weak as an ant.

"This is the majesty of the emperor, and the imperial aura is extremely strong, not weaker than the Son of Heaven, even stronger!"

"Oh my God! He is worthy of being the emperor of a country, and his aura of the emperor alone can crush the cultivation of his peers."

Suddenly, everyone screamed.

Only relying on the majesty of the emperor, hundreds of monsters and demons can be scattered. This kind of strength is absolutely rare, and only a few young leaders can achieve it.

Not to mention them, even those demon clan princes, demon clan princes, and even the demon clan princes opened their eyes wide, and their expressions were shocked with a touch of deep fear.

"What about the half-step realm? My blood demon clan is one of the top ten monster clans, even if it is only the peak of the ancient realm, I can easily kill you." The next moment, the blood demon roared, and he opened his mouth in anger.

"Peng!" In an instant, a bloody light beam shot out with astonishing evil spirit, and its momentum was mighty.

"Be careful! The attack of the blood demon clan is no small matter. Once you are hit and injured, you will be devoured by the blood of the gods." The emissary who noticed it suddenly changed his expression.

"Blood demon?" But Wentian's expression was still full of contempt.

It's not that he's arrogant, but that he already has a deep understanding of the blood demon clan, and besides, he had killed a prince of the blood demon clan before.

After saying that, he stretched out his hand like this, and the Immortal Talisman of Returning to the Beginning appeared in his palm. Facing the bloody beam of light that came quickly, he spread his five fingers and gently grasped it.

"Pfft!" Under his grasp, the bloody light that seemed to have an astonishing momentum was easily wiped out without leaving a trace.

"Impossible..." Immediately, the blood demon's pupils widened and he roared in disbelief.

You must know that he is a blood demon, and he is also a royal family. Even if he fights with other demon princes, he will not be afraid at all, because the blood skills of their blood demon clan are mysterious and unpredictable.

But now...

Looking at the young man in white who seemed to have never put him in front of him from the very beginning, boundless fear welled up in his heart for the first time.

"Compared to that blood demon prince back then, you are too weak!" Wentian said indifferently.

Immediately, his eyes flashed coldly, the palms of his hands closed, and then slowly raised.

"Buzz buzz!!" As he raised his hands, the whole void buzzed, and the next moment, two monstrous waves appeared out of thin air with a bang.

"The cage of water!" His eyes suddenly closed.

Boom! !In an instant, two waves of sea surged rapidly, surrounded the blood demon with astonishing momentum, and then formed a ten thousand zhang water ball.

It is more appropriate to say it is a water polo than a cage.

"This prince is a blood demon, mere Shui Yuanli can't kill me."

"Boom boom boom!" The blood demon roared in the cage, and even crashed wildly, trying to break the cage.

"Water Element Change!"

"Frozen!" But in the blink of an eye, Wentian's hand seal changed.

boom!A frightening cold air suddenly enveloped the entire boundary platform. Compared with the ice power he used as the eighth emissary before, it was more powerful than before.

As soon as this cold air came out, those monsters who wanted to attack and kill him all looked terrified, and they were frozen in nothingness like this.

Especially the water cage, it was completely frozen in the blink of an eye, forming a ten thousand zhang ice sphere.

What is shocking is that the body of this ice ball is not white, but crimson, because he traps a blood demon prince.

"Killing you is just a matter of raising your hand!"

"Star Picker!" Wen Tian shouted, and immediately his five fingers turned into claws, forming a whirlpool and grabbing out.

(End of this chapter)

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