Eternal Mad Emperor

Chapter 856 One Move Annihilation

Chapter 856 Annihilation with One Move

Four of the six artifacts have already appeared in the fairy array, namely a tripod, a spear, a bead, and the mysterious tower shadow in the center. I didn't expect to show another one now.


"Broken Star!" At this moment, Wentian raised a monstrous sword force from his whole body, and charged straight at Jiutian Yunxiao.

"Om!" Immediately, the sword shadows in the six arrays of immortal weapons erupted with an incomparably bright purple light.

In the shocked and incredible eyes of the others, a purple long sword suddenly solidified completely.

Broken Star!

That's right, it is the heavy sword Broken Star.

With the broken star long sword in his hand, in a split second, the aura on his body suddenly exploded again, and he continued to climb upwards, seemingly endless, wanting to break through this boundary platform, break through this interstellar space.

"Is that mere mortal weapon?"

"Jie Jie! It's so ridiculous, even trying to kill us with a mortal weapon!"

I thought that the other party had sacrificed some ancient treasure, or a magical weapon, but I didn't expect it to be an ordinary sword. In an instant, all the monsters laughed contemptuously.

However, the corners of Wentian's mouth were drawn, revealing a deep sneer.

Under the disdainful eyes of countless monster races, he held a purple broken star in his right hand, and gently wiped it with his left hand.

With a single touch, the broken star still shone with purple light, not a golden broken star with bright golden light.

But the weird thing is that under this touch, it trembled all over, and then surged with mysterious ancient runes.

Boom boom boom! !

Immediately, an extremely heavy aura rose from it like a volcano, even with Wentian's cultivation base and physical body, he couldn't help sinking his hands.

"Hum!" A powerful sword field instantly centered on him, covering the entire boundary platform. Immediately after, his black hair danced wildly, his eyes were like thunder, and he held swords in both hands, and suddenly let go.

Suddenly, the tip of the sword fell.

"Storm Sword Splitting Shadow!" He roared with a domineering expression.

As soon as the word "Storm Sword Split Shadow" came out, the Broken Star, which fell heavily, collapsed strangely and turned into countless purple spots of light.

"Playing tricks!" A demon king snorted coldly with a look of disdain.

But at this moment, the face of the demon prince changed suddenly, and he shouted: "Be careful!"

"It's late!" Wentian looked cold.

"Buzz buzz buzz!!" In an instant, all the purple light spots in the sword field disappeared, replaced by countless sword blades densely packed.

Such a horrifying scene made countless people tremble in their hearts.

"Not good! Run away!"

"Puff puff!!"

"What? How is this possible?"

Under the critical attack of the sword blades, there were countless screams from the entire platform, as if they had fallen into a peerless sword realm.

Although a sword blade is weak, it may not pose a threat to them, but if it is a hundred, ten thousand, or a million, let alone an ancient realm, even an ordinary realm will still have blood splashed on the spot.

In the eyes of countless people who were shocked and full of disbelief, the audience burst out with blood, blood staining the entire stage, like turning into a bloody purgatory, the strong smell of blood is simply disgusting.

Unexpectedly, even though he had been asleep for half a year, Wentian's kendo still grew rapidly.

Maybe when it comes to swordsmanship, he still can't compare to Gu Jian, who is the son of the sword, but among the younger generation, except for Gu Jian, he dares to be the first, and no one dares to be the second.

Because the way he cultivated is the way of Kuangba swordsmanship, the more arrogant and domineering he is, the stronger his power will be.

"Dead! All dead!"

" is this possible?"

"Not only does he have the power of a dragon, but his physical body is as strong as a beast, and even his swordsmanship has reached this level?"

Looking at the boundary platform filled with blood mist, a Sword Palace disciple opened his eyes wide and screamed uncontrollably.

Because he never thought that besides the son of the sword, there are people whose swordsmanship has reached such a level.

Not to mention him, even the envoys, the elders of Yitianzong's realm were stunned, and turbulent waves set off in their hearts.

The army of thousands of monsters who had been killing intent before was almost wiped out here, except for a huge monster.

This gigantic monster covered in devilish energy was covered with innumerable sword paths, and blood flowed out crazily, staining the entire boundary platform red.

"You..." Its huge pupils showed panic, and its huge body trembled from pain or extreme fear.

It turned out to be the prince of the demon clan before, but now it is not a human body, but a troll.

This demon has a pair of huge demon wings, a head with long horns, and a red glow on its forehead, but it is not the bloody mark like before, but a strange pupil that is only half opened.

"Brave Sword Intent, Violent Sword Split Shadow, are you the descendant of that kendo madman back then?"

"No... that's impossible! Didn't the madman fall from the rumors? How did you get his inheritance? Could it be..."

Suddenly, the Yaozu old woman screamed, and finally she set her eyes on the Broken Star in Wentian's hand.

At the same time, the ambassador also narrowed his eyes, and the next moment he seemed to think of something, his whole body trembled, and a chill gushed out from the bottom of his heart.

"Is it really that person, he hasn't fallen yet?" He felt a buzzing in his head.

Regarding the performance of these giants in the realm, although Wentian was puzzled, he didn't think too much about it. The purple light in his hand was shining brightly, and Broken Star was held in his hand again.

Immediately, his eyes were extremely sharp, looking at the demon prince who had turned into a huge monster.

"Third Prince, come back quickly!" The demon old man roared, his expression suddenly turned pale, as if he had thought of something terrible.

"Boy, wait! Next time I meet this prince, I will take your life!" The demon prince roared, and then it opened its mouth wide, and spewed out something strangely.

This turned out to be a mutated egg.

This is a magic egg, because it contains amazing magic energy, and there are countless ancient magic lines.

Just when this magic egg appeared, for some reason, Wentian's heart skipped a beat and he felt a strong sense of crisis.

"Back!" In a split second, he made a decision in his mind.

At the same time, the magic egg suddenly cracked open, and a frightening magic glow erupted.

"Boom!" Just when everyone thought that some creature was going to be born from it, unexpectedly, the magic egg exploded suddenly, and the rumbling sound was earth-shattering.


Even though Wentian reacted very quickly, he retreated quickly before the devil egg exploded, but he was still affected by the aftermath, he spurted a mouthful of blood, and his breath weakened instantly.

He felt heart palpitations during this time, if he reacted more slowly just now, the consequences would be unimaginable for him.

"That's a special forbidden weapon of the demons, the devil egg!" the ambassador exclaimed.

Also at this moment, the demon prince took the opportunity to escape, and finally rushed out of the boundary platform as he wished.

"Lin Wentian, one day this prince will repay this revenge to you a hundred times, a thousand times." His pupils were full of viciousness.

This time was definitely a great shame and humiliation for him who was aloof. After leaving the stage, he was already planning how to take revenge in the future.

"Instant Sword One Style!" Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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